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Highlights #727

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Friday June 1, 2001

A fun pig poem for Tony

i love you beloved

"O wondrous creatures,
By what strange miracle
Do you do often
Not Smile?"

oh dear readers readers dear oh

how do i convolute my own non-duality
consciously twist and contort my non non-duality

mira, my beloved, as you so often remind me
my verbosity leaves your spirit dry of fecundity
what i haughtily consider to be polysyllabic profundity
your humble silence reminds me is but obscene profanity
i am so full of aire my attempts at poetry are profanity
if i could say it right once i would recover my sanity
my beloved, mira, so often as you remind me

unconsciously i twist and contort my non non-duality
how i so non-convolute my own dual duality

dearest readers oh oh dear readers dearest

i am simply trying to say this and nothing more or less
more or less nothing and this to say trying simply i am

i love you mira, beloved, mira i love you

mark christopher valentine
(june 1, 2001)

You are the soundless sound.

Have you heard it?


As you hear nothing, that's it.

This is where all ends, all begins,
where nothing else is, the "primal reality".


Hi Dan,
Sounds true!
Good Listening,

I knew you couldn't keep quiet :-)


I haven't said a word ;-)


Whenever Dan posts, it roars!


Hi Dan,

There is no Spiritual Evolution.

Yet, it can be said that ignorance is dispelled.

Listen without a listener and there is Truth.


OK class, now here is the problem...

The tide is rising the boat is full and rocking and everyone is bailing the
water splashing over...

The problem is that the tide is scheduled to rise 33 feet and your boat is
tied and anchored permanently on a 3 foot rope.

What do you do?

If the 'we' are working on the 'perfect plan' of the 'I' (obtw... where I
come from working around people means including them) then I would suggest
that the failure in implementation has nothing to do with the plan. 'We
tried that already and it didn't work' is 'your' proplem not mine I.

Look at it this way. If you do not, I will. The difference? If I will there
will be great losses of reputation and property. Can you do better than me?
I am 'counting down on that'. Eventually, I will take the rage generated by
senseless persecution out on your reputations. Think I am joking? They all
say that until they are there.

If you 'truely knew' what you were talking about, then you would know that
we pull each other through. There is no leader. There is no follower.

What is the yield of an unfertilized egg? And how is life manifest in a sea

People are mean? No problem. I can, although I do not wish it so, be meaner
than anything you have ever met. Shall we continue to play?

Here's the trade. I will leave Christianity intact if you leave me and my
people alone. And, no, as you know, alone does not mean without friends.

Evil? Good? Right? Wrong? Whatever. It is a story and I know where the story
ends as I know the whole story. 'You' will truely be the butt of the global
joke and will be left to the mercy of those you have destroyed to get your

There is a reason, as for everything I am told, that 'Who remembers'. To
wreck it more? No. To get it straight.

Remember my political friends, the next generation (GenX) is united against
you in spiritual, magical, and illusionary ways that are far beyond your
puny comprehensive view of robbing in the short term relying on the long
term to cover your tracks.

Happy retirement!

Jesus Christ

T. Eagleraven

Namaste' All,

Can you prove that you are not enlightened?


Hi James: please define "you", "enlightenment" and then describe what
a proof might consist of. Thanks. Terry

Hi Terry,

Your comment shows that there is the understanding that these
'things' are ideas and other than that they do not exist.

This is precisely why this is a worthy question.

To see the false as false is to see the Truth of the false.


` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

All doubts will cease only when the doubter
and his source has been found. There is no
use removing doubts one by one. If we clear
one doubt, another doubt will arise and there
will be no end of doubts. But if, by seeking the
source of the doubter, the doubter is found to
be really non-existent, then all doubts will cease.

- Sri Ramana Maharshi

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

This quotation is from "Be As You Are"
The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
Arkana, 1985

Archive for AlongTheWay can be accessed at:

The fear of death is the last smokescreen for the fear of love. The
mind looks at nothing and calls it something, to keep from experiencing
what it really is. Every fear is the fear of love, because to discover
the truth of anything is to discover that there is nobody, no doer, no
me to create suffering or to identify with anything. And so, without
any of that, there
is just love.

Byron Katie

Posted on NoDoer by Mark Hovilla

A friend of mine used to say that the Silver Rule is:

"Do not allow anyone to do to you what you would not do to them."


Hi all,

Here is another song I like:

Let It Grow (Weather Report II)

With Bob Weir
Recorded on Wake of the Flood (Grateful Dead Records, 1973)
Salt Lake City, Utah
February, 1973

Morning comes, she follows the path to the river shore.
Lightly sung, her song is the latch on the morning's door .
See the sun sparkle in the reeds,
Silver beads, passing to the sea

She comes from a town where they call her the woodcutter's daughter,
She's brown as the bank where she kneels down to gather her water,
And she bears it away with a love that the river has taught her.

Let it flow,
Greatly flow,
Bright and clear.

Round and round, the cut of the plow in the furrowed field.
Seasons 'round, the bushels of corn in the barley meal,
Broken ground, open and beckoning to the spring;
Black dirt live again!

The plowman is broad as the back of the land he is sowing ,
And he dances the circular track of the plow, ever knowing
That the work of his day measures more than the planting and growing .

Let it grow,
Let it grow,
Greatly yield!

What shall we say, shall we call it by a name?
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin
Water bright as the sky from which it came,
And the name is on the earth that takes it in.
We will not speak but stand inside the rain
And listen to the thunder shout:
I am.
I am.
I am.

So it goes, we make what we've made since the world began:
Nothing more, the love of the women, the work of men
Seasons 'round, creatures great and small, up and down,
As we rise and fall.

What shall we say, shall we call it by a name?
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin
Water bright as the sky from which it came,
And the name is on the earth that takes it in.
We will not speak but stand inside the rain
And listen to the thunder shout:
I am.
I am.
I am.

Love, Mark
ps If the thunder don't get ya, then the lightening will.


seeseeminglyseemingly hidden
the "Inner Sun" enlightens

seemingly hidden
the "Inner Sun" enlightens
whatever is seen

not needing a moon
not needing any planet
"Sunshine" by itself


or see picture at website given above if you do not wish to open
attachments, but it's safe! Gloria

not needing a moongly hidden
seeseemingly hiddenthe "Inner Sun" enlightens
whatever is seen

not needing a moon
not needing any planet
"Sunshine" by itself

seemingly hidden
the "Inner Sun" enlightens
whatever is seen

not needing a moon
not needing any p
seemingly hidden
the "Inner Sun" enlightens
whatever is seen

not needing a moon
not needing any planet
"Sunshine" by itself


Type: image/gif
Size: 5k

From: "jb" <>
Date: Fri Jun 1, 2001 7:19 pm
Subject: [NDS] Sun

seemingly hidden
the "Inner Sun" enlightens
whatever is seen

not needing a moon
not needing any planet
"Sunshine" by itself


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