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Nondual Highlights Issue #1483 Saturday, July 5, 2003 Editors: Mark and Joyce

Jesus Washing Peter's Feet by Ford Madox Brown

Humility is very, very important. Everybody wants to win a point, win an argument, win a fight, and yet if you have humility, it never comes into your mind to win or get even. Humility is karmic. Karma is like stepping on a rake and it hits you in the head; cause and effect. The cause is you stepped on the rake, the effect is the handle hits you on the head. This is our karma. Everything that goes around comes around. You step on the rake, but the handle doesn't hit you immediately, it may hit you years later or another incarnation, but you will get hit in the head. So there is immediate karma, and there's future karma. The only way to get rid of it is to have tremendous humility. Say somebody slaps you. The first thing our ego will tell us is to beat them up, slap them back, shoot them, kill them, get even with them. But if we're wise, we'll understand the reason we were slapped on the face. And of course, somewhere, somehow, this is the karma returning to us, and if we retaliate, we are setting new karma in motion, which will return to us later.

Therefore, anything that has ever happened to you in any area of your life, no matter how it looks, you are in your right place. No one is picking on you, no one is trying to do anything to you. No one is trying to hurt you. If you cooperate and do not react and do not retaliate, and send out a message of love and peace, then you will transcend that karma and it will never come back again. But if you retaliate and you try to win the battle, you may appear to be winning the battle this instant, you may appear to be getting somewhere, but the fruits of your actions must return sooner or later. Therefore, you are playing games with yourself and you'll never get anywhere; you'll keep repeating the situation again and again and again, with different people, you may move to a different state, be involved in different situations, but you will find the same problems.

Therefore, whatever seems wrong in your life, whatever seems terrible, do not look at the problem in itself as a problem. Rise above it, realize no one is to blame for it, you have no enemies, no one is trying to hurt you. This is humility. You're not a coward, you're not a wimp. You have risen above that kind of thinking. That kind of thinking does not exist. That's why the story of Ramana Maharshi, when he went for a walk in the jungle one day, and he inadvertantly stepped into a wasps' nest, and the wasps started stinging him, he didn't even pull his leg out, but he spoke to the wasps and said "I deserve this, I invaded the house where you live and I deserve what you are doing to my leg, and if you want, you can attack the other leg." When he got back to the ashram from his walk, he was bitten all through the leg and had to put ointment on it. But he wasn't fazed one bit. He had a perpetual smile on his face, with the realization "All is well."

Now look at your lives. Think of the things that bother you every day, that annoy you every day, the things that make you angry, that make you upset, that make you want to retaliate. Get rid of this.

- from Silence of the Heart: Dialogues With Robert Adams, published by Acropolis Books.  

Your nature is happiness. You say that is not apparent. See what obstructs you from your true being. It is pointed out to you that the obstruction is the wrong identity. So eliminate the error. The patient must take the medicine prescribed by the doctor in order that he may be cured. - Ramana Maharshi

Problems, spiritual distractions come in many shapes and forms.

The other day I was insulted, hurt by a friend whom I confronted about the insult. Then I just kind of forgot about it, thinking that it didn't really matter, was perhaps beneath my need for attention.

And so, several days later, having been in a subtle way consumed, I realized that this needed actual spiritual attention, to go into the silence with the intention of dealing with the issue.

What could possibly be more obvious?

Meditation is a healing tool.

My ego likes to pretend that everything is fine, that I don't need healing, that it's others who need to shape up, that of course I'm upset, wouldn't you be if you were hurt like that?

And so I can buy into the illusion that I am just fine, thank you.

I can forget the spiritual axiom that if I am upset there is something wrong in me.

No matter how right I think I am.

In fact, the more right I think I am, the more likely it is that I am wrong, especially when it involves a conflict with someone else.

I don't go into the stillness to escape.

I go to join.

Humility again, humility.

John MacEnulty Quoted by Eric Ashford ~ TrueVisions:

More John here.

I am a big fish.
I eat all day.

I'll eat anything.

Baby worms.
Baby Jesus.
Baby Jack and Jill...
Holes in the heart,
Grandma's fears, (my favourite)
Buddha's breath,
Wild eyes.
Ummm, Chicken fat...

I'll eat...
too old, too sick, too bad, too wrong,
too ugly, too stupid, too attached,
too fat, too crazy...
tooooo dramatic!
I'll eat it I say!

Old lovers dipped in latent liberation...
(how did that get in the water?)

I'll swallow pigs and pride and passion...
in a moment's notice.
I am an impeccable, perfect eater!

I'll eat...
Red hair.
Screams for breakfast.
A fallen angel, a ration of shit.
Pure and plain abandonment, betrayal and rejection.
Every damned co-dependent thing...
I'll eat...
Your mother.
My mother.
She says, "Ah honey, don't put those nasty
bottom rocks in your mouth! Let me make you a nice meal!"

Men, women, chicken, children...
It matters not to me.
You better wear your black hat if you mean to be mean.
I make no distinction.
I am a fish warrior!
I am the fish that swims alone,
and all waters are alike to me.

I'll eat anything.

Low tolerance,
No tolerance...
What if all politeness were gone
and I pulled out my personal fish sword and popped your eyes out?
(ummm, what a tasty morsel!)

Ugh! glurp, slurp, gurgle...
(oh, Jesus, what was that?)
Just some more pie in the sky...
Gulp!... down the hatch! Delicious!

I'll eat your heart out! I'll let them eat cake!
Look ma... I've finished everything on my plate!

I'll indulge I say!
In frolic and battle with the false and the true,
I'll suck basic concepts, lick dead ideals til they wake,
I'll slurp and spoil essence itself.
I'll devour my very own soul.

Poetry kinda gags me but I'll choke it down anyway.


I am a big fish,
I eat all day.

Today I offered myself to be eaten by a bigger fish...
the father of all fish and chicken fat.

"I offer myself to thee, I began..."
Then, adding fiercely, and with spunk, protecting the outcome:
"You can have all of me, but you have to take me as I AM."

"Ah," said Big Daddy Fish as he gently replied,
"Keep eatin', Sugar."

a fish poem by Melody Swan

More fish .

In China, Great Mother Kwan-yin was often portrayed in the shape of a fish

In India, the Goddess Kali was called the "fish-eyed one"

In Egypt, Isis was called the Great Fish of the Abyss

In Greece the Greek word "delphos" meant both fish and womb. The word is derived from the location of the ancient Oracle at Delphi who worshipped the original fish goddess, Themis.

Throughout the Mediterranean, mystery religions used fish, wine and bread for their sacramental meal.

In Scandinavia, the Great Goddess was named Freya; fish were eaten in her honor. The 6th day of the week was named "Friday" after her.

More here .

Many spiritual practices genuinely bring out the real, higher self,yet leave the undeveloped aspects of consciousness intact. Many entities have such an intense longing to realize their divine, inherent nature that they forget, while in the body, that they came to fulfill a mission in the universal plan. This mission is the purification and growth of the undeveloped "cosmic matter." - Eva Pierrakos in Pathwork Guide Lecture #193.

More Pathwork Lectures here.

The Sufi understanding of Satan
is very profound and has nothing to
do with the (disturbed and tragic)
individuals who harm others through
exhaltation and alignment with a
depravity they sink into through
quite intense alienation.

Many come to Rumi to escape the
kind of lesser ideals of bickering
and ego posturing, that others
(eg. me) are fond of expressing . . .
LOL (in a wicked cackly sort of way)

When as an individual or as a group
we have a tendency - it is through
spiritual friendship and alignment
that we may develop the means to expose
our lesser self, see it for what it is
and either utilise (redirect) or negate
its excesses.

The first part of this process is
sometimes called 'confession'.
To become aware of our projection
of negativity onto others being
and stealing and associating attributes
of the Ideal to our undeserving self.
(This year for Ramadan I shall be
the Prophet - PBUM)

The reason that the great masters of
all traditions feel compassion even
for the devil is because their hearts
are centered on their weakness not
that of others.
Which tradition do you belong to
in actuality rather than imagination?

Why should we behave other than
they way we really are . . .
Surely to do so would be dishonest?

Increase in triviality and pretence
Lobster hypocrisy

- Lobster on Ruminations

Christ Washing the Feet of Saint Peter by Sadao Watanabe

The Resemblance Between Your Life and a Dog

I never intended to have this life, believe me -
It just happened. You know how dogs turn up
At a farm, and they wag but can't explain.

It's good if you can accept your life - you'll notice
Your face has become deranged trying to adjust
To it. Your face thought your life would look

Like your bedroom mirror when you were ten.
That was a clear river touched by mountain wind.
Even your parents can't believe how much you've changed.

Sparrows in winter, if you've ever held one, all feathers.
Burst out of your hand with a fiery glee.
You see them later in hedges. Teachers praise you,

But you can't quite get back to the winter sparrow.
Your life is a dog. He's been hungry for miles.
Doesn't particularly like you, but gives up, and comes in.

  - Robert Bly from Morning Poems, published by HarperPerennial.

Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha!

Thich Nhat Hanh on the Avalokitesvara's mantra.

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