by Jerry Katz
To view the Nonduality Highlights as meant to be read, please
Traveling Lighter
Paul Hedderman
~ ~ ~
Practical and profound, Paul Hedderman's philosophy blends his
experience in recovery with the wisdom of Advaita and
Non-duality. He calls on us to consider our deeply held notions
about self and awareness under a fresh light, and points to a
simpler and lighter way of being in the world.
A man of no pretense, Paul's unique language and solid presence
speak of the depth of his understanding of the human condition -
in which the original addiction is the mind's addiction to being
a "self."
Filmed in High-Definition and featuring music by Kirtan chant
artist and sacred singer/songwriter David Newman, also known as
Durga Das, David's music embodies a devotional mysticism, poetic
intimacy, and a joyous, often ecstatic quality. David is also
the founder of The Stay Strong Project and Yoga on Main in
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black and white
Soft morning light on greens
a coppersmith calls out
a black and white cat walks the terrace
rumblings in the stomach
some muscles aching from the acro yoga session yesterday
thoughts about clients from the pottery are passing through
just like that
appearing out of nowhere
and returning to source
happening in this empty benevolent spaciousness that we are
everything is received already
welcomed as it is
and nobody is doing it
an open sacredness which perceives
everything as itself
The latest Nonduality Talk Radio show may be heard here:
Show #18 January 15, 2014
http://nonduality.net/15january2014.mp3 Chani is our guest
and James Traverse is co-host. Lots of talk about nonduality and
we play clips from Bill East, Roger Mahaffey, and Mool Mantar
& First Slok of Japji Sahib.