Golden Retrievals by Mark Doty
Golden Retrievals
Balls and sticks capture my attention
seconds at a time. Catch? I don't think so.
Bunny, tumbling leaf, a squirrel who'soh
joyactually scared. Sniff the wind, then
I'm off
again, muck, pond, ditch, residue
of any thrillingly dead thing. And you?
Either you're sunk in the past, half our walk,
thinking of what you never can bring back,
or else
you're off in some fog concerning
tomorrow, is that what you call it? My work:
to unsnare time's warp (and woof), retrieving,
my haze-headed friend, you. This shining bark,
a Zen
master's bronzy gong, calls you here,
entirely, now: bow-wow, bow-wow, bow-wow.
Mark Doty
posted by
Mazie Lane
Do what you feel like doing. Don't
Violence will make you hard
and rigid. Do
not fight with what you
take to be obstacles
on your way. Just
be interested in
them, watch them,
enquire. Let anything happen -
good or bad.
But don't let yourself be
submerged by what
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
posted to
"We already have
everything we need. There is no need
for self-improvement. All these trips that we lay on
ourselves--the heavy-duty fearing that
we're bad and hoping that we're good, the identities
that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy
the addictions of all kinds--never touch our
basic wealth. They are like clouds that temporarily
block the sun. But all the time our warmth and
brilliance are right here. This is who we really
are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully
~Pema Chodron
posted by Amrita to
Daily Dharma
Don't worry that
children never listen to you; worry that they are
always watching you.
Robert Fulghum
There are people who,
instead of listening to what is being said to them,
are already listening to what they are going to say
Albert Guinon
Silence is a potent carrier of presence, so
when you read this, be aware of the silence between
and underneath the words. Be aware of the gaps.
To listen to the silence, wherever you are, is an
easy and direct way of becoming present.
Eckhart Tolle
posted to AlphaWorld
Hidden in the Hearts of All
As butter lies hidden within milk,
The Self is hidden in the hearts of all.
Churn the mind through meditation on it;
Light your fire through meditation on it:
The Self, all whole, all peace, all certitude.
Amritabindu Upanishad
posted to Beliefnet Hindu
When you celebrate everything
you are free.
When you enjoy the ride just for the experience
you are on the right track.
Sadness is hard to celebrate, you lack equanimity.
Your happiness lacks depth, it needs more awareness.
Your love tends towards possession,
it needs more trust, space and freedom.
You find it hard to trust; let go, the Beloved waits.
You are rarely ever total; melt in the fire of Now.
You are a future Buddha, you are a flower of love.
You are divine and beautiful, you are in God in love.
posted by Sampava to
Sonnets to Orpheus, Part One, XXII
We set the pace.
But this press of time --
take it as a little thing
next to what endures.
All this hurrying
soon will be over.
Only when we tarry
do we touch the holy.
Young ones, don't waste your
racing so fast,
flying so high.
See how all things are at rest
darkness and morning light,
blossom and book.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~
(In Praise of Mortality,
translated and edited by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)
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