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#4295 - Thursday, June 30, 2011 - Editor: Gloria Lee

The Nonduality Highlights -




Jean Klein quotes are being posted in the Nonduality Highlights Group on
Facebook, mostly by Tony Cartledge, and Christopher Chase found what is so
far the only known video in English on Youtube. Don't miss this, the last 20
seconds are the clearest  words ever spoken.... 

Jean Klein has been oft quoted here over the years, a search on turns up 121 results. The first is included, from 2002,
as it strangely happens to be mentioned in the video. Time is looping back

in circles quite often these days. ~ Gloria






True detachment comes when things leave us of themselves. And they leave
us as soon as we have really understood that they never keep their promises.
~Jean Klein




The natural state of the relaxed brain is multidimensional attention. It does
not need viewpoints, data, opinions, memory to be alert. When all the
directions cease, an organic, non-directed watchfulness remain. This is the
threshold of "I am."

~Jean Klein



"Taking oneself to be a person is a habit just like any other. It is the desire to
be distinct from one's surroundings, different from others. The person exists
when it is formulated as a thought, so we can see that it is nothing but a
memory. Repetition gives it a hold, a locality in which to situate itself."
~Jean Klein



"Where there's an ego there is purpose. And when there is no sense of "I"
there is no purpose. Life is purposeless. There's only beauty in living in the
eternal. If you believe you are the individual "I" you are isolated from your
surroundings, and this isolation brings feelings of insecurity, fear and anxiety.
Then you look for goals. You worry and anticipate. Life doesn't need a reason
to be. That is it's beauty."

~Jean Klein, Who Am I? The Sacred Quest


"What any desire really aims at, is a state of non-desire. This non-desire is a
state in which we demand absolutely nothing. Thus it is a state of extreme
abundance, fullness."

~Jean Klein



An Interview with Jean Klein...

Jean Klein - Discovering the Current of Love

Yoga teacher Lilias Folan interviews Jean Klein with basic and practical
questions  about the search for truth and the direct path as well as questions
about Jean's own background.



Today's Jean Klein for a lovely spring day


Having often sat at the feet of various teachers, listening to them talk
about "enlightenment" and wondering what this might be "like" - although it
cannot be like is a short bit from Jean Klein, from his
book, "Transmission of the Flame", that perhaps gives a sense of it, a
perfume. -Joyce Short


"Student: And during this stay there was a moment of enlightenment?


Jean Klein: Yes, it was a total switch-over from the residual conditioned
state to the unconditioned state.  Awareness expanded completely and I felt
myself in globality.


Student:  Had this ever happened before?


Jean Klein: No.  There had been glimpses, but this was more than a glimpse.
There was no going back.  I had found my real ground.


Student:  Did you know in the moment that it would be permanent or did you
discover this in the days that followed?


Jean Klein:  Because of the quality of the switch-over there was no doubt
that I could be taken again by duality, and this was confirmed in the days
and weeks that followed.  I felt a rectification in my body and in my
brain, as if all the parts had found their right place, their most
comfortable position.  I saw all events spontaneously appearing in the
non-state, in my total Absence, real Presence.


Student:  Could you say what were the exact conditions, physical and mental,
before this moment?


Jean Klein:  There had been, for two years, a retreat of all the energy
commonly used in becoming, so that when some birds crossed my horizon,
instead of becoming lost in them, they were lost in me and I found myself in
awareness free from all objects.  This time, what I admired, the birds,
dissolved in my admiring, in Presence.  And admiring dissolved in the
Admired.  Before the birds appeared, I had been in a profound and prolonged
state of being open to openness.  Now I found myself AS the openness,
identical with the openness.  Openness was my being.  There was no more


Student: Was there any other difference between this time and other times
when you had looked at birds?


Jean Klein: Before, there was a looker looking at something.  This was a
moment when there was simply looking without a looker.  Previously, it had
been my nature to live in pure perception with objects, not living in the
divided mind.  I had for a long time ignored the arising of all


Student:  Ignored?


Jean Klein:  It belongs to the traditional approach, and so that of my
teacher, never to refuse or indulge in the coming up of qualifications, but
simply to ignore, and eventually forget about them.  neither to look for
freedom nor avoid non-freedom.  The mind simply ceased to play a role except
in a purely functional way.


Student:  How is life different now?


Jean Klein: There is no more identification with time and space, body,
senses and mind. All events simply happen in awareness.


Student:  Did your relationships change?


Jean Klein: There was no more relationship.  As there's no longer an "I",
there is not another.


Student:  Can this non-dual state be described at all?


Jean Klein:  It is love where the mind is dissolved in love.  The seeker IS
the sought, and is always so very, very near.


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