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#2261 - Thursday, September 15, 2005 - Editor: Jerry Katz
The material for today's issue was found by entering the keyword "nonduality" into Google's new blogsearch:
The following entry is from
Lately, I have been studying the
NONDUAL traditions. Nonduality is just that - "not
two." In other words, there is only God - only Brahman -
nothing else. There is no heaven/earth, Creator/Created, up/down,
good/bad - there is just this. Perhaps most profoundly, there is
no "I" looking out there at
"not-I" (computer monitors, sunsets, 'other people').
There is only 100% Spirit, right now. Therefore, there is no real
reason for spirituality, other than to realize that it is useless
and you are already what you are seeking.
It will admit it's aburdity at first glance. It has taken me some
time to really grasp where nondual proponents are coming from.
And I don't believe that it is a logical stance as much as it is
a "felt" stance.
(if you're interested in learning more, go to a bookstore, pick
up Ken Wilber's "The Simple Feeling of Being" and read
the last chapter)
But today a profound lesson in nonduality fell into my lap. I was
researching a few teachers and came upon nondualist teacher
Ramana Maharshi's website. I started to read an article on there,
but was tired of sitting at the computer and so I decided to
print it so I could go enjoy an article and some coffee. So I set
the printer to "Print" and set it up so that it would
print on both sides and do a double staple on the left of the
page (making a book). The printer is not in my office so I went
to grab my new "book" from the printer.
Upon picking it up, I saw that that it was 10 blank pages stapled
together. Grr. So I went back to my computer and tried again.
Yup, 10 blank pages stapled together. And right as I was getting
ready to throw it in the recycling bin, it hit me.
There is nothing to learn. There is nothing to attain. You are
already it.
...and I feel the same everytime I contemplate a new book purchase.
Great post Trev.
You are.
I'd be like "It's just that this whole nonduality thing..." and you'd be like "have you seen the Cubs? I mean have you really looked at them lately? I don't think their wearing cotton any more".
...and you'd go off into something about sweatshops and outsourcing.
I don't know, I just wish you woulda felt comfortable enough with me to really go into this kind of thing.
Sorry, I'm not really mad about it, I'm just so filled with hate that sometimes it pours out into other things.
-Have a Blessed Day!
(Have you check out Sour Cream lately? I'm really rediscovering it right now, and it's brilliant. Where have I been?)
That's freaking hilarious... especially since I don't know the Cubs from the Colts.
Slather THAT in Sour Cream and eat it.
I think the whole duality thing is what is also called separateness. The game is to find the point in between. That's tough enough, but the real game is to not only find the point in between, but to reside there, to live from that point... no matter where we are (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dimension), and no matter what we are doing.
He was just being uber-sarcastic. And damn funny at the same time.
You write, "And I don't believe that it is a logical stance as much as it is a "felt" stance." This is critical - there is so much intellectualizing of sprituality, and reaching, or grasping the profound notion of nonduality is certainly not about is a feeling of Being, already found, experiencing in each moment that we are both viewer and the view.
I'm laughing too... how hard it is to articulate this without relying on a duality-based mindset.
On an unrelated note, Kalliopi is adorable, and love the name.