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#2987 - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - Editor: Jerry Katz


Nondual Highlights -      


the wonder of this

By David Brockman   ~ ~ ~   This text is both meaningless and useless.

~ ~ ~

Jamaican Rum

These words fall across the page as the sea laps

soothingly against a Jamaican beach here in paradise.

My name is David, I’m a 36 year old

Englishman; just so you know a little of my story. A

few years ago, I ‘died’. The limited identity I had

clung to for so long completely fell away quite

suddenly. In its place was revealed a wonderful,

thoughtless, clear peace – waves of blissful energy

ran up and down my body and all was seen as One;

perfect and effortless.


Later ‘David’ returned and my life continued

on. Yet with this ‘peak experience’ returned an

apparent recognition which had seemingly been

misplaced somehow. What also happened was an

apparent ‘clarity’ – which still remains. Above all it

was seen that absolutely everything was fine and well,

perfection in fact. So my brief two year period of

‘seeking’ came to an end.


If you find yourself seeking too, know that

nothing has to change for the questions to drop away

quite naturally.


This book will attempt to point to what IS

already. Thus it recommends nothing and has no

agenda or purpose. If you have it in your hands, you

are probably a ‘seeker’ like I was. Maybe that will

come to an end, maybe not. Please don’t think that

this book might be the one that ‘does it’. If you have

never even thought about life and who you are, etc.,

this may also be a read for you....who knows?!


The weirdest thing is that you, the reader, are

actually its author. These words are literally being

created right now, this instant, by you. This is your

book. Your words. So enjoy!


Much love and Gobbledygook.


NB. A ‘Seeker’ is a person somewhat obsessed with

the notion of ‘enlightenment’.


Big Bangers ‘n’ Mash


Life has JUST happened – IS JUST happening

now in this one, timeless, eternal moment. From

nothing to everything. So the ‘Big Bang’ as scientists

like to call it didn’t happen 6 billion years ago or

whatever; it’s just happening in THIS present

moment as a singular, unique explosion of creation.


Absolutely everything has just been created,

including any concept of time or ‘cause and effect’.


The oceans, mountains, sky, sun, sensations,

thoughts, you, him, her, everything, absolutely

everything that exists in experience has just been

created. These words are the first and only words

that you’ll ever read; this moment is the first and

only moment you will exist and live. Mind-blowingly

amazing isn’t it?!…


So notions of time passing and ‘cause and

effect’ are simply that – man made notions. Time is

eternal. It IS – without movement. There is no past

and no future; there is only the present moment. You

will live and die in this same beautiful, timeless

moment. You, the world, existence, has no history;

there is no beginning or end. Pictures of you as a

child are simply pictures. You had no childhood. It’s

a memory created in imagination now, presently.

You are without age.


So time as we know it is only useful on a

relative level; living as we do in our dreamed lives.

It’s fine to believe in the passing of time. To arrange

meetings, birthday celebrations, etc. Of course. Yet it

is only an imagined dream.


As is the law of ‘cause and effect’. Science tells

us that the two are inextricably linked and that all

existence is utterly governed by it. Again, on a

relative level, this seems to be the case. Touch the

piano key and a note should ring out; drop a ball and

‘gravity’ should return it to the ground. Fine. This is

very useful, practical knowledge.


What is actually happening is one, singular,

timeless event which stands alone and unconnected

to anything other. So if the ball appears to hit the

ground and bounce up, this is happening from

nowhere. The ball never fell and was never released.


It is simply bouncing.


It’s the same with language and action. You

might say “I’m just off to the kitchen now” and getup

from the chair and start to walk off. Yet the

standing up and walking just happened. Nothing to

do with the apparent words uttered or a thought of

going to the kitchen. Nothing is connected.


Everything is pristine, unique and miraculously



You bubble up; existence bubbles up from

nowhere like a bubble in a champagne glass.

No past. No future. No ‘cause and effect’. Just

this. Simple.


the wonder of this by David Brockman

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