Tim Gerchmez
Dear Jerry,
"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em ;-)"...
[editor's note: Tim wasn't necessarily a big supporter of
the nondual activism idea at first. These suggestions
help shape nondual activism.]
Here are a few ideas --
(1) Convince Dan-ji and Gene Poole to write books!! :-)
(2) Teach everyone on the NDS list HTML, so that EVERYONE
can set up their own "nonduality" websites. Get
a group started to teach website design... and encourage
people to build sites. Inundate the Net with
"realizer/confessor" websites...
(3) Make periodic vacations from the NDS list mandatory,
to encourage the focus of attention to turn to itself,
rather than to others and thought/discursive intellect...
(4) Organize so "loosely" that it appears
nobody is organized and nothing is going on...
(5) Remember that supernovas are exploding, galaxies are
expanding and contracting, and that nothing we do is of
any consequence. From this angle, encourage intense,
effortless, yet unattached activity.
(6) Activity should absolutely disregard the idea of any
"fruits" or results of that activity. Otherwise
it will be pointless and circular.
(7) Make people (humanity in general) aware that they're
suffering (so many are unaware), and that there's a way
out. Simply "spread the good news" by any
method possible. The highest possible
clarity/"production values" should be employed.
Love Always,