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#2388 - Friday, February 10, 2006 - Editor: Jerry Katz
David Spero, Gabriel Rosenstock, and Howard Schumann are featured.
Bliss liberates instantly. The Bliss-Force of Absolute Being dissolves the knot of self-reflexive awareness - the perceiver, the knower, the one who understands and functions in relativity. Egoic consciousness, the prasad or leftover of inadequate seeing, is recognized to be an echo within memory's functioning, a subtle auditory hallucination. Ignorance is the crashing of memory-current in the hidden chambers of the mind, the noise that overwhelms the silence. The Masters Heart of Bliss-Consciousness shatters this nagging, self-perpetuating movement and restores the awareness of the Self. There is no room for effort here, only a direct interfacing with the utterly simple, naked and absolute state of Being Itself. Only within and by the Grace of Being can this entire field of self-perpetuating ignorance be renounced, once and for all.
-- David Spero
Birth of a Kingfisher
It was a time when even poets were out scavenging
For entitities in myth, legend and history,
Tracking them down here, there, everywhere,
Shooting them out of nowhere
That they might answer to a rhymelessness in the bowels.
Sad old Job figured and Milarepa, too,
Though, sister, werent they stretching it with the Tibetan?
Ye Olde Caterpillar Man, green from slurping nettle-broth,
His painful ascent from sorcery to buddahood glossed over.
Eventually they packed it in
Leaving their bows and arrows to rot.
Resonances simply were no longer to be found
Booty was shadow
Echolessness pervaded the land.
An age came about which had the retentiveness
Of newts roused from toxic slumber.
Now, born into this unlikely era
Was one who declared all languages to be dead
Hear this -
Except for dead ones
And so in Pali and Old Irish
And even in pictograms
Neo-ogmic inscriptions
He sang a litany not of woes
But sutras of perfect beginnings
Describing a kingfisher in a flash.
It was he, they claim, brought back the stream
And, to their horror and disbelief, blossoms even;
He had found the dried-up blossomy streams
Waiting, without remorse, in stone,
The kingfisher in his illumined heart.
Inscribing granite seconds before the tendrilled dawn
Scribbling in flowing water whenever the sun collapsed
Knowing only that nothing is durable
Save the meagre act itself
--Gabriel Rosenstock
Dear Sir:
I have read your websites remarks and referrals about the subject
non-duality and found it a remarkable introduction to the
subject. As a
person who worked in est, the self-realization program of the 70s
and 80s
created by Werner Erhard, I noticed some striking similarities
and feel that
Erhard's contribution to spreading non-dualistic thought in this
should be acknowledged.
Werner's programs allowed us to get in touch with the idea that
power only comes when you can realize that you are 100%
responsible for your
experience. That it is simply a context in which to hold your
experience, a
context that allows you to experience your personal power and
does not imply
that you are to blame and should feel guilty.
Personal responsibility, he taught, is a potent force, the
sensation that
one is the cause of one's life. To the extent that we can embrace
and own
the principle, life becomes clear and simple and in our grasp; to
the degree
that we still hang onto victim beliefs, (i.e. that things outside
our life
control us) things don't work too well
and that
True understanding can only come when we realize that myself and
are the same self, that each of us is God in our own universe and
that we
create our own reality.
and that
Life is always perfect just the way it is. When we realize that,
no matter
how strongly it may appear to be otherwise, we know that whatever
happening right now will turn out all right. Knowing this, we are
in a
position to begin mastering life.
Thanks for your consideration.
Howard Schumann