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#3337 - Friday, October 31, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz

The Nonduality Highlights





Hope you got lots of candy for Halloween. So which mask was placed on Judas? Dr. Yitzhaq I. Hayut-Man puts an apple in your pillow sack. Watch out for the razor blade.





Dr. Yitzhaq I. Hayut-Man is author of The Truth About Judas: Mysteries of the Judas Code Revealed


Book description from

Judas as the Greatest Disciple of Jesus:

Judas means one thing throughout literature and throughout the history of the Christian Church. - "Traitor." Dr. Yitzhaq I. Hayut-Man, working with the newly-discovered Judas Gospel published in 2006 by National Geographic Society, demonstrates Judas to be anything but a traitor. In those pages he is, instead, the disciple whom Jesus chooses for his moment of ecstasy and martyrdom on the cross. -- "But you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothes me," Christ says to Judas in that Gospel. Christian Gnosis as the Basis for Understanding Judas

How could this traitor possibly be a saint? At the time of Christ and in the centuries afterward, Christianity faced a competing system known as Gnosis (which means "direct knowledge.") The Christian Church emphasizes doctrine. Gnosis emphasizes direct experience of the divine. In the light of Gnostic teachings, this disciple was capable of supreme acts of obedience and devotion. He was a direct knower of God and, as such, could be the one to do for Christ what no others would do.

As Christ says to Judas in the Judas Gospel, "You will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations (i.e. those of the disciples and of the orthodox Church) - and you will come to rule over them. In the last days they will curse your ascent (or transfiguration) to the holy [generation]."

The Qaballah As Source and Validity for Christian:

Gnosis If Gnosis were simply something new at the time of Christ, it might seem to be merely a movement that arose and failed. However, Hayut-Man shows, Gnosis is a later form of the widely known and respected Jewish Qaballah. The Christian Church may have repudiated mystical doctrines like those in the Judas Gospel, but the world has known them in many forms. And one of the best-known of all of those forms is the Jewish Qaballah.

Signaling Another Type of Apocalypse:

Now may be the time of fulfillment for Christ's words, "you will come to rule over them." The Judas Gospel might usher in nothing less than an anti-Apocalypse, a new time of harmony and peace where Jews, Christians, and Muslims enjoy the direct experience of God through teachings in the Qaballah, in sacred Muslim writings, and - most clearly and most recently - in the 2000-year-old Gospel of Judas.

About the Author

Dr. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man is an Israeli cyber-architect, biblical scholar, professor/lecturer and the grandson of one of the five founders of Tel Aviv, and of lineage of a Hassidic saint that leads back to King David. He has worked with Buckminster Fuller and wrote the play "The Gospel of Judith Iscariot". He has published over 20 scientific papers and was featured in Wired Magazine.


An interview with Dr. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man

Christ a Master of Jewish Mysticism

Monday, 16 April 2007

1. Jim Meade: The book has a tremendous amount of material about Qaballah, and yet it is about Jesus. Do you think
Jesus was a student of Qabbalah?

Yitzhaq Hayut-Man: No. Jesus could not have been "a student of Qabbalah" - a term that appeared only by the 11th or
12th century - but he was very likely a master of the Jewish mystical practices of his time. These practices have gone
underground with the split between Judaism and Christianity, but they survived and resurfaced as "Qabbalah" a
thousand years later (when these two religions were already well set in their structure) to be accepted as the true religion
of Israel.

For the people who followed Jesus, he was primarily a healer and miracle-worker, and possibly the waited-for Jewish
Messiah (which was a very different figure than what became the Christian Messiah figure). We know that at that period,
there were people called Hassidim - "The Pious Ones" who would heal and work miracles (especially as rainmakers).
From the little written about them it seems that they were withdrawn and would pray for many hours each day.
The Character of Jesus in "The Gospel of Judas" comes and goes from and into a different "space" and is able to conjure
clouds, so this fits the pattern. The one constant and outstanding feature of all Jewish mysticism for literally thousands of
years is the reverence to (even obsession with) the Tetragrammaton, the Holy Name of four letters as appears in the
original Hebrew Scriptures and which the common people were advised not to pronounce. For the Qabbalah masters
(Mequbalim), the whole Creation, in its most exalted form, was envisioned as a weave of the letters of the Divine Name.
The healers among them were called Ba'ale Shem - "Masters of the Divine Name".

Now in the Gospel of Judas, Judas is the only one of the disciples (namely, the would-be Christian Establishment) who
knows where Jesus comes from - "You have come from the Blessed Domain of Barbelo" - which I have interpreted as
"with/through these Four", namely the Tetragrammaton - "and you were sent by the one whose Name I should not
pronounce" - clearly the Tetragrammaton, in Hebrew haShem.

In "The Gospel of Judas", Jesus is a Gnostic master. The current opinion of many researchers is that Gnosticism rose
from Jewish mysticism as from Hellenic reaction to Judaism, and not all Gnostics were Christians. The Gnostic Jesus of
the Gospel of Judas (which is likely a 2nd century document) fiercely opposes that which was getting established by then
as orthodox Christianity, and trusts only Judas - who was already vilified by the Church as the proverbial Jew. So "the
True Jesus" is thereby identified with esoteric Judaism obsessed with the Divine Name, which developed to the
Qabbalah. The reason I brought so much Qabbalah into this book is to allow the reader to get into what this True Jesus
would believe. Whereas Gnosticism was soon terminated and died, the esoteric Judaism became a continuous living
tradition which is

2. Jim Meade: You suggest in the book that the Christian church has failed. You are an Israeli and a Jew. Has the Jewish
formal religion failed as well?

Yitzhaq Hayut-Man: The Gnostic stance would be that practically all religious establishments would become a failure. I
once heard a tale attributed to Krishnamurti that captures this stance. In it, the devil and a companion were walking one
day on a country road and beheld a man stooping down. But then he found something in the dust, picked it and started
dancing with joy. "What did that man find there?" the companion asked and the devil said that he found The Truth. "Are
you not worried? Now that he found it, what will happen to us?" But the devil answered complacently "Don't worry, I am
just going to catch up with him and help him to organize it". In the book I suggested that Christianity did became
entangled with the concept (and thus the influence) of the devil from its start (and there is no question that so was Islam).
I have met a few high ranking priests and nuns (and a couple of Moslems) who thought that their religion was indeed led
by the Opposition, and I find that Judaism is amazing in its tendency to do the opposite of what was intended.

Yet in this light, Judaism has a paradoxical advantage over Christianity and Judaism - that it has not yet got its fair
chance, so it has not yet proved a failure. Faced now, at long last, with the challenge of the resurrected Israel, Judaism
might fail. However, the very name "Israel" conjures something more inclusive than "Judaism" and possibly beyond it,
which I'll need another book to present. At any rate, I personally have inquired the mystical side of Christianity and Islam
and still found Judaism to be the most intellectually interesting and spiritually challenging religion I've come across. I
have not advocated conversion to Judaism, in this book or elsewhere. But I recommend paying attention to the wisdom
that can be gleaned from Judaism. In this, Jacob's blessing "Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall thank" (Gen.
49:8) would be fulfilled.

3. Jim Meade: You suggest that the Judas Gospel may have been written for our time. Are you suggesting that God hid it
until now and is bringing it out?

Yitzhaq Hayut-Man: A former speaker of the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament), Avrum Burg, wrote a book titled "God has
come back". This fits the common Jewish belief that for the last 2000 years, God's Presence has been absent (and if so,
it could even be claimed that much of the development in religion everywhere has been away from God). According to
the Qabbalah towards the time of the Redemption (latest by the end of the Sixth Hebrew millennium - which is now), all
the hidden things will be revealed. There is a long intellectual history of Europeans turning to Egypt for the revelation of
ancient mysteries and it is strong now. So perhaps even the location of this find is no accident. My dear colleague, British
author John Michell concluded his book "The Temple at Jerusalem: a Revelation" in this vein: "The revelation ( was to
come about when it was needed, in response to the generation's desire for 'healing of nations', and in God's good time. It
seems likely that the time has come".

4. Jim Meade: Can you answer this ? yes?or-no? - Was Judas Jesus' twin?

Yitzhaq Hayut-Man: Yes, his "Spiritual Twin". This is what counted for the Gnostics, to be a spiritual brother of Jesus. But
to be even the twin brother of Jesus would be by becoming "Judah-Ish Krayot", denizen of "the City of God".

5. Jim Meade: So many millions of people for 2,000 years have believed that Judas was a traitor and that he was evil,
including priests and popes and saints. Could all these people have been wrong?

Yitzhaq Hayut-Man: I never believed that whatever the great majority of people believe is therefore true, quite the
contrary in fact. Regarding Judas as the evil traitor, however, was synonymous with anti-Semitism (in Hebrew anti-
Shemiyut - literally "opposing the Name"). As I see it, a Christian anti-Semite (or anti-Zionist), be this a crowd, laymen,
priests or a pope, is wrong, and in a real sense even a traitor to Christ. Thus the exoneration of Judas might spell a new
and better age (eon) for Christianity.

6. Jim Meade: Was Christ a virgin birth?

Yitzhaq Hayut-Man: I don't know much about virgin births and doubt whether there can be a human pregnancy without
insemination. I recall a pagan Greek mythical story of a lady named Leda being inseminated by Jupiter who took the form
of a swan. Seems that belief in virgin birth inseminated by God is a hallmark of the paganism that permeated the nascent
Christianity. Certainly this belief contradicts the very first words of the Gospels (Matthew 1:1-16) that Jesus was a scion
of King David. Curiously, virgin birth is actually discussed in the Talmud, as if it was a practical question ? "whether a
virgin who became pregnant is permitted for the high priest", and it is deemed there possible for a virgin to become
pregnant at the bathhouse (i.e., from seed left by masturbators). So perhaps this would also permit Joseph to marry a
pregnant virgin Mary?

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