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Highlights #760

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Tuesday, July 3


This was in a file, I don't know where it's from, does anyone?
What does the reference number "S XLIII.1-44" refer to?
"The-very-hard-to-see." :)

_33 names for nirvana(nibbana)_

The unfashioned, the end,
the effluent-less, the true, the beyond,
the subtle, the very-hard-to-see,
the ageless, permanence, the undecaying,
the featureless, non-differentiation,
peace, the deathless,
the exquisite, bliss, solace,
the exhaustion of craving,
the wonderful, the marvelous,
the secure, security,
the unafflicted, the passionless, the pure,
release, non-attachment,
the island, shelter, harbor, refuge,
the ultimate.

S XLIII.1-44


The words of the Buddha (from Samyutta 43 - Ven. Thanissaro's

" The unfashioned, the end, the effluent-less, the true, the
beyond, the subtle, the very-hard-to-see, the ageless,
permanence, the undecaying, the featureless, the
undifferentiated, peace, the deathless, the exquisite, bliss,
solace, the exhaustion of craving, the wonderful, the
marvelous, the secure, security, Nibbana, the unafflicted,
the passionless, the pure, release, non-attachment, the
island, shelter, harbour, refuge, the ultimate."


And also referring to 'vastness'- inner experience of the
goal. (Thanissaro Bhikkhu)

"Consciousness without feature, without end
luminous and all around:
Here water, earth, fire & wind have no footing.
Here long & short
coarse & fine
fair & foul
name and form
are all brought to an end.
With the stopping
of all the activity of consciousness
each is here brought to an end. D. 11

"Consciousness without feature, without end, luminous all
around, does not partake of the solidity of the earth, the
liquidity of the water, the radiance of the fire, the
windiness of wind, the divinity of the devas (and so on
through a list of the various levels of godhead to) the
allness of the All. M. 49

"What is the All? Simply the eye & forms, nose & aromas,
tongue & flavors, body & tactile sensations, intellectu and
ideas. This monks, is termed the All. Anyone who would say,
'Repudiating this All, I will describe another,' if quesioned
on what exactly might be the grounds for his statement, would
be unable to explain, and furthermore, would be put to grief.
Why? Because it lies beyond range. S XXXV 23


Andrew asked: "What does the reference number "S XLIII.1-44"
refer to?"

"S" probably refers to Samyutta Nikaya, the third collection
of suttas in the pali tipitaka. There's a new translation out
by Bhikku Bodhi, very good, 2 volumns, $100.


I really like "the-very-hard-to-see"
it shows that the buddha had a sense of humour.
Of course he must have.
Enlightenment is impossible without a sense of humour.
Isn't it?


What I'm trying so awkwardly to say is that chemical
initiation maybe the right or necessary starting point for
those who are "naturals" as well as those who will settle for
just a "taste". Perhaps this


Hah! Amongst many memories of such 'initiations', I recall
standing in front of a mirror and watching body dissolve
through many layers into cells and then into nothing at all.
SHOCK! Also recall being very clear that "I" had invented
myself and then the sickening thought that I wasn't supposed
to 'know" that, had broken some kind of taboo or collective
agreement. Laugh! So have spent my life figuring all that



I found this site, thought it was nice, cliped the link, and here it
is. if you take a look may i suggest that you click on flash when
you get there.Click Here:



Been there, done that. Once
is one time too many -- the
phrase "pompous pedant" says
it pretty well imo.


it does help, larry. taking your advice, i opened my computer
case and found a chicken inside. i've reported this to
symantec. meanwhile i've ordered a fresh chicken.


Hi Jerry,

Please find a good home for the chicken and do not eat it.
Eating it will clog your awareness sheath, which was the
purpose of the virus in the first place. I know because I
sent it, but I've repented recently. (actually, I didn't even
know I'd pented in the first place, but here I am doing it

Love, Mark

I scented,
I sent it,
I pented
and repented,
then repented repenting
and went back to scenting
and sending.

dunno why.

just babbling.

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