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Highlights #361

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I, the beholder,
The one I behold,
The beholding itself
Do not connect with one another-

Just as I who desire,
The one I desire,
The desiring itself,
Do not connect.

We do not connect
Because we are not
Apart from one another;
We would not be together

If we were apart.
I am other than you
In relation to you;
I could not be your other without you.

Were I other than you,
Then even without you
I would be someone else;
I cannot be your other without you.

There is no otherness
In either you or me;
Without otherness,
There is no me or you.

I do not connect with me
Nor do I connect with you-
No connecting, no
Connections, no connectors.


>if the "what" that is changing is said to be "everything",
>then reality (existence) is everything, and illusions are

Dan: Once you say that this "what" is something, even
"everything", you have defined it. In defining
it, you place yourself outside of it, in a position
to give it a definition. As it has no outside, it
has no inside. You can't be outside of it defining
it, nor are you inside of it.

An interesting thing to me about memory is
that it can only occur "now".
It purports to include
content about a "then",
but this content
only has its existence "now".
The content pretends it can
re-present something
that is not, and which
exists nowhere, and this
means that memory
is a fiction, and reality
that is based on memory
is fictional. The contentless
nowness to which memory's contents
are unable to refer remains
the only Real here.

An interesting question here is
if the past isn't, and memory's
contents have no "existing"
or "true" reference, then
on what is based the entire
circle of memory, thought, and
recollected perception through which all human
personalities, languages, cultures, organized religions,
histories, and goals are given form?

In answering this question, I find
only a self-perpetuating
and self-referencing loop that
never refers to anything outside
of its own constructions, yet
which continually formulates constructions
as if they referred to something "real"
that exists, involving
plenty of energy, emotion, and interpersonal
destructiveness in the process.

If memory's contents are seen as not
referring to anything real, and Reality
as omnipresent Nowness *is*, then
living as Nowness is Alone, reality.
The continuing emotionally reactive patterns,
the "past-focused" understanding of reality,
the interpersonal destructiveness of
"dichotomization" will drop "automatically".

Now, if one is presenting a case in court,
it will be far more useful and coherent to produce
witnesses who can use memory to attest
that one was not at the scene of the crime
when it occurred, as contrasted with telling the judge
and jury that the past doesn't exist.

When in Rome, do as the Romans.
When "playing one's part" in a fictional
reality through which is structured
social interaction, play one's part "honestly"
and without obfuscation.
Render unto Caesar that which is
Caesar's and unto God, that which
is God's.

'That which is God's' is the glory,
which is the only Nowness that is,
in which there is none 'other'
(the word 'God' [or emptiness,
or whatever] being useful only
in the appropriate fictional

"Consider the lilies of the field,
which toil not"...


Xan posted:

where does willingness come from
willing to do anything
although nothing can be done
willing to surrender everything
although nothing is mine
willing to be exposed
although there is nothing to hide

where does lovingness come from
loving the flaws in us
although we are perfect
loving the simplicity
although feelings are so complex
loving you
although no one is there

where does gratefulness come from
grateful for the laughter
although the joke is on me
grateful for the beauty
although eyes cannot truly see
grateful for the bounty
although hands are forever empty


Tim: Discussing the Undiscussable

Standard Version:

"When discussing the undiscussable, always speak very poetically. That
way, even though the words might not make sense, at least they SOUND good."

Buddhist Version:

"When eating, eat. When drinking, drink. When discussing the
undiscussable, discuss the undiscussable."

"Buddhists Against Teenage Sex" (BATS) Version:

"Just Say MU!"

I once had a rather minor spiritual experience which I have since
forgotten except for one little part. A very heavy thought came into my
mind that said "this is indescribable." It wasn't any more indescribable
than anything else but this thought was very forceful. So beware of
invader thoughts! :)


The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time
Any fool can do it
There ain't nothing to it
Might as well show some style
Give us a smile

Planets spinning through space
The smile upon your face
Welcome to the human race

Now the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. :-)

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