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#1972 - Sunday, November 7, 2004 - Editor: Gloria
If you want money more than anything,
you'll be bought and sold.
If you have a greed for food,
you'll be a loaf of bread.
This is a subtle truth:
whatever you love, you are.
Dear Fellow-People
Amigo 8 is ready for you all again. This time truth has the floor, because truth will
out, isn't it so? In this issue a
number of beautiful explorations into truth.
In this Amigo among others: - a text from a crown jewel of Advaita:
'Being Free' by Wolter Keers - texts by Alan Watts, Krishna Menon, 'sailor' Bob
Adamson and Anthony de Mello - interviews
with Jan van Delden, Tony Parsons, Francis Lucille, Jan-Kees Vergouw, Jan Kersschot and Susan
Frank - an Advaita fairy tale by Pia de
You can find Amigo 8 via:
In closing: It takes
the truth to know the truth.
much reading pleasure the
Know the truth
and the truth will set you free 'Sailor' Bob Adamson I was asked to design
the cover of the book with the arresting title: 'What's
wrong with right now, unless you think about it' by
'Sailor' Bob Adamson. For preparation and inspiration I
opened the book and read, and read
it seems to be
Or if there is a crowd walking in the street, you're not going to bump into everyone. You find yourself avoiding them quite effortlessly without having to think, 'I have to dodge around this one'. Yet they will be coming from all directions and all places, but that intelligence is registering everything just as it is. And in the moment, the proper activity takes place. Now it is the same with thoughts also. As you are going along, you're passing this house or the next house. And as you are going along, thoughts are happening too. They are registered just as is. What happens? The house you have just passed has disappeared from view, or the picket fence you passed is gone. Thought is registered just as is also. What has happened to that thought? It is left behind. It also disappears. One thought might be acted upon, the next may not be. the 'I' that I believe The only way we can change
what is, is to correct it, modify it or alter it in some
way or form. The only thing that can do that is the mind:
'The chair over there is in the wrong position and I want
to move it'. It is no longer what is. It is what I think
I would like it to be. That is all that has happenedthe
thinking 'That should not be there'. That thought, of
itself, has no power whatsoever. It is only a thought; it
is only based on words. But it refers to this 'I' that I
believe, or have believed, myself to be up until
investigation. That is so, because what has been added to
that 'I', that belief, has become the 'self-centre' or
the 'reference point'. Everything is evaluated from that
reference point. And because it is closely associated
with that pure intelligence, it has come to believe also
that it is the intelligence. That is why this
investigation is needed. Just stop and question. Have a
look at what we have believed ourselves to be. Thought
can't of itself do anything! Because that thought 'I
see', can't see! The thought 'I hear', can't hear! The
thought 'I am aware', can't be aware! But there is
seeing; there is hearing; and there is awareness. It is
happening right now! The seeing itself cannot
conceptualize. It cannot say 'I am seeing this'. Neither
can the hearing say 'I am hearing this'. It is just pure
seeing and pure hearing. It is conceptualized by the
mind, which must refer to some past memory to get that
name. The mind or the 'me', the thought that I have about
myself, is the past. That is all it is. It is the past,
and the past is dead. It is gone. It has happened. It is
not what is. That centre that we constantly refer to or
believe in is a dead image. So, we
tell you right here, that what you are seeking you
already are! The idea of a separation is only a concept.
With that idea of separation, there immediately comes
along with it the sense of insecurity and vulnerability.
Anything that thinks or believes it is separate must also
feel isolated and alone, apart from me, other than me.
That is the way the mind functions. As soon as there is
'me', there must be 'other than me', and that is the
seeming separation. That is the cause of all of our problems.
When that is understood, what problem is there, if there
is no centre to refer it to? the mind is the past Q: The mind is just thinking that there is a problem. Exactly. It is the nature of
the mind to start stories and add to them and keep adding
to them. You must see from that, that there can never be
any answer in the mind. So, if there is no answer in the
mind, what must happen? Whatever direction you go in,
must be in the mind. So, full stop. Q: You have got to use the mind to reach this conclusion, but the mind has such deep programming. The idea of intellectually knowing the truth I find in practice I can know it, and I can try and stop the mind, but basically it takes time for me to accept it gradually. I can be told it. I can understand it, as a little bit more and a little bit more. It takes time. As you say, we have got to
use the mind. Well, the only instrument that we have is
the mind. That is why the mind needs to be understood.
Understood thoroughly! Then it is there as a very useful
instrument. No one is making an effort to do it [
] Thought is time
appearing on the timeless. the answer is not in the mind [
] Here is a little story.
There is this traveler in the desert. It's very, very
hot, and he is thirsty. In the distance there is one lone
tree. He didn't know that it was a wishing tree. He goes
and sits beneath it and he thinks, 'this is nice, I only
wish I had a cool drink now'. Lo and behold, a cool drink
appears in his hand. 'Oh! Terrific!' he says. 'Now if I
had a soft bed to lie on and drink this with a bit of a
breeze to fan me'. Lo and behold, a soft bed appears, as
well as a maiden with a fan, fanning him. 'Oh! This is
terrific. Now all I need is a good meal to go with all
this and everything would be just right'. Lo and behold,
a big meal appears. Then the mind says, 'Hey! What's all
this? What's going on? Maybe it's a devil?' And the devil
appears. The mind then says 'Oh! He's going to eat me'.
And he does! Q: No direction. That's right. Full stop. [ ] From:
What's wrong with right now, unless you think about it
Sailor Bob Adamson Published with permission of the publisher. Website 'Sailor' Bob: [selection: Kees Schreuders] |