In this redefinition of
activism is included an awareness of active as meaning
wide awake to the flux of the now moment, the creative
Something So
Gloria Lee
comment by Jerry Katz
You asked for some reflections on
(Nonduality Salon) list history a day or two ago, and I
went shopping instead. Ok, a few other matters that shall
go unmentioned.
What it was like then is no different from now. (Well,
your website was a lot smaller.) Just as back then, there
was no grandiose plan to create a huge mega list, or to
change anyone's life, or to set anyone free from their
teachers and shackles. There was no plan other than the
magnetic sort of attraction of birds of a feather
refusing to be caged. There is only a recognition of what
already is true, a seeing of what takes place when
limitations are not accepted or believed to matter. Hence
the inclusiveness of the marginalized, etc. Yet this
never needed to be made an explicit policy, it was just
understood. The lack of strategic planning and mission
statements. (Ha! how to convey how casually this all came
So it doesn't have to mean that the word activism implies
having an agenda or specific stated beliefs, allowing
this activism to be so wide open might perhaps be what
qualifies it for the nondual adjective. Yet the whole
paradigm of the guru, teacher/disciple, adherence to a
religion or philosophy - just collapses- into something
like the black hole you mentioned. There are no
celebrities or authorities here, the usual models need
not apply.
As I am quite consumed by preparations for family
Christmas and houseguests arriving the day after, I will
grab for the easy and obvious examples. The way I hear
you Jerry, you are hinting at something so subtle, one
may not even know oneself that one is "being an
activist." But one obvious parallel may be drawn
with parenting. I am struck dumb by parents who ask IF
they should teach their children any specific values. IF?
There needs to be a recognition of how they already ARE,
how it is inescapable, with every breath, in how that
child is seen and heard, just as any and every
interaction has implicit values. So one might look at the
how and what and become more conscious, but that does NOT
mean sitting down to "teach" little lists of
values or rules to them, its more about looking at
Who I am speaks without a word being said. Just being who
you are changes the gestalt of the whole. There is no
contradiction between you standing free and being part of
this list family here, or the larger "felt
group" that for you may include Buddha and the
Beatles and the Beat poets. Just as these are not
mutually exclusive possiblities, change can and does
occur without any intention to create or cause any
specific change in others.
In this redefinition of activism is included an awareness
of active as meaning wide awake to the flux of the now
moment, the creative possibility. How can one
"plan" for what is known to be unknown? A truth
which can include the mystery, a knowing of openness, and
not an agenda to control life or the future? So the fact
that nondual activism seems a paradox and an oxymoron is
to me all the more reason it seems to be on track.
Certainly a track worth exploring. The deep listening of
nondual dialogue seems a good start. Stay tuned....
Jerry already has the one indispensable ability of a true
subversive, in that he may appear to be quite ordinary.
Yet what is being undermined here? What doors and windows
are being opened?
There are many ways of coming
at this nondual activism thing. The more ways, the
merrier. I think it's safe to say that something has
already been achieved that neither I nor anyone might
have intended or suspected. We have become activists for
a new kind of activism. I do think that we have already
turned the corner. There is an empty boulevard along
which much can be built. The major work has been done. It
took so little. It's effortless. --Jerry, December
27, 2000