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#4281 - Thursday, June 16, 2011 - Editor: Gloria Lee

The Nonduality Highlights -




At night, I open the window and ask the moon to come and press its face
against mine. Breathe into me. Close the language-door and open the love
window. The moon won't use the door, only the window. ~ Rumi

posted by Cathy Gintner on Facebook




Yes I thought about this song by Waterboys going to the pier on the other
side to see if the moon was visible.




Unicorns and cannonballs, palaces and piers


Trumpets, towers and tenements, wide oceans full of tears


Flags, rags, ferryboats, scimitars and scarves


Every precious dream and vision underneath the stars




Yes, you climbed on the ladder with the wind in your sails


You came like a comet, blazing your trail


Too high, too far, too soon


You saw the whole of the moon

 [see eclipse series at link]


Thanks to everbody : )


posted by Alan Larus on Facebook





The Gift of Gravity



All that passes descends,
and ascends again unseeen
into the light: the river
coming down from sky
to hills, from hills to sea,
and carving as it moves,
to rise invisible,
gathered to light, to return
again. "The river's injury
is its shape." I've learned no more.
We are what we are given
and what is taken away;
blessed be the name
of the giver and taker.
For everything that comes
is a gift, the meaning always
carried out of sight
to renew our whereabouts,
always a starting place.
And every gift is perfect
in its beginning, for it
is "from above, and cometh down
from the Father of lights."
Gravity is grace.


~ Wendell Berry ~


(The Gift of Gravity)



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[The Panhala poems are a gift of Joe Riley, consider subscribing.]




So you've cut up your hide and stretched it,
pegged it down to dry with definite,
sharp-pointed desires,


but have you planted any fruit trees
for the next generation?


Wisdom offered you is like a ball
thrown at a boundary post,


useless as molasses fed to a tawny bull
to help it give more milk!


            - Lalla
             14th Century North Indian mystic

posted to Along The Way




The Sun Interview

Against The Grain: Peter Coyote On Buddhism, Capitalism, And The Enduring Legacy Of The Sixties

“There is no exact line between inside and outside, or between self and other. . . . Show me where the world ends and you begin.”
By David Kupfer




Kupfer: But your generation did transform the U.S. political agenda.


Coyote: No, I don’t think we did. We lost every one of our political battles: We
did not stop capitalism. We did not end the war. We did not stop imperialism.
I can’t point to real political victory.


Culturally, however, we’ve changed the landscape dramatically. There is no
city in the
United States today where there is not a women’s movement, an
environmental movement, alternative medical practices, alternative spirituality,
organic-food stores. That is a huge and powerful development that I think will
eventually change the political system.


Kupfer: So the political system is the tail on the dog, the last thing to change
in the culture?


Coyote: Politicians are not leaders; they are followers. They think that,
because they can plunder the public treasury, they are leading. In fact they are
terrified of the people. The people are a problem for them to manage, and
when they can no longer manage them, they must follow them, or oppress



2) Coyote:

I don’t think theater has ever been a vehicle for radical change. Theater is a
vehicle for deepening knowledge about the human species. I am not even
sure that the system has to change. People have to change. If people behaved
with self-restraint, generosity, and compassion, even capitalism could work.
We are never going to create a system that generates fairness, equity,
goodwill, and justice. I became a Buddhist in part because I believe that
change like that has to start internally and be expressed one person at a time.
It is true that a system can advance or repress certain attributes of human
behavior, but no set of rules is going to make us perfect.


Kupfer: Did practicing Zen Buddhism take you inward and away from your
outward activism? How do you reconcile the desire to change society with the
Buddhist philosophy of accepting reality?


Coyote: The practice of Buddhism in no way changed my commitment to
political work. I did take about ten years off while I learned to pursue politics
with less anger and attachment to specific outcomes. There is no exact line
between inside and outside, or between self and other, so either-or
dichotomies like “inward versus outward” are not really descriptive. Show me
where the world ends and you begin. Buddha did not urge people to “accept”
everything. That’s a colloquial, Western misunderstanding. He preached a
radical transformation based on what worked. He was the ultimate social
activist who introduced concepts and practices that have revolutionized
humankind. He was not a navel-gazer.


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