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#3379 - Friday, December 12, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz

The Nonduality Highlights -  



On the Science and Nonduality Conference and Gathering planned for October 23-25, 2009

As far as I can see, this conference will be the first large, open, public conference on Nonduality. It could be the first of many, and no one owns the notion. This growth is largely because of the democratic and populist movement on the Internet. Nonduality has emerged from the ashrams, temples and Himalayan caves. It has become largely de-hierarchicalized so that the Age of the Friend has caught up with the Age of the Guru. It's on the internet, telephone exchanges, at the shelves in Barnes and Noble and at the tables in Starbucks. But there's further to go however with TV, cinema, academia, nightclubs, and various places in the community where people can explore nonduality whichever way they feel drawn.

I'm all for taking it there too.

Greg Goode  

Stay in touch conference developments, by joining the discussion group: Once the conference is set to go, you can use the discussion group for ridesharing, friend meet-ups, questions, comments, complaints, whatever. We'll be there for you, before, during, and after the conference.



Brian Emmet writes...

I would like to invite you all to participate in a project that myself and Eddie Blatt are creating.

We are creating a book comprised of stories from students of EVERY religious or spiritual tradition, who want to share a story or two about how foolish or bizarre they (mis)behaved in the course of attempting a spiritual life. We are definitely NOT interested in tearing anyone or any system down with this book, only laughing at ourselves - the joke is on us.

It seems to us that that is a very important energy or connection to advance out in the World at this late date: have a laugh at how good hearted, but absurd, you behaved under the pressure of a spiritual regime. And even more: what do you NOW understand about yourself that you certainly didn’t understand back then!

One of the interesting issues that has arisen for us is to find that many people can’t see anything whatsoever humorous or funny about their past experiences! They tend to either regard their experiences as either sacrosanct and totally precious, or else as a traumatic and a disaster, best forgotten about.

So, many times we will listen to a few stories from a person and actually have to point out how hilarious many of the incidents of their lives were. Then, they may indeed “get it”. That is exactly why this book could arguably be of some genuine service to others. It can begin a process bringing some humor to aspects of our lives that have gone unexamined for years.

Of course we are offering a royalty to anyone whose story is published. You can learn more and decide whether this project might interest you by going to our beautiful new web site at . Stories may be submitted in recorded audio form or written (please see the web site for more details)

Also, if you know a friend who might have a great story and be interested, please let them know.

Brian Emmett
Now of Byron Bay, Australia
Then of New York and Boston

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