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#4021 - Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - Editor: Jerry Katz 

The Nonduality Highlights -  




Dustin LindenSmith, stay at home dad to three kids, jazz musician, writer, was my guest on Nonduality Street.  The topic is mindfulness and parenting. Listen to the 30 minute radio show by clicking below: 

(You may have to reload the page to get the complete podcast to play.) 


 The following is from Elephant Journal, which is as close to lifestyle nonduality as we're getting. It fuses some nonduality with conscious living in a glossy urban format.  

Everything. Is. Perfect. 

by Ben Ralston 

Buddha said: “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” 

It is so easy to fall into the trap of looking at the world and finding fault.
When we look, we find what we are looking for—every time. Because we are creators. We create our reality in the form that we choose. We are all-powerful.


If you want to experience peace in the world around you, there must first be peace in your heart.


If you would like to experience abundance, you must first find abundance in your Self.


If you would like to know more joy, seek that place inside yourself where joy comes from.


The world around us is perfect. Do you see it?


Through a telescope: All the galaxies expanding and contracting in the eternal rhythm of life (universe)…the planets dancing round each other in their perfect orbits.


Through a microscope: all the internal systems expanding and contracting in the eternal rhythm of life (breath)…the electrons and neurons and atoms and molecules dancing round each other in their perfect orbits.


    (I am not a scientist, forgive any factual errors!)


But the fact remains that on looking up, we see macrocosm; on looking down, we see microcosm. There is a perfect symmetry to the world around us, a perfect order. This is the truth behind the ancient Hermetic law:


    “As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without; As without, so within.”


When we see chaos, it is because we have created chaos. When we experience suffering, it is because we have attached ourselves to suffering. When we find we are without, then it is time to look within!


Then it is time to learn from our mistakes, to ask ourselves “what am I trying to teach myself?,” and to re-learn to see the world as a child does.


A child sees through eyes that are untainted by expectation. It sees things as they are.


Let us see things as they are. Without fear. Without expectation. Without judgement. Without shame.


Don’t look. Have the courage to see.


It means that we must open ourselves completely.


It means that we must not hold on to what we think we know.


It means letting go of all that is comfortable.


Sound scary? It is, I know.


But the trade-off is this:


We step out of our little bubbles, our little comfort zones; and into a whole new world of beauty and joy.


We realize that we are infinitely connected to all that is, in unimaginable ways—unimaginable because we cannot experience that reality with our imagination, with our thoughts, or with our ideas. Only through being, can we come to know that bliss.


A student asked me:


“What about war? What about rape? What about all the suffering in the world? How can you say that is perfect?”


It’s a good question, and not one that is easy to answer!


But the answer is this:


All human suffering is caused by our belief in duality. When we believe that there is suffering, there is. When we believe that the world is a hard place, it is. When we look for problems, we will certainly find them. And that is what we have been doing for a very, very long time.


Now, in this age, on this day, at this moment, you and I can change all that.
At any moment, any one of us, no matter our circumstances, can change. We can always look inside ourselves and choose a different way. We can always look inside ourselves and let go of the pain, the suffering, the depression, the anger, the lack.


We can always see beauty, joy, and love, within. Because that is where it comes from. And if we all do that, then war, rape, and suffering itself, will disappear. We, mankind, create them with our negativity.


We are perfect as we are. God, whether you think of him/her/it as a being, or an energy, or nature herself, doesn’t make mistakes.





The following is a repeat, with supplemental material, about Vicki Woodyard's new book, Life With A Hole In It. The reason it is being repeated is because the link to purchase the book did not work. Here is the link and I've also included it at the end of this entry: 

Here are a couple recent reviews:

I am on a week long vacation to Utah and before leaving on Friday I
printed out the first 75 pages of your book. I reached the airport three
hours before the flight. I sat near a huge window, on a black rocking
chair with the view of the runway and huge white puffy clouds in the sky.
The next couple of hours were beautiful with a combination of reading,
admiring the clouds, introspecting my own life situations and trying to
hold back tears. It was a beautiful experience and a great start to my
vacation. I almost finished the first 75 pages by the time I reached
Salt Lake City. Loved the way the book is written with combination of
facts, truths and some funny pages. Thanks. - S.B.  


LIFE WITH A HOLE IN IT has a big heart. Through stories of seeking
enlightenment and the sense of enlightenment as a "dirty word," through
tales of a teacher and loved ones dying of cancer and the pain of
watching them die, to a sense of beautiful, quiet peace at the end of
these stories, the book has all the gritty, earthly feel of a personal
life transformed by a  sense of the bigness of the impersonal. This is
good reading. It made me smile and laugh. The words are drenched with
love and a sense of  humor along with reverence and awe for the mystery
of life. I recommend this book!

- Scott Kiloby, Author of Reflections of the One Life, Love's Quiet
Revolution, and Living Realization.





Life With A Hole In It

Since the title of my book is Life With A Hole In It, I have been led to
ponder all of its implications. And being an intuitive writer, I am now
going to open up the forum to my writing self and let her speak:

A large hole was made in your life when your daughter died. It felt like
a large asteroid had crashed into your spirit leaving a Crater Lake of
Tears. And yet you knew in your heart that it would not crush you. You
also knew that life as you knew it was over. The new one that you began
to live one day at a time was about as appealing as a leper’s  kiss. Was
there a Christ in you that could embrace it?

It would take years and years to learn to do that. The professor who
taught the course in how to survive the death of a child never showed up
for class. Like an orphan yourself, you sat alone waiting for the
teacher to show.

Life went on in a terribly cockeyed way. Holidays came and went with no
one being one whit happier. They actually made you sadder than sad. Not
for you was trimming a tree with a seven-year-old’s favorite ornaments
hung at the top of the tree. Too sad for words.

You found a tough spiritual teacher who drew you directly into the fire
and you were glad to go. For you were used to fire. What you weren’t
used to was light. But now you craved it and you would sit for large
chunks of time absorbing the written wisdom and spoken words of the
wise. Your teacher seemed to know his stuff.

And then your husband got his fatal diagnosis and for a second time in
your life you went through hell. Your child and your husband both had
about the same length of time to live and you knew that you would be a
survivor yet again. But this time you found your voice and your passion
to tell the truth yourself. And that is how you go on. Like the
Energizer Bunny, you run on the battery of the beyond within. It is a
mystery and a blessing how everything works out when you determine to go
the distance.

Vicki's book, LIFE WITH A HOLE IN IT, can be ordered here.  

Note from Vicki: All of you who know me from the Nonduality Salon are
familiar with my work. The book needs to get out there and I am hopeful
that some of you will help move my work forward by buying a copy. It
isn't easy to market a book on your own, but hopefully it will sell by
word of mouth. Someone said it could be an underground success. From her
mouth to God's ear. It was a labor of love and now needs to be
shared...So do what you can. Thanks and love.

"This is a book of truth, wisdom and humor. It comes from the bones, not
the brain. A magnificent this book! "  Mary Margaret Moore,
author of "I Come as a Brother" The Teachings of Bartholomew. 

Vicki Woodyard

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