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Life Without A
Awakening from the Dream
of Separateness
by Jeff Foster
published by Non-Duality
Disintegration --
No world outside; only this.
Now the words don't come,
and now they do.
No control over this.
It breathes, it breathes.
No reason to breathe, no reason to stop.
No words for this; all
words arise into this, and dissolve into this.
Nothing remains. No
trace, no track, no memory.
All answers dissolve, all
questions dissolve; all just energy arising, energy falling away.
Now thought does not
Mind is clear, like the
sky. An open space.
No clouds. Only silence,
only space, only this.
Cars outside. Water
through pipes. Banging upstairs. The forms arise and pass,
leaving no trace. Any trace is memory, any trace is dead.
Words that do not do this
justice: peace, God, emptiness, nirvana, freedom. Who would want
to describe this anyhow?
All philosophies fail
here. This cannot be captured. This cannot be reduced. Then what
is being written? Nothing. This means nothing. But it is being
written! There is nothing, there is something. Identical!
Nothing, something.
Something, nothing. Duality, nonduality. Nonduality, duality.
All is clear. There never
was any confusion. Confusion is illusion.
Did I ever think
So what to do? When there
is nothing to do, what to do?
Do what you do! That is
What am I doing now?
Writing. Why? Because I am. No other reason. Nothing else is
possible. Only this. What freedom in that; what liberation!
Nothing else is possible but this. This moment. And this. To
fight that -- to demand that this be something other than what is
-- is madness. Total madness. Total futility. This is perfect,
simply because it can't be any other way.
No illusions. No illusion
of control. There is no control, nor lack of it. Thoughts of
control and lack of control both arisel; they both fall away.
Only this remains. And this, and this, endlessly.....
Is this the "great
liberation"? There is only that question. And the question
signifies nothing. No answer is assumed, and the questions
dissolves back into nothingness -- the nothingness that IS total
fullness. Nothing and something are one.
Duality? Nonduality?
Nonsense. God? A fancy story. Nirvana? A dream, no more, no less.
All these concepts arise and fall back into the perfection that
is this moment, and this moment, and this.
Is this a
"state"? Who asks the question? Is an answer assumed?
Is the answer in the question? Is the answer the question itself?
So let the question
dissolve back into the emptiness....
This. This. Only this.
Forever, endlessly, timelessly, without beginning, without end.
Older than God. Prior to eternity.
Past is memory. Future is
projection. Neither exist ... or don't exist.
~ ~ ~
from dialogues:
Q: Help! This is all so
confusing. There are so many teachers, so many people saying
apparently different things....
A: Yes, the so-called
nonduality marketplace can be rather confusing to an individual
trying to get somewhere! So many things to worry about: Is
there any such thing as a "purely nondual" teaching?
Are some teachings "better" than others? Should we
"stay away" from so-called "dualistic
teachings"? Even people like Tony Parsons -- he still has
"meetings" and apparently "answers questions"
-- isn't this very subtly promoting the idea of duality, the idea
that there is "something to get"?
Yikes indeed!
The answer? This! Who is
it, right now, that is confused? Who is it that may be trying to
"get" something from these so-called teachings (or
non-teachings!)? Is that sense of "me" arising now?
Good. Nothing more is needed. That's IT. I mean it. That's IT.
Liberation is
...and then the thought "this
can't be it!!!" -- that's the killer!
Ah, dear old
"me", dear old mind. Always wanting something more.
Always looking for something other than this.
Life Without A
Awakening from the Dream
of Separateness
by Jeff Foster
published by Non-Duality