"Clearly written, highly accessible, and extraordinarily insightful."  --James Braha

Nonduality is the experience of our true nature. --from the book

Nonduality does not mean "one" in the sense of eliminating all differences. The differences are present in the one in a mysterious way. They are not separated anymore, and yet they are there." --Bede Griffiths

Nonduality is both no-thing and everything, empty yet full of pure potentiality. It is immanent and transcendent, formed and formless.
--John Prendergast

This is, perhaps, the central mystery of the universe: that as things become more unified, less separate, so also they become more individual, and most precious. --Christopher Alexander

An "I can't put it down" book ... the best single collection dealing with Nonduality that I have ever found.
-Bob Rose, Meditation Society of America

"Best reference guide to nonduality on the market today."
-Paul Cohen, Monkfish Book Publishing Company

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An Overview

One: Essential Writings on Nonduality weaves

--the desire for nonduality

--the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi

--self-realization confessions from major traditions: Sufism, Judaism, Christianity, Native American Tradition, Buddhism, Taoism, Advaita

--the nondual perspectives of psychotherapy, education, art, and the movie The Matrix

--and a conclusion grounded in the Heart Sutra

to present a sweeping introduction to the teaching of nonduality.

Here are some excerpts. They include the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, a summary of nondual confessions from major traditions, and an introduction to the nondual perspectives of psychotherapy, education, art, and the movie The Matrix.

The Essential Teachings
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

Selected by David Godman

This chapter describes the practices that allow us to carry through our desire for nonduality: inquiry, or attention to I-thought so that we may know its source, and surrender to Self or God. We are reminded that we are not separate from the Self. Because we are not separate from the Self, the Self cannot be reached as though it is at Point B while we are at Point A. But the Self can be realized or recognized. Sri Ramana Maharshi talks about the nature of Self, the nature of mind and ego, and where and how to turn our attention.This material was selected by David Godman from published works of Ramana Maharshi.

Question: How can I attain Self-realisation?

Bhagavan: Realisation is nothing to be gained afresh; it is already there. All that is necessary is to get rid of the thought, ‘I have not realised’.

Stillness or peace is realisation. There is no moment when the Self is not. So long as there is doubt or the feeling of non-realisation, the attempt should be made to rid oneself of these thoughts. They are due to the identification of the Self with the not-Self. When the not-Self disappears, the Self alone remains. To make room, it is enough that the cramping be removed; room is not brought in from elsewhere.

Question:Since realisation is not possible without vasana-kshya [destruction of mental habits and tendencies], how am I to realise that state in which the vasanas [mental tendencies] are effectively destroyed?

Bhagavan: You are in that state now!

Question: Does it mean that by holding on to the Self, the vasanas should be destroyed as and when they emerge?

Bhagavan: They will themselves be destroyed if you remain as you are.

Question: How shall I reach the Self?

Bhagavan: There is no reaching the Self. If Self were to be reached, it would mean that the Self is not here and now but that it is yet to be obtained. What is got afresh will also be lost. So it will be impermanent. What is not permanent is not worth striving for. So I say the Self is not reached. You are the Self; you are already That.

The fact is, you are ignorant of your blissful state. Ignorance supervenes and draws a veil over the pure Self which is bliss. Attempts are directed only to remove this veil of ignorance, which is merely wrong knowledge. The wrong knowledge is the false identification of the Self with the body, mind, etc. This false identification must go, and then the Self alone remains.

Therefore, realisation is for everyone. Realisation makes no difference between the aspirants. This very doubt, whether you can realise, and the notion ‘I-have-not-realised’ are themselves the obstacles. Be free from these obstacles also.

In the experience of one’s own true state of knowledge, one’s real nature, the ideas of bondage and liberation do not exist. There is no attainment of liberation from bondage in the ultimate state of supreme truth, except in one’s imagination.

It is because the mind, the vain ego, is habituated to the thought of bondage that enthusiastic efforts to attain liberation arise. Separation and union exist only through the ignorance of the jiva [the individual self]. They do not exist in the nature of the real, which is jnana [true knowledge] only.

Nondual Confessions

These confessions are not grounded in mystical experiences that came and went, leaving a strong memory of a momentary recognition of nondual reality. Rather, they arise out of the ground of permanent and continuous realization of the Self. Glimpses of the Self, the Absolute, or whatever one wishes to call it, are not uncommon. Certainly such glimpses can be beneficial in life. They give us a bigger perspective on day-to-day living and therefore ease our suffering. Memory of mystical experience can bring a measure of peace. What may arise is an awareness of and detachment from what John Wren-Lewis called “a collective nightmare of separate individuals struggling in an alien universe for survival, satisfaction, and significance.”

These confessors, with their madness about nonduality, Self, or God, come from a variety of traditions, briefly described here.

Advaita Vedanta

From Advaita Vedanta comes Dattatreya, supposedly the author of the Avadhuta Gita.“The Avadhuta Gita is … written in spirited Sanskrit verse, which breathes the atmosphere of the highest experience of Brahman [Hindu name for God or Self]. It goes into no philosophical argument to prove oneness of reality, but is content to make the most startling statements, leaving the seeker of truth to imbibe them and be lifted from illusion into the blazing light of Knowledge (jnana).”

In the Avadhuta Gita we see Dattatreya blaze:

“I, the One only, am all this, beyond space and continuous. How can I see the Self as visible or hidden? … Thus you are One. Why then do you not understand that you are the unchangeable One, equally perceived in all? O mighty One, how can you, who are ever-shining, unrestricted, think of day and night?”


About the Sufi Ibn ’Arabi it is said, “All his life [he] felt the pain of not being understood.Yet the breadth and depth of his wisdom, insight, vision, and knowledge was and is awesome to whomever catches a glimpse of it. Many of his expressions of divine mysteries have never been improved upon.”

Listen to a few lines of Ibn ’Arabi’s confession in which Allah is called “He,” and which could be called Self or God for purposes of this book:

He is the First without anything before Him. He is the Last without anything after Him. He is Visible in all that is seen. He is Known, clearly, in all that is hidden. He is in all forms and images without any relation to any appearance. He is the secret and the appearance of the first letter announcing the beginning of existence. He is the presence of all the letters that belong to the First and all the letters that belong to the Last and is the presence in all the letters that are visible and all the letters that are hidden.

May Allah have mercy on the soul of Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi, and may He be pleased with him and bestow peace upon his soul.

Such confessions come forth when the desire for nonduality is turned toward inquiry or surrender.With such intensity, existence as the Self is known, perceived, and experienced, whether or not passionate written description emerges.


Though the authors of the Kabbalah of Judaism are not known, we hear the spirit of the song of the free:

“The depth of primordial being is called Boundless. Because of its concealment from all creatures above and below, it is also called Nothingness. If one asks, ‘What is it?’ the answer is,‘Nothing.’”


The Tao Te Ching is widely known as the classic philosophical and scriptural text of Taoism.Though Lao Tzu is the named author,Victor H. Mair, editor of the version excerpted here, states that this Taoist text “represents the accumulated wisdom of centuries, not the enterprise of one author.”

To realize that you do not understand is a virtue;
Not to realize that you do not understand is a defect.
The reason why
The sage has no defects,
Is because he treats defects as defects.
He has no defects.

Native American Tradition

Kent Nerburn tells us about the Native American writer Ohiyesa, “He was ever the observer, journeying ever deeper into the ways of white culture, trying, as his grandmother had always instructed him, ‘to follow a new trail to the point of knowing.’The writings he has left are the documents of that journey, crafted by a man with a warrior’s heart, an orator’s tongue, and human spirit of such dignity that it transcends boundaries of race and belief.” Ohiyesa wrote:

We believe profoundly in silence – the sign of a perfect equilibrium. Silence is the absolute poise or balance of body, mind, and spirit. Those who can preserve their selfhood ever calm and unshaken by the storms of existence –not a leaf, as it were, astir on the tree; not a ripple upon the shining pool – those, in the mind of the person of nature, possess the ideal attitude and conduct of life. If you ask us, “What is silence?” we will answer, “It is the Great Mystery.The holy silence is God’s voice.” If you ask, “What are the fruits of silence?” we will answer,“They are self-control, true courage or endurance, patience, dignity, and reverence. Silence is the cornerstone of character.”


The chapter on nondual Christianity is challenging and extreme. In the life and teaching of Bernadette Roberts we meet a Christian apophatic contemplative.

“Bernadette Roberts is the first advanced contemplative to psychologically describe complete human transformation in the Divine: first as the ego falls away, then followed by the self ’s unconscious dissolution, and finally self ’s ultimate end.” Roberts confesses, “In order to come upon Eternal Form, all form must first be an absolute void where nothing can possibly be relative to it; it is only from this position that Eternal Form can be revealed. By definition the divine or Absolute is ‘that’ which is nonrelative, and the only thing that can be nonrelative is a void of voids. This void of voids or absolute nothing IS Christ.”


“If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha!” is a Zen teaching emphasizing focus upon the Self and nothing outward: not authorities, teachers, visions, hopes and dreams, ideas, experiences, or the works of self-realized people. The Buddhist scripture the Diamond Sutra is, like the confession of Bernadette Roberts, difficult to grasp. Wei Wu Wei writes:

The essential doctrine of the Diamond Sutra is that no sort or kind of self is to be considered as existing. Having disposed of the I-concept, the Buddha proceeds to dispose of the elements that serve as the basis for it.… In short, as Hui Neng realized so early in life, nothing at all exists, which is the Void. But the Buddha always adds that therefore everything exists in some manner.

Nondual Perspectives

 If nonduality makes sense to us as a good perspective from which to live life, then it would be worthwhile to know who is living life that way, what they’re doing, and why their work is significant.


John J. Prendergast provides an excellent introduction to nonduality and then shows how therapists may apply awakening nondual awareness in their practices. He says,

[An] impact of an awakening nondual awareness is an enhanced capacity to be with what is. All mainstream schools of psychotherapy understand the importance of acceptance, yet the dualistic mind can never be an agent of complete acceptance. The mind only accepts what is conditionally, hoping that if something is accepted, it will change. The living insight of nondual awareness is that everything already is accepted and embraced just as it is. As awakening deepens, the judging mind loses its grip and attention becomes increasingly innocent, intimate, and impersonally affectionate.


When it comes to educating our children, Steven Harrison calls for a focus upon awareness so that the information absorbed by children is integrated wholly:

Awareness doesn’t need more information. It needs only enough information. This intelligence, the quality that mediates information into wisdom, is seldom referenced in school. If we do not include awareness in what we convey to our children, then aren’t we teaching them to be unconscious and to be consumers of an endless stream of pointless information and products?

The young child inhabits a vast array of kinds of intelligence held in the body/mind. Their need for information is intense, but it is mediated by the other capacities of their system – their feelings, sensations, and body appetites for movement and play. We can channel all of their life energy into the absorption of information, but without the intelligence of the whole child, we will produce adults who have a great deal of fragmented data, but have integrated nothing.

Later Harrison says, “The life of inquiry, the life of open learning, requires ... investigation of and contact with everything, just as it is.”


Jerry Wennstrom is an artist living on Whidbey Island in Washington State. His story is one of surrender to God or Self:

In 1979, I destroyed all the art I had created, gave everything I owned away, and began a new life. I sensed an inner and outer world in perfect order. I sensed that I could become a willing participant in that order, and that it allowed for my individual expression and unique contribution. I know now that my participation was conditional on how well I learned to listen and to see the inherent patterns within the natural order I sensed. The return of a physical creative expression came later, after I learned what was required by the inner life. The new life that I gave myself to required unconditional trust and noninterference. I asked for nothing from any human being. I needed to know if there was a God, and I risked my life to find that out. I know now that we risk far more when we attempt to create a life devoid of a personal relationship with our God.

The Matrix

Pradheep Chhalliyil, a scientist living in Iowa, shows how the movie The Matrix depicts reality from the nondual perspective. The Matrix is a computer program that controls human minds. In the story, human beings are kept in pods, serving as energy sources for artificial intelligence. Their brains are connected to the Matrix program which allows people in pods to think they are living in a normal world in which they wake and sleep, date, marry, have jobs, etc. It is a life of unawareness of reality. Many live like that now in this world.

Because every thought depends on the mind – the thinker – we become a slave to the mind. Every experience we go through, every impression we take-in molds our future thoughts and actions. As we go through life we program ourselves to accept a world that is not more real than the world of The Matrix. Our world becomes a Self-created reality with its own mind-created logic to justify it. Thus we lose our real freedom, our unbounded nature. If “happy” thoughts flow, we are happy. If “sad” thoughts flow, we are sad. All emotions are nothing but thoughts. If they get completely out of control we can even go insane. And it all seems so real!

As we read these accounts of nondual perspective, over and over again we will find accord with the practice of inquiry and surrender prescribed by Sri Ramana Maharshi. These perspectives are various ways of confessing or calling for a turn toward awareness, Self, God, our unbounded nature. That turning is the job of one who desires nonduality.

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David McMullin
Founder, Advaita Sages Study Group in Chicago

I finished reading your book, ONE, a week or so ago and enjoyed it very much.  It is a good collection of significant articles and constitutes a nice little library of Advaita materials -

I particularly appreciate two chapters, one the chapter on Taoism, Lao Tzu, the information about a more accurate translation and the various corrections.  The chapter added much to my understanding of the document -

The other most appreciated chapter was on Ohiyesa, who I had never heard of before.  It was the most articulate presentation of the native American orientation that I have come across -

To me, Bernadette Roberts really misses the essential insights of Advaita.  I shudder at the thought that readers may think her's is one of the best Advaita type statements to be found in Christianity -

I did not see The Matrix Trilogy and found that chapter quite enticing.  When I get a chance I now want to see that movie.  As presented in the chapter, it must surely be a most ambitious attempt to present a view of our place in the universe which is more accurate than most others.  I appreciate the interpretation.  This chapter motivates me to do something I would not otherwise do -

The chapter on The Radical Nature of Nonduality contained one of the most powerful statements for me, presenting a point in a way that I had never thought of before:

"If you think that to know Allah depends on your ridding yourself of yourself, then you are guilty of attributing partners to Him--the only unforgivable sin--because you are claiming that there is another existence beside Him, the All-Existent: that there is a you and a He."  Solid stuff!

Once again, Jerry, thank you for what you have done and for sharing it with me.  I'm making the book available to our group and I'm sure it will have appreciative readers -

Roy Whenary
The Texture of Being

I like the way in which Jerry Katz has drawn on a disparate range of writings from many different traditions and non-traditions, thus pointing to the fact that ‘Non-Duality’ is not the possession of any one school of thought, any one teacher or lineage. Indeed, it is expressed through untold different languages of the spirit, stemming from many different cultures and traditions. It just confirms that there is not just ONE way of saying it, as some may think.  

I can hear some critics already lining up to point out that ‘ONE’ is a non-dualistically incorrect term. I hear them already saying: "If there is ONE, then there must also be TWO and THREE, etc", therefore there cannot be just ONE". They may prefer to say "NOT-TWO", rather than simply ‘ONE’. Reading ‘ONE’ it is clear that it doesn’t matter either way. We do not need to get caught up in the words. What is said or written can only ever be a pointer to that which is beyond words. This modest volume is packed with many such pointers.

I highly commend the book ‘ONE’ compiled so expertly by Jerry Katz. It is a book that can be approached from several angles. Read it from cover to cover, or just dip into it at random. Read a specific chapter (such as Sufism or Christianity) and explore a ‘language of the spirit’ that perhaps you are not so familiar with. Wherever you choose to dwell, you will find a ‘language of the spirit’ which points beyond language itself, which points to the deep heart of all understanding - deep in the realisation of ‘ONE’.

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
Author, How to Attain Enlightenment on the Major Deegan Expressway!

“One: Essential Readings on Nonduality,” by Jerry Katz is an excellent and enjoyable read both for advanced travelers and new students on the path to spiritual learning. This book’s strength is its diversity in presentation of multiple spiritual paths, with their varied, individual teachings and how they come together, on an inner level, to express Nonduality or the Oneness of Creation.

For the spiritual traveler, one of the initial spiritual experiences is this Oneness Experience; where the traveler is taken out of them self and experiences through the Light, the Oneness present in all Forms. This experience is a coming together of the traveler’s own inner awareness with the universal Light of Creation- which is present in all things. This Light is the connecting and life giving factor. This experience is essentially a merging of the individual’s own ‘little’ Light with the ‘greater’ universal Light.

In this book, different religious forms and teachings are offered which vary, externally in their presentation of this singular factor; these variations represent the external reality of religious form. Externally, religions and spiritual teachings vary/change, because people and customs vary across time; yet, on an inner level, or with the internal spiritual reality, these expressions are Singular.

This book does a fine job providing example after example of the Oneness theme present in cinema, literature, philosophy and religious/spiritual teachings. It was a fun read to partake of this spiritual smorgasbord.

One of the book’s challenges and this is a challenge for all spiritual literature and learning- is how to express what is essentially a spiritual experience in a written or intellectual format. “While the intellect can take us to the door- it is the heart which opens it.”

In the final analysis, does this beautifully written, well crafted, literary experience convince the traveler, who is skeptical about all of this that there is an underlying singular, reality present in all spiritual forms? This singular reality being termed- Nonduality. That is the challenge this book takes-up; and for me- it was an enjoyable read and visit with some old friends.

Ultimately, individual readers and spiritual travelers, who are unfamiliar with this unifying spiritual experience, will have to decide if this book does it for them . . .

James Braha
Author Living Reality: My Extraordinary Summer with 'Sailor' Bob Adamson

A beautiful text presenting non duality from several diverse perspectives and spiritual traditions.  The unique chapters are clearly written, highly accessible, and extraordinarily insightful.  The material on Ramana Maharshi alone is worth the price of the book.  Exciting and highly recommended.

Jemille Hardy

As an adolescent, I renounced the religion of my family and the wholde idea of religion.  Years later, after having an experience in which I was "within" what I can only call the Source Self, I received something, replacing religion,  to remind me that life's confusion and sorrow are not real, and that all worldly appearances are a masquerade of mind which is not focused on Self.   

Reading the book "One" has helped me realize that seeking and finding the experience of Self is at the root of humanity's religions.  I feel more at peace with the idea of religion, because I know the experience of longing to feel immersed again in the Self.   

To varying degrees, the different voices in "One" remind me that the entire reason for my being what I seem to be is to learn that every "body" has a Self.  I am grateful for words which help me remember what we all are.  

Dr. Greg Goode
Philosophical Counselor, Pioneer of online nondualism

"ONE" is perhaps the first cross-cultural guidebook to nonduality. Most often, "nonduality" is thought of as a hazy topic limited to Eastern spiritual teachings or postmodern Western physics. But Jerry Katz bursts these boundaries by including chapters on unexpected areas. From art to psychotherapy, from cinema to the education of children. Any of these angles can be a heart connection, opening the sweet inquiry into nondual realization.

What I find particularly valuable is how he restores traditional religions, which often get a bad rap in nondual circles. By including well-selected readings from the nondual branches of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, Jerry shows beautifully how these ancient traditions have pointed RIGHT HERE, all along.

Jerry's own writing is wise and friendly, with a twist of wry humor. If you read between the lines, you can feel he has lots more to say about these things, and I look forward to it.

Alice A. Chestnut
Retired technical writer, editor, training course developer

Jerry Katz had me from the first sentence when he defined nonduality as "the experience of our true nature, the taste of being" -- what a clear, concise definition. Direct seeing itself is the experience -- you can call the experience itself Self, or if you choose, God -- and in this direct seeing one becomes whole. This is the experience of becoming a participant in the natural bliss of plants and flowers and trees, and it is one's death as well as rebirth. As soon as we drop the mind [ego] that is the source of all fear, this new world unfolds. In it, we become one with nature. Nothing is separate, nothing is different, and everything begins to throb in harmonious peace, which is our true nature.

Then, one page later, when Katz said that the need for knowing nonduality is grace, and that grace is a profound gift arising from truth, my heart nearly exploded. He went on to say that allowing the desire for nonduality to unfold saves us from fear -- the fear that we're missing what is real [true] and the "great fear" that we do not exist [we just "are" -- "being," as opposed to "being this" or "being that"]. This was all said in the first three pages and is where this review probably needs to end, even though the following 190 treasure-filled pages are as plenary as these three.

The essence of the remaining pages is that we cannot transcend a duality by choosing only one of its sides. It is the choosing itself that is the mistake. The nondual path is where there is no extreme, no duality, no choice to make. Instead, we are to move into the consciousness that chooses, into the state of knowing that perceives the duality. This movement is true wisdom, and it is this wisdom that is the door to light. All actions, perceived as good or bad, happen against a background of "being" that is unaffected. Ultimately, neither good nor bad has any real existence. Reality is beyond dualities. Consciousness -- which is all there is -- supports all, without involvement. "Good" actions are those that point one back towards the truth, towards knowledge of Self. "Bad" actions entrench one further in the depths of illusion, taking one further away from Self. And, there is no reaching Self because You are Self -- you are already That. This is nonduality, where there is no separation from Self or truth.

Still, I am compelled to comment on Jerry Wennstrom's chapter of "becoming nothing" in the nondual perspectives section. A film has been made about the life of Whidbey Island artist, Jerry Wennstrom. Beginning in 1979, Wennstrom destroyed all the art he had created, gave everything he owned away, and began a new life. He sensed an inner and outer world in perfect order and became a willing participant in that order -- he leaped into the void, the ultimate creative act. In reading this chapter, I tasted the "great freedom that nothing is ours to hold or identify with...and that the only territories consistently worth exploring are the badlands of limitation and fear. When we release the personal identity, then our gifts will be sanctified and returned. The attempt to do anything significant in the world before we have been deeply changed ourselves is a way to avoid real change. Good intention counts for very little...doing our own work first leads to our true and unique participation in the world we wish to serve." Jerry Wennstrom and I met in the Heart as I read this chapter, three times in a row. The Heart is the only possible place to meet, to join -- no separation from truth is there. And, I'll end this review with a quote from Wennstrom: "A mature creative life, which has discovered its source, finds it is linked to everything."

Gloria Lee
editor, The Nondual Highlights

Truly destined to become a classic. It would be hard to find a more sure-footed guide into the territory of nonduality. Not only is the book clear enough to serve as an introduction, but those already familiar with nondual writings will find it offers fresh insights into the timeless sources, as nondual voices from various religious traditions reflect a shared understanding. When someone with such a broad knowledge selects the more outstanding passages, you can be sure they are worthy of your attention. In his own words," This book contains both the worthwhile and the impossible." Examples of the more radical nondual perspectives appear, and yet the book never loses touch with that very human desire for truth. Jerry Katz has a mission to make nonduality available and relevant to the regular people on the street, so he also includes contemporary writers. Nonduality is showing up in some surprising ways in today's culture, as seen by examples from education, art, pschotherapy, and the movies.   

This is living truth, and you will be inspired to take up the challenge of living it yourself. What is this inquiry into our true nature or reality, and how is it relevant to your life now? I especially like how the questions most readers might already be asking are used to provide continuity and bring the focus back to just how all this matters to us. Because Jerry Katz has the sort of inclusive vision that simply wants others to see, too. Reading this small book is a gigantic gift, as you will discover with every minute of unwrapping it.  

"As we read these accounts of nondual perspective, over and over again we will find accord with the practice of inquiry and surrender prescribed by Sri Ramana Maharshi. These perspectives are various ways of confessing or calling for a turn toward awareness, Self, God, our unbounded nature. That turning is the job of one who desires nonduality."

Eric Chaffee
organic farmer, "nondual Bible" scholar

Q: What is the sound of one editor, editing?

A: Deafening, like the roar of many waters, is the silence and peace it can bring! -- especially so in this case, as the editor, Jerry Katz (owner of nonduality [dot] com) knows the nondual literature of past and present as few other Earthlings do.

Nonduality is an ancient view of consciousness and being, albeit a minority view. It's what you've always known, but have ever been told is naive and impossible. All is one! And the beauty of this realization is nothing less than breathtaking in its arrangement in this volume.

If you're just beginning your inquiry into nonduality, his selections will bless you on your way, while encouraging you to retain the suppleness of 'beginner's mind.' If you are a person of long and/or deep spiritual practice, able to bring an open thought to these readings, you will surely find insight here.

His is a full-spectrum presentation. He has a gem dealer's eye for clarity, hue, sparkle, while never seeming to be put off by packaging or provenance. This man knows how to select and string pearls! And he doesn't care if they are from fresh water, or salt; from east, or west. He shows us their fitting place; he is able to juxtapose them into a setting that is fluid, graceful, stunning in their relational beauty. Readers will find their wariness of brandname spiritual practices simply fade as they are able to behold, simply, what is.

His selections range from Native American to Christian, from Tao to Hindu and Sufi. And they all point to One, not-two, thus nondual. Isn't it time you availed yourself of some help putting 'Humpty together again?' The whole is the sum of the parts. And they belong together, as he shows us. Yes, it's just a start, but the journey is both inviting and compelling. This is a great place to begin.

Chuck Hillig
Author of and The Magic KingEnlightenment for Beginners, The Way IT Is, Seeds for the Soul, Looking for God: Seeing the Whole in One

By carefully combining a wide range of nondual texts, both ancient and modern, Jerry Katz has made a significant contribution to the growing library of nondualistic writings. The author creates a very readable overview of the subject and shows that what it’s pointing to is relevant today. Above all, he reminds the reader that the cross-cultural perennial philosophy that lies at the core of all of the great religions has been this same realization of the absolute unicity of all things. True freedom arises through the discovery that separation is an illusion and that everything is, quintessentially, only One. This book can be an opening. Very well done and highly recommended.

Jim Dreaver

"ONE is a clear and concise guide to the most universal truth of all: that the world between our ears that we call "me, myself, and my story" does not actually exist. When we see this, when we actually realize our true, nondual nature, conflict and suffering leaves us, and peace and joy prevail."  

Gary Crowley
From Here to Here

This is perhaps the most ambitious book to date in the field of Nonduality. In "One: Essential Writings on Nonduality", Jerry Katz unleashes seven years of editorial experience with this debut work showcasing the latest, most engaging modern writing on the subject side-by-side with the wisdom of major ancient traditions.

Much more than simply a compilation, "One" is a major step in increasing our understanding of Nonduality by explaining it from an impressive and diverse range of perspectives. In today's society where the dangers of religious divisiveness are painfully evident, this sort of pointing to common ground is not only refreshing and liberating, but perhaps a necessary step towards a better global future.

Katz is able to take things further yet, going outside the realm of religion and spirituality, into applications of the Nondual perspective in psychotherapy, education, art, and even pop culture. I found these sections particularly unique and inspiring.

Highly recommended.

Dhyan Dewyea
author of
Beyond the 'I': Notes on Waking Up to Oneness

Yours is a great book, and your commenting  shows great sensitivity. Your presentation of the material goes straight to the heart of the matter. I especially loved the texts by Dattatreya and Ibn Arabi, but also appreciated the part on psychotherapy, on how it could be impacted by the notion of non-dual truth. This book stands out as an introduction, and furthermore serves to remind, in so many ways, how all ideas about 'One' are barriers to its recognition.

Nathan Spoon
author of
Words From an Empty Boat

This book is in a class of its own as the clearest and most helpful introduction to nonduality

Orva Schrock
Grandpa's Notebooks: The Evolution of an Amish Soul

Thanks for adding this stellar effort to the great body of nondualist literature which is now blossoming in our time. The few pages of excerpts you included from Advadhut Gita are well worth the price of your book all by themselves and yet they are only one small part of an amazing smorgasboard. This is the kind of book I expect to refer back to over the years regularly. It is also the kind of book I'll need extra copies of to give to folks I encounter who show even some small sign of being worthy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

A. Walker

One: Essential Writings on Nonduality, edited by Jerry Katz, is a well chosen collection of ideas and writings discussing the captivating concept of nonduality. The thoughts and expressions presented to a curious reader are not based in a sole tradition or philosophy. Instead, Katz has brilliantly drawn on lively passages from major traditions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. This unique selection of writings paints a vivid picture of nonduality for the reader; bringing an ancient philosophy into the modern world with striking relevance.

Nonduality is a hard concept to grasp at first because the mind is trained to make distinctions in the world and nondualism is the rejection of distinction. Not to say that all differences are eliminated, merely transformed into relationships. Presented with an in-depth and captivating explanation of the notion of nonduality in the first chapter, the reader is eager to delve into the rest of the book. Further exploration is like a journey toward the understanding of truth and the desire for nonduality. Conclusions and explanations are drawn from every walk of life. There is something for everyone in the journey including beliefs from Judaism, the Native American tradition and Buddhism. If these discussions are not enough to fascinate, One also includes discussions of psychotherapy, art and even the cinematic phenomenon The Matrix.

Each writer's work featured in this complete collection is an exciting and intelligent commentary about Nonduality. Jerry Katz has ceased to become an editor and has transformed into an inspired guide into the world of nondualism and the search for truth. Any reader interested in finding the enlightenment that links us all together would greatly enjoy this book. It is a fascinating read from beginning to end and every step along the way.

Jenny Munday

You appear to be being "IT"  instead of  "saying it." Your recent book on Non-Duality (reveals) Being-ness.

David Hodges
High end computer systems developer; pioneer of online nonduality community development

The book is dedicated "to everyone I ever met on the Internet", and as one of those people, I reply with a bow and a Namaste...for you have enriched my life. Not only that, you helped me to take my vague, unformulated understanding of things a step farther. And put a name to it - NonDuality - and created a community around it.

Vicki Woodyard
Nurturing the Now

Thank you so much for ONE. First off, I love the title and the simplicity of the book's design. The simplicity extends itself throughout the text. My personal favorite was Jerry Wennstrom's account of his own spiritual journey. I always look for the fresh and new in the tried and true.

Your book, One, should be on the shelves longer than you are; you have outlived yourself in sharing the wisdom of us all.

Paul Cohen
Monkfish Book Publishing Company

My kind of book. I know I will enjoy having it for years to come. Leave it to [Jerry Katz] to show the pluralism of the unitive experience. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for the best reference guide to nonduality on the market today. A must have for serious seekers for its breadth of perspectives.

Bob Rose
Meditation Society of America

I just read a "I can't put it down" book that is the best single collection dealing with Nonduality that I have ever found. Its title is One – Essential Writings on Nonduality. This fine source of wisdom is edited by Jerry Katz, who was the first to bring awareness of Nonduality to the lives of scores of "seekers" all over the world via the internet and his fine web sites ( see www.nonduality.com and http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NondualitySalon/ ) Just as a method of self-enquiry asks "Who am I?" to get to the heart of our true nondual nature, Jerry has asked "What is Nonduality", and through his brilliant editing brings the reader to the heart of the matter.

One is a guidebook that speaks of That which can't be spoken about. Using sources from ancient religious texts as well as the words of recent and still living masters, the book is a vehicle for consciousness evolving experience. It has the hard to find quality of presenting the reader many mind-stopping moments which open the possibility of knowing our nondual nature experientially and not just theoretically. From the "how-to" chapters of Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings, to the samples from various sources, this is the One book I recommend for a beginner to learn about Nonduality, and also to those who can answer "Yes!" to Sri Hendrix's question "Are you experienced?".

Spiritual teacher

After years of reading and study, one might reach a point where any new book on yoga or the essence of realization just seems to reiterate the facts, sort of same old – same old… one might stop reading completely.

I’ve know Jerry Katz for more than 7 years now but I didn’t even know he was writing a book until he asked me via email if I would consider writing a review or comment on his book; knowing Jerry and the sincerity of his manner and heart, and the commitment he has made to the non-dual via non-duality salon, I knew it would be a very worthwhile read.

In due course the book arrived in the post; thereafter it remained in it’s envelope on the dashboard of my truck for several days.

When I opened the book I was disappointed to find that it actually had passages and quotes from many of the great masters; while these quotes are in themselves often beautiful and pithy they can become dry and familiar after much repetition and study; but after 50 or so pages it became apparent that this book was different.

“Essential writings on non-duality - One” (the name of Jerry’s book) has a very subtle thread running through it which is not apparent until the mind has had time to process it. Another thing that is different about “ONE” is that the author (Jerry) is almost invisible yet the book clearly shows that the philosophy of the non-dual consciousness is not exclusive to any particular path or religion. It sneaks up on you and suddenly surprises you!

I heartily recommend this book to anyone whether they are new to the non-dual path or are seeking a refreshing look at the old masters. “ONE” is the sort of book you will return to again and again.

Tim Rowe

"An ideal introduction to Nonduality."

Nonduality Salon

I had wondered, Do I really want to buy an anthology? I mean, I have no interest in reading excerpts from too-familiar writers for the hundredth time. Well, okay, I'll get the book because it sounds like some parts are written by Jerry himself, and he always has interesting insights. :-)

I first skipped around and read the beginning and ending parts written by Jerry, and yes, they are definitely thought-provoking (and amazingly clear and well-organized for such a subject): truth, great fear, the desire for nonduality, the impossible and the worthwhile. And then I read his introductions to Part 3 and Part 4. And I realized my mistake. The writings offered are not mundane, by any means, and they're surprising me.

I had never heard of Ohiyesa (Dakota, Sioux, b. 1858), and his efforts to "build bridges of understanding".  His observations are wonderful – about simplicity, silence, reverence, nature, and dignity.

"We Indian people have traditionally divided mind into two parts – the spiritual mind and the physical mind. The first – the spiritual mind – is concerned only with the essence of things [. . .] The second, or physical, mind, is lower. It is concerned with all personal or selfish matters, like success in hunting or warfare, relief from sickness, or the sparing of a beloved life."

Ohiyesa's statements reminded me somewhat of the commonly used Self and self (ego) division, perhaps with more division. Yet the overarching and permeating "Great Mystery" is apparent all through his words in that chapter.

There are some who say it's not right to teach that self IS Self, at least not in the beginning, because of a fear of people running with that and feeling they can act lawlessly or . . . selfishly. I've never understood this concern, really. That self is Self is our reality as human creatures: sensing, laughing, crying, caring for friends, raising a family. And Ohiyesa's writings showed a comfort with being both "conscious of our divinity" and being "the physical self" that I found beautiful and appropriate.

As architect Christopher Alexander said, quoted in one of the concluding chapters, "This is, perhaps, the central mystery of the universe:  that as things become more unified, less separate, so also they become most individual, and most precious."

Things stand out shining.

I'm enjoying your book, Jerry!

Go deeper into Nonduality...

ONE: Essential Writings on Nonduality
Edited by Jerry Katz

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Index to One: Essential Writings on Nonduality, edited by Jerry Katz

This index was written by Jerry Katz.

Not sure where to begin when it comes to reading an index? For starters, try these headings: Heart Sutra, Matrix, The, nonduality, non-separateness, Self-inquiry [vichara], Self-realization, psychotherapy, nondual, truth.

Download this index as an .RTF file


   as egoless silence, 38
   as "I", 33
   in real truth, 108
   in Self, 17-18, 28
Absolute, the
   Christ as a further revelation of, 98
   defined, 90
Self, 36, 49
   universe as nature of, 53
   See also
Self; truth
Advaita Vedanta. See
Avadhuta Gita
aham-vritti ("I"-thought). See
"I"-thought (aham-vritti)
air. See
"divine air"; inhalation
ajnani (unenlightened person), characteristics of, 21, 24, 25
Alexander, Christopher, 187-188
   can only see Himself, 58
   as first and last, 57
   has no partners, 60
   nothing can be done to know, 59, 62
   and things as not other than, 61
   and your non-existence, 59
   See also
God; Ibn 'Arabi, biography of
appearances, delusion of, 108
architecture and nonduality, 187-188
aroma of infinity, 67
   and avoiding surrender, 152-153
   and becoming nothing, 144
   and creation, act of, 149-150
   and deep listening, 157
   and Duchamp, Marcel, as bodhisattva, 148
   and the Impressionists, 147
   and non-separation, 153-154, 187-188
   and Pollock, Jackson, 148
   and Rothko, Mark, 148
   as a spiritual path, 145
   and surrender to formlessness, described, 145-147, 149, 152, 155
   and Warhol, Andy, 148
ascension, as aroma of infinity, 66-67
ascension, as revelation of the Father
   described, 92-94
   as inhalation of "divine air", 92
   reversal of, 94-97
   See also
incarnation; resurrection
attachment, as false identifications, 16, 21, 33-34, 166-167
Avadhuta Gita, 4-5
   avadhuta, defined, 48
   introduced, 47-48
   verses, 48-53
awakening, the act of
   compared to dreaming, 169-170
   within the context of psychotherapy, 122-130
   the thought of enlightenment, 107, 108
   awakening nondual, 123-129
   and education, as a mediating force in, 134-135, 140-142
   See also
awakening, the act of; Self-realization
Ayin, 67-68


Bayrack, Shaykh Tosun, al-Jerrahi al-Halveti, 55
Beard, Charles, 123
Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (Godman), 11
Beck, Charlotte Joko, 5
   and non-being, 59, 109
   and nothingness, 68
   perspective of, 190
   and Presence, 125
   See also
Berle, Milton, 137
bhakti, described, 38
blue pill, as symbol of Maya, 168
bodhisattva, 103
bondage, non-existence of, 18-19, 50, 166-167, 171-172
Brahman, 24, 48, 50, 52
   See also
Absolute, the
   Buddha, 190
   Eightfold Path of, 116-117
   See also
Diamond Sutra; Heart Sutra


candle and Ein Sof, metaphor of, 66
celebration of nonduality, 184-185
   and ascension, 93-94
   death of, 90
   as Eternal Form, 89-90, 93-94
   and Eucharist, 97
   incarnation of, 96-97
   the knowing of, 91
   as non-separate from the Father, 90, 93
   as one's true nature, 90-91
   and resurrection, 91
   truth of, 96-99
Christianity, as confessed by Bernadette Roberts, 89-99
cinema nondualité, 15, 159-173
   described by John Wren-Lewis, 6-7
   as fashioned by God, 96
   limited view of Bernadette Roberts, 89-98
   pure view of Ramana Maharshi, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24-25, 38
   as Thuriya, 170
   as truth, 168
   See also
"being"; Self; truth
Conze, Edward, 108
creativity, as a link to wholeness
   art and, 149-150
   education and, 132
   See also
art; education


Dattatreya, life of, 47-48
   of Christ, 90
   metaphoric, especially of artists, 152-153, 157
   as truth, 96
deep listening, 157
   of appearances, 108
   non-existence of, 18-20
   See also
   as manifestation of divine grace, 27-28
   for nonduality, 3-7, 12, 46, 187-188, 190
   and not swerving, 46
   and surrender, 38
   and truth, transmission of, 6
destruction of mental tendencies, 16
dhyana [meditation]. See
Diamond Sutra
   introduced, 101-102
   and mind, keeping independence of, 107
   and non-attachment, 104
   and nothing existing, therefore everything existing, 108-111
   and path of the pilgrim, 110
   and Tathagata (Buddha) having no teaching, 105
   understanding of, as greatest merit, 105, 107, 108
   See also
Heart Sutra
di Grave, Salverda, 56
direct knowledge, red pill as guide to, 167-169
direct path, Self-inquiry as the, 33
Divina Comedia (Dante), 56
"divine air", 92
   Christ's body dissolving into, 93-94
   and revelation that Christ dwells in the Father, 93
divine state. See
dream, the world as a, 108, 169-170
Duchamp, Marcel, 148


Eastman, Charles Alexander (aka Ohiyesa). See
   and awareness as mediator of information, 134-135, 140-142
   and creativity, reorientation toward, 132
   and fear, influence of, 140
   and information overload, 132-134
   and questions, value of, 135-140
effort, Self-inquiry and, 20, 27-28
   as appearance, 24
   as bondage, 19
   defined, 12
   freedom from idea of, 106
   as habitual thoughts, 17
   as "I", sense of, 19
   as other than Truth, 51
   renouncement through surrender, 37, 152
   and Self, 19, 21, 24
   transcendence of, through Self-inquiry, 23
   See also
mind; thoughts
Eightfold Path of Buddhism, 116-117
Ein Sof, 64-67
Einstein, Albert, 159
elephants tied to stake, as analogous to mind as prison, 166-167
empathic resonance, and nondual psychotherapy, 128
enlightenment. See
awakening, the act of; Diamond Sutra; Self-realization; silence
enquiry. See
Self-inquiry [vichara]
equanimity, 82
Eskimos, 155-156
Eternal Form. See
Form, Eternal
eternity consciousness, 6
Eucharist, as final word on Christ, 97
   doubt regarding, 62
   as God, 63-64
   and Heart Sutra, 184
   as nondual, 59-61
   of "things" compared to self, 61
   as unreal, 17, 18-19, 49
   See also
"I"-thought (aham-vritti); form; Form, Eternal; reality


Fadiman, Dorothy, 158
false identifications, 16, 17, 21, 33-34, 166-167
Father, as the unmanifest, 90, 93-94
fear, 5, 7, 12, 140, 153
Fenner, Peter, 124
   Heart Sutra and, 181-184
   as horizontal dimension of life, 124-125
   See also
existence; Form, Eternal
Form, Eternal
   Christ as, 89-90, 93-94
   defined, 89
   artists' relationship to, 145-147, 149, 152, 154, 155
   as confessed in Avadhuta Gita, 49, 50, 52
   the Father and, 91, 93-94
   Heart Sutra and, 181-184
   as vertical dimension of life, 125
   See also
From Deep Woods to Civilization (Eastman), 80
Fukuoka, Masanobu, 181


Gandhi, Mahatma, 167
Gatto, John, 140
   bringing forth being from nothingness, 68
   consciousness fashioned by, 96
   existing as one, 37, 63-65, 90-91
   grace of, 4-5
   making a picture of, 188
   in Native American Tradition, 81-83
   personal relationship with, 144
   surrender to, 36-38
   See also
Allah; Christ
GOD-AWFULNESS of incarnation, 95-97
Godman, David, 11, 15, 30
grace, 4-5, 12, 27-28
Great Mystery, worship of, 81
Great Silence
   in Christianity (Bernadette Roberts), 91
   in Native American Tradition, 85
   See also


Heart, as Self, 20-21, 22, 24, 25
   "I-I" shining within the, 36
   location of, discussed, 32
   See also
Heart Sutra
   Christian (Bernadette Roberts) expression of, 183-184
   Kabbalistic expression of, 182-183
   Masanobu Fukuoka expresses, 181
   Sufi expression of, 182
   Wei Wu Wei expresses, 182
   compared to human condition, 95-97
   as destination of artists, 147-148, 151
   as not of this world, 93, 96
Herrigel, Eugen, 6
Hixon, Lex, 184-185
Hoffer, Eric, 131
Hui-neng, 163


"I am", as reality, 34-35
"I am not", as reality, 109-110
Ibn 'Arabi, biography of, 55-56
identifications, as false, 16, 17, 21, 33-34, 166-167
   and ajnani (unenlightened person), characteristics of, 21, 24, 25
   and false identifications, 16, 17, 21, 33-34, 166-167
   and fear, 5, 7, 12, 140, 153
   The Matrix as, 172
   Maya as, 20
   mirror symbolizing, 170-171
   as veil over Self, 16-17
   See also
ego; mind
"I-I", as Self, 36
   of body-awareness, 168
   casting off of, 36-37
impossible view of nonduality, 7, 189-190
   See also
worthwhile view of nonduality
Impressionists, formlessness and the, 147-148
   of Christ, 96-97
   described as return to the resurrected state, 94-95
   as GOD-AWFUL, 95-97
   as revelation of truth, 94, 97
   See also
ascension, as revelation of the Father; resurrection
   of aroma of infinity, 67
   of "divine air", 92-93, 94
   See also
ascension, as revelation of the Father
inquiry. See
Self-inquiry [vichara]
Inuit, 155-156
"I"-thought (aham-vritti)
   arising in the Heart, 32
   Self-inquiry and following the, 22-23, 26
   true "I" compared to false "I", 33-34
   See also
Self-inquiry [vichara]


jiva, 17, 22
jnana, 17
jnani, 24
   mythic, of artist, 156
   of Neo, 168
   to resolve desire for nonduality, 7
   revealing truth of Christ, nature of, 98-99
   See also
Judaism, 63-68


Kabbalah, 63-68
karma [prarabdha], 29
Klein, Jean, 129
knowledge, true, 17-18, 107-108
   See also
education; truth


Lao Tzu, on doing our own work first, 156
   defined, 19
   non-existence of, 18-19, 50
   See also
listening, deep, 157
   and Ibn 'Arabi, expressed by, 56
   and Native American Tradition, expressed within, 85
   as romantic destiny, in The Matrix, 162
   unconditional, 128
   See also
Heart, as Self


Mair, Victor H., 69
Many Lightnings, 78
Matrix, The
   and blue pill as Maya, 168
   and elephants tied to stake, analogy of, 166-167
   illusory nature discussed, 169-170
   as Maya, 172
   and mind, relationship to, 164-167
   mirror symbolizing distortion of thoughts, 170-171
   red pill as symbol of guide to direct knowledge, 167-169
   spiritual rebirth of Neo described, 173
   story summarized, 160-162
   unplugging from, 171-172
   and the Upanishads as the red pill, 167-169
   waking up from, 169-170
   See also
mauna. See
Maya, 20
   The Matrix as, 172
   See also
   described, 28
   obstacles to, 29
   and samadhi, compared to, 28
   and Self-inquiry, compared to, 34
   as true nature, 30
   See also
Self-inquiry [vichara]
   burning log and function of spiritual teacher, 125-126
   candle and Ein Sof, 66
   elephants tied to stake, 166-167
   moon and sun as mind and heart, 21
   sparks as ego, 21
   See also
Matrix, The
   destruction of tendencies of the, 16
   disappears through Self-inquiry, 25
   keeping independence of, 107
   and knowing the Self, 20-21, 172
   and The Matrix computer, analogous to, 164-165
   as obstructing the natural state of peace, 29-30
   as prison, 166-167
   in reality there is no, 49
   See also
ego; Matrix, The
miracles, 81, 87
   as reflecting truth, 123
   as symbolizing ignorance, 170-171
Morpheus. See
Matrix, The
movies. See
Matrix, The
Muhammad, Prophet, 58, 59, 61


Nagarjuna, 102
Native American Tradition
   and beauty, appreciation of, 86-87
   and Great Mystery, worship of, 81
   and miracles, 81, 87
   and nature as the temple, 81-82
   and Ohiyesa, biography of, 77-80
   and prayer, 84-86
   and silence, 82
   and simplicity, 83
   and solitude, 81, 84
   and Spirit of God, 81-83
nature, as a temple, 81-82
Neo. See
Matrix, The
non-attachment. See
Diamond Sutra
non-being, and being, 59, 109
   celebration of, 184-185
   described, 3, 4, 12, 122-123, 124
   desire for, 3-7, 12, 46, 187-188, 190
   impossible view of, 189-190
   perspective of, discussed, 115
   and psychotherapy, impact on, 124-125
   radical descriptions of, 179-180
   wisdom and, 5, 122-123
   worthwhile view of, 190
   See also
non-separateness; various topics in this index
nondual psychotherapy. See
psychotherapy, nondual
   and Allah, 59
   of bondage, 18-19, 50, 166-167, 171-172
   of liberation, 18-19, 50
   See also
formlessness; nothingness
nonexistence, of bondage and liberation, 18-19
   See also
   of art and life, 153-154
   of Christ and the Father, 90, 93
   and Diamond Sutra, 104, 105
   of God and you, 37
   of Self and mind, 20-21
   of a work and the world, 187-188
   See also
no-self condition, 91-92, 95-96
   knowing yourself as, 59, 72, 144
   the marketing of, 133-134
   Heart Sutra expresses, 182-183
   Kabbalistic expression of, 66-68
   as prior to being, 109
   Tao Te Ching expresses, 74
   as void of voids, 90


obstacles to Self-realization, 17
Ohiyesa, biography of, 77-80


Palacios, Asin, 56
paradox of Self-realization, 36, 70, 149
   art as a, 145, 147, 156
   as choice between happiness and delusion, 167-168
   desire and the, 6-7
   direct, 33
   Eightfold, 116-117
   of the pilgrim, 110
   See also
peace, attainment of, 29-30
Pinker, Steven, 135
Pollock, Jackson, 148
practices. See
meditation; prayer; psychotherapy, nondual; Self-inquiry [vichara]; surrender
prarabdha [karma], 29
prayer, 84-86
Prendergast, John, J., 121
Presence, role in psychotherapy, 123, 125-126
Price, A.F., 101
psychotherapy, nondual
   and acceptance, capacity for, 127-128
   and awakening, 129-130
   codification of, concerns with, 124
   Eastern influence on, 121-122
   and empathic resonance, 128
   and nonduality itself, impact of, 124-125
   and Presence, role of, 123, 125-126
   and sacred mirroring, as reflecting essential nature, 123
   and self-identity of the psychotherapist, 126-128
   and Self-inquiry, 128-129
   and truth, transmission of, 126
   See also
Self-inquiry [vichara]


questions, value in education, 135-140


Ramakrishna, 147
Ramana Maharshi, introduced, 11-13
   See also
Self; Self-inquiry [vichara]; Self-realization
   nature of, 50-51, 169-170
   and non-reality, 109-110
   See also
existence; Matrix, The
red pill, as symbol of guide to direct knowledge, 167-169
   as affirming ultimate truth, 91
   and ascension, compared to, 93
   described, 90-91
   and Eucharistic state, 97
   incarnation and, 94-95
   and no-self condition, acclimating to, 91-92, 95-96
   and "smile of recognition", 90, 91
   See also
ascension, as revelation of the Father; incarnation
Rothko, Mark, 148
Rumi, 123


sacred mirroring, as reflecting truth, 123
   compared to meditation, 28
   existence of, questioned, 51
scriptures, red pill as, 167-169
   See also
topics from major religions
sefirot, 66, 67
   abidance in the, 17-18, 28
   defined, 11
   and ego, 19, 21
   and false identifications, 16, 17, 21, 33-34, 166-167
   as Heart, 20-21, 22, 24, 25
   as "I-I", 36
   and mind, 20-21
   no reaching the, 16
   not swerving from the, 28
   as one's truth, 61
   searching for the, 26
   Thuriya as the, 170
   and unplugging from Maya, 172
   See also
Self-inquiry [vichara]; Self-realization
Self-inquiry [vichara]
   as all the aspirant has to know, 25-26
   and being "I am", 34-35
   compared to meditation, 34
   and conduct in life, 29
   as direct path, 33
   and effort, 20, 27-28
   as following the "I"-thought, 22-23
   and grace, 27-28
   introduced, 18-19
   as not intellectual, 28
   practice of, 29
   and psychotherapy, use in, 128-129
   pursuing in the Heart, 32
   questioning, "Who am I?", 36
   red pill as, 168-169
   and Self-realization, same as, 34
   as turning toward the Heart, 20-21
   See also
Self; Self-realization
   described, 16
   as destruction of Maya, 20
   obstacles to, 17
   paradox of, 36
   as perfect effort, 20
   as possible for everyone, 17, 19
   and Self-inquiry, same as, 34
   See also
Self; Self-inquiry [vichara]
Shankar, Vijay, 169-170
   as death, 91
   as egoless, 38
   as nondual state, 37
   as perfect effort, 20
   as shining in the Heart, 36
   as sign of perfect equilibrium, 82
   surrender to, 129
   as true state, 19
Silence, Great. See
Great Silence
   artist staying in touch with, 155
   of Ayin, 67
   in Native American Tradition, 83
   "of the unhewn log", 75
Sioux tradition. See
Native American Tradition
"smile of recognition", 90, 91, 190
Socrates, and value of questions, 137-140
solitude, 81, 84
sorrow/delusion, non-existence of, 18-19
Spirit of God, 81-83
spiritual path. See
Subhuti. See
Diamond Sutra
   questioned, 50
   and right view, 116
Sufism. See
   avoidance of, 152-153
   as beyond death, 152
   and desire, 38
   discussed by Ramana Maharshi, 36-38
   and ego destruction, 37
   to formlessness, 145-147, 149, 152, 155
   and God as not separate from you, 37
   and Self-inquiry, relation to, 37
   to silence, 129


Taoism. See
Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching
   and eternal Way, 73
   on integrity and the Way, 71-72
   on nonaction, 72
   on nothingness, usefulness of, 74
   popularity of, reasons for, 69-70
   on sages, as self-effacing, 72-73
   on simplicity, 75
   verses from, 71-75
Tathagata (Buddha). See
Diamond Sutra
   annihilation of, 68
   and brain biochemistry, 165-166
   disruption of, 168-169
   identity based on, 164-165
   rejection of, 27
   as Sentinels in Matrix Revolutions, 165-166
   See also
"I"-thought (aham-vritti); mind
Thuriya, as Self, 170
Tirumoolar, 172, 173
Tolle, Eckhart, 125-126
Trinity. See
Matrix, The
true knowledge, described, 17
   abidance in, 108
   of the body, 91
   of Christ, 96-99
   as death of man, 97
   and desire, 6
   and disruption of thoughts, 168-169
   as eternity consciousness, 6-7
   and grace, 5
   incarnation as revelation of, 94, 97
   living by, 6
   The Matrix prevents one from knowing the, 163-164
   nondual characteristics of, described, 4, 50-52
   psychotherapy as transmitter of, 126
   resurrection affirming, 91
   sacred mirror reflecting, 123
   struggle to recognize, 171-173
   that is right before you, 189
   See also
Absolute, the; Self; Self-realization


Upadesa Manjari (Venkatasubramanian and Godman), 30
Upanishads, red pill as, 167-169


vasanas, destruction of, 16
Venkataraman, 12-13
Venkatasubramanian, V.T., 30
vichara [inquiry]. See
Self-inquiry [vichara]
Vivekananda, Swami, 48
   the artist leaping into the, 144, 158
   and Eternal Form, relation to, 89-90
   and Heart Sutra, 182
   of voids, Christ as, 90-91
   See also


Wabasha, 82
waking. See
awakening, the act of
Warhol, Andy, 148
Way, the
   integrity and, 70, 71-72
   of the Spirit, 81-87
Wei Wu Wei, 108
   and art, as the spirit of, 151
   and education, as the spirit of, 132
"Why?", as question driving creativity, 135-137
Wilber, Ken, 123
wisdom, nonduality and, 5, 122-123
Wizard of Oz, The, 4
worship, of Great Mystery, 81
worthwhile view of nonduality, 7, 190
   See also
impossible view of nonduality
Wren-Lewis, John, 6-7


Zen in the Art of Archery (Herrigel), 6


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