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Nondual Highlights: Issue #2942, Sunday, September 30, 2007, Editor: Mark

True understanding, which is enlightenment, can happen only when there is total effortlessness - in other words, in the utter absence of any comprehender. Then there is only the witnessing of the dream of life without the least desire to change anything.

- Ramesh Balsekar, posted to ANetofJewels

Awareness is the first unfolding; it's a sense of self that's aware of existence. Thus there's a self aware of its separateness. In this way, awareness is already part of separation.

- Karl Renz, from The Myth of Enlightenment, Seeing Through the Illusion of Separation, posted to The_Now2

Everyone is this naturalness. When we start calling it enlightenment and awakening, thought can use that to compare, right? But if we say this naturalness or this simple presence, thought can't run a comparison study. The whole invitation is to look prior to language, prior to concepts, prior to thought's projection.

What's looking and what's seeing? There's not that much there. There's just this simple, ordinary presence, and it is so unadorned. You can run right by it if you're looking for something fancy. It's always been here, it has no age, it doesn't really have any properties or qualities, it's just this intelligence. It's so quiet, that's why they call it silence.

- Pamela Wilson from Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom

(It all starts with Intent)


Words like
gather around,
tightly circling sharks
with the smell of blood
written all over me.
and if I have nothing
left to barter & sell
or even give away
like an organ donation,
useless to the dead,
It's just because intent
turned itself
inside out and uses me
the best way it knows how:

I pour salt into my own wounds,
and I light up the sky.

(Then you find yourSelf)

Pawn Shop

How we keep finding one another
is no mystery,
some things like
massive grey elephant hides with
parchment ivory tusks and African ears,
bats with submarine or airplane sonar, Vampire teeth and
arm-chair wings,
are musical instruments,
if anything,
tuning forks of vibrations
in the manifestations of how God
plays the show like a standup comic,
steals all the good scenes and
winks in every detail,
hiding behind a dark pawn shop curtain
as you bring in the ticket
to buy back your soul.

(Now enjoy life in ecstatic Being--reunited in the Oneness of Life)


Darling, if you bring your empty cup of passion,
I'll bring you my song of joy, my body of ecstasy,
we'll meet in the golden cathedral
of falling leaves,

we'll make love until hell freezes over
we'll melt the sun, the fields of clover.

we'll die in one embrace
like all Lovers should,
beneath the stars, on the way to a
distant Alleluia
like burning crosses of wood,
like an echo
in a quiet Mosque,
like Venus and Mars,

we'll shine.

we'll shine.

- Anna Ruiz, posted to SufiMystic

Give ownership of yourself over to Love. Let Love have you. Let Love have everything. Let yourself sit tall, filled with your own beauty and grandeur. As though you are wearing the crown of Love. I don't care what you were doing, thinking or feeling ten minutes ago, in this moment you can enter the fire. Everything is burned, and you emerge clean. You emerge as Love.

- Jeannie Zandi

Editor's note: I'd like to announce that Jeannie and her daughter Sophia are publishing a book of Sophia's sayings. Sophia is 8 years old now, and has been a wisdom master for ages... She takes after her Mom.

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