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Highlights #318

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The windy forest is checkered

By the light of the setting,

Waning moon. I tune the lute,

Its strings are moist with dew.

The brook flows in the darkness

Below the flower path. The thatched

Roof is crowned with constellations.

As we write the candles burn short.

Our wits grow sharp as swords while

The wine goes round. When the poem

Contest is ended, someone

Sings a song of the South. And

I think of my little boat,

And long to be on my way.


More by Tu Fu at


You've set a limit. The limitless
isn't discovered by pretending
we don't deal with limits.
In this case, you've taken the
role as limit-setter. Who set
the limits of the physical universe,
e.g., gravity or the patterns
by which energy functions? This
is the unknown Who that we are.
Refusing to ever set limits is
to refuse to be Who.

Limits allow space-time to unfold.
Only a universe with limits
is unlimited.


YES! Exactly! Thank you.
I watched Clint Eastwood's movie last nite, Magnum Force,
and the very last line in the movie he says...
"A man has got to know his limitations."


Gene: The Vast Living Universe is filled with us tadpoles, and it
hopes that from all of this protoplasm, a few mature frogs will
emerge. Protplasm is cheap; conscious experience is valuable. Nothing
is random.

> I keep trying to sort out whether one thing is the right thing
> or is it the other thing which is the right thing but in moments
> of clarity I can see neither is or both are; makes no difference
> at all really.
Yes, in the long run, in the big picture, everything is just 'fine'.
If a person is 'stuck' in the synthetic timeframe of 'identity', many
things seem 'right' and 'wrong'. Leaving such identity-bound
timeframes, even for a few moments, will yield the telling
difference, which is never forgotten. It is this moment of knowing
the 'difference which is no difference' which you allude to above.

The Vast Living Universe wants us all to succeed, but it knows that
only conscious experience equals success. Many individuals fail to
see beyond individual identity, beyond collective identity, beyond
'no identity', into how each moment reveals the intentions of the
living system in which we are imbedded. To see how each thing that
happens is actually a powerful promotion and forwarding of the
intention of this living system in which we are imbedded, is to
understand just how to take the lead that is always offered, and to
thus be able to dance gracefully with what is happening.

In this regard, submission allows our leading partner to take us to
places that inform and delight us.

This is my submission,


This I found in the rear of Method of the Siddhas...seems appropriate

The Way of the Heart that Adi Da has Revealed is an invitation to
everyone to assume real responsibility for his or her life. As Adi Da
has said in the Dawn Horse Testament "If anyone is interested in the
realization of the heart, let him or her first submit, formally and by
heart, to me, and thereby commence the ordeal of self observation, self
understanding, and self transcendence." Therefore, particpation in the
way of the heart requires real struggle with oneself, and not at all a
struggle with Adi Da, or with others.

All who study the way of the heart or take up its practice should
remember that they are responding to a Call to become responsible for
themselves. They should understand that they, not Adi Da or others, are
responsible for any decision they may make or action they take in the
course of their lives of study or practice.


I guess I just don't get it.
Oh, now I see. You are trying to get the world to
make sense. Oh no no no. It'll never happen. :-)


Since when do
>you have two "me's"??
>Politely just inquiring,

I have a ____of the past,
an alter ego,
a doppelganger, an evil
twin, and a shadow.
Don't mess with me :-)
Unless you're the same ;-)

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you - Nobody - Too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise - you know!

~ Emily Dickinson

Hello, dears:

Over 2500 years ago, the Buddha moderated a non-dual list and here is an
instruction he gave to all the subscribers.

"Monk subscribers, there are these five aspects of speech by which
others may address you: timely or untimely, true or false, affectionate
or harsh, beneficial or unbeneficial, with a mind of good-will or with
inner hate. Others may address
you in a timely way or an untimely way. They may address you with what
is true or what is false. They may address you in an affectionate way or
a harsh
way. They may address you in a beneficial way or an unbeneficial way.
They may address you with a mind of good-will or with inner hate.

In any event, you should train yourselves: 'Our minds will be unaffected
and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic to that
person's welfare, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We
will keep pervading her with an awareness imbued with good will and,
beginning with her, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world
with an awareness imbued with good will -- abundant, expansive,
immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.' That's how you
should train yourselves.

Suppose that a person were to come along carrying a hoe & a basket,
saying, 'I will make this great earth be without earth.' He would dig
here & there, scatter soil here & there, spit here & there, urinate here
& there, saying, 'Be without earth. Be without earth.'

Now, what do you think -- would he make this great earth be without

"No, Lord," said Neoananda. "Why is that?" asked the Buddha.

"Because this great earth is deep & enormous. It can't
easily be made to be without earth. The man would reap only a share of
weariness & disappointment."

"In the same way, monk subscribers, there are these five aspects of
speech by which others may address you: timely or untimely, true or
false, affectionate or harsh, beneficial or unbeneficial, with a mind of
good-will or with inner hate. Others may address you in a timely way or
an untimely way. They may address you with what is true or what is
false. They may address you in an affectionate way or a harsh way. They
may address you in a beneficial way or an unbeneficial way. They may
address you with a mind of good-will or with inner hate.

In any event, you should train yourselves: 'Our minds will be unaffected
and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic to that
person's welfare, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We
will keep pervading him with an awareness imbued with good will and,
beginning with him, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world
with an awareness imbued with good will equal to the great earth --
abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill

That's how you should train yourselves."

And the Buddha and his monk subscrbers lived in peace for many weeks ,
until Judiananda decided to post some ****...and then...well that is
another quote. ,^))


Water Night
by: Octavio Paz

Night with the eyes of a horse that trembles in the night,
night with eyes of water in the field asleep is
in your eyes, a horse that trembles,
is in your eyes of secret water.

Eyes of shadow-water,
eyes of well -water,
eyes of dream-water.

Silence and solitude,
Two little animals moon-led,
drink in your eyes,
drink in those waters.

If you open your eyes,
night opens, doors of musk,
the secret kingdom of the water opens
flowing from the center of night.

And if you close your eyes,
a river fills you from within,
flows forward, darkens you:
night brings its wetness to beaches in your soul.


This nonduality work -- whether it's breaking away from the
Kundalini list, or breaking away from the I AM list, or
breaking away from the trend of nonduality web sites, or
breaking the mold by listing you and you and you as nondual
realizers and confessors because you are, or breaking away
from being identified with any predominant world religion or
teacher, or breaking away from the need for moderation, or
breaking out of the persona of being the un-moderator --
this nonduality work arises in the moment. Strangely, I miss
neemyth. Because I know that what I just said is total
bullshit. I need to break away from it. How about you? What
do you need to break away from?
There is no need
to break away from anything, unless one is impatient - all
things will in the course of events break away from "you"


"Watch deeply , then you will become the
host and thoughts will be the guests. And
as guests they are beautiful, but if you forget
completely that you are the host and they become
the hosts, then you are in a mess. This is what
hell is. You are the master of the house, the house belongs
to you, and guests have become the masters. Receive
them, take care of them; but don't get identified with
them, otherwise, they will become the masters."

"Of course, there are bad visitors and good visitors,
but you need not be worried about them. A good host
treats all the guests in the same way, without making
distinctions. A good host is just a good host: a bad thought
comes and he also treats the bad thought in the same way
he treats a good thought. It is not his concern whether the
thought is good or bad.

What are you doing once you make the distinction that
this thought is good and that thought is bad? You are
bringing the good thought nearer to yourself and pushing
the bad thought further away. Sooner or later you will
get identified with the good thought; the thought is the
pretender and you get identified with it. Identification is
the disease."
Osho from "Only One Sky


Everybody has a sorrow in his heart. We have radios and televisions; we
have jet planes and motor cars; we have the best food to eat and most
attractive dress to put on; we have got social status and position; we
have got money to spend and to burn. There is nothing that we lack,
materially speaking. But we are unhappy, we are sorrow-stricken and we
have a grief at the bottom of our heart. This is the essence of the
whole matter. This grief is present in every human being,--you, me and
everyone--in spite of the fact that we have all comforts conceivable
that can be bestowed upon us by science and industry. The purpose of the
incarnation of these Masters is to point out where the crux of the whole
problem lies. They are the physicians of the soul and they come to
diagnose the illness of the spirit in man.

We are dissimilar in every respect. We speak different languages and we
have different ideals in social life. We eat different kinds of food and
we have differences in every respect. But, there is one thing which
keeps us together, and that is what we call the soul of man. Bodies are
different, languages are different, houses are different, everything may
be different, but the soul cannot be different. My soul and your soul
are the same and they speak the same language. Though verbally I may be
speaking a vernacular of India or the English language, somebody else
may be speaking in French or German, the soul in all speaks in a single
language. The language of the soul in the West is the same as the
language of the soul in the East. The language of the soul of a man is
the same as the language of the soul of a woman or that of a child, for
the matter of that, because the soul is indistinguishable in its
characteristic. While the characteristics of personalities may differ,
the characteristics of the structure of the soul do not differ. So, here
is a common ground for a real unity among all people.

You do not 'have' a soul. You yourself 'are' the soul. So, do not say,
'I have a soul inside me.' As I just mentioned, this is a peculiar
baby's idea of the soul. What you yourself are, that is the soul. So,
minus you what is the soul, and minus the soul what are you? They are
identical. You are the soul; the soul is you.



Absolute Awareness dawns with Perfect Clarity when the mind subsides
into the Total Silence of the Self. The Unlimited Nature of "Now"
becomes Fully Self-Evident. The Self Sees IT Self by It Self and Through
It Self.

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