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#1480 - Wednesday, July 2, 2003 - Editor: Joyce (Know_Mystery)  

Manuel Hernandez ~ ANetOfJewels  

Life presents problems because we fight life; we don't accept what-is in the
present moment. We want to become something other than what we are. We
want something other than what we now have.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wanting to let go and the letting go are two different things. The letting
go will happen only whey you're not wanting to let go.

~ Ramesh S. Balsekar ~  

Amrita ~ DailyDharma  

Ayutthaya, Thailand


photo by Richard Burnett



"Life is, by nature, constant flow and interaction of numberless elements. Nothing ever stays the same, even from one moment to the next.

Everything is on its way to becoming something else, and therefore, nothing can be held onto. If you see this clearly, if you consider and examine this deeply and fully, then letting go is the only thing left to do. How can you hold on? What is there to hold onto?

"So the art of spiritual surrender is really the art of not knowing. Then it doesn't make any difference at all whether you are walking down the street or eating lunch or responding to your email or making love or sitting alone on your couch. This is the first and last time you will ever be doing this. If you truly understand that, it changes everything."

~ Scott Morrison ~

(From personal notes)


Amrita ~ DailyDharma

Go With The Flow 

"Chuang-Tzu tells the story of seeing an old man falling over a large
waterfall and coming out safely downstream. Asked for an explanation,
the old man says: ''No,... I had no way of doing this. There was my
original nature to begin with; then habit growing into nature; and
lastly, acquiescence in destiny. Plunging into the whirl, I came out
with the swirl. I accommodate myself to the water, not the water to me.
And so I am able to deal with it after this fashion... I was born on dry
land... and accommodated myself to dry land. That was my original
condition. Growing up on the water, I accommodated myself to the water.
That was what I meant by nature. And doing as I did without being
conscious of any effort to do so, that was what was meant by destiny.'"

~ Alan Watts ~

Not conscious of any effort to do. Letting our life flow - without
interruption by our fearful mind that wants to steer the rudder, shout
at the oarsmen, navigate, ponder, and make sure the course is the
'right" one, make sure we do not drown, and if we do fall overboard, oh,
how we flail about.... all that let go of...
just floating down the stream.. merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...
if life is a dream - who is it that steers in the first place?

~ dharma grandmother ~

Quote from his book, "Tao and The Watercourse Way," published by
Pantheon. h

Tykal ~ Being_One


Stardust in the Palm 

we reach,
lose limbs in our reaching
and water impossible tears
of never reaching
what we’re reaching with,
what reaches our innermost depths
beyond all palpable reach,
the reaching in every release
of desire the immediate realization
of wherever there is
already being the where that’s there
and the reach
of the towering redwood
toward the sun it’ll never touch
yet has embodied
ever since first budding
in the heart
of the pinecone
hung from mother tree
and in some
sense or not
even before

Lily - Doi Suthep, Northern Thailand

Photo by Richard Burnett


Desmond Chiong ~ BuddhistWellnessGroup  

The Outside World is Not What We Think It Is.

Diana Storms ~ OmniConscious  

Are We Victims?  

Dear Everyone,   It is so hard to find words on this topic about whether we are victims ... yet I can remember few if any times when I've had a greater wish to say something useful, illuminating or comforting.  

There is no blame, no fault, no guilt .. whether we 'create our reality' or
not. After all, this reality we create or don't -- is all an illusion ...
though it feels so poignantly painfully real ... or so joyously,
exhilaratingly real. Like good dreams. Like nightmares.
Whatever is being created is generally unconscious. How can we blame
ourselves, or anyone, for what is not conscious?

I've often thought, concerning nighttime nightmares: how are these really
any different from our supposed daytime lives? We wake up and think,
'Thank God! None of that really happened. It wasn't real.' Yet in the
dream, our heart pounded, we felt fear or terror or heartache. We still
experienced those events, and we had real feelings about them. We suffered because we believed the dream to be real. When a child or partner wakes up from a terrible nightmare, do we just brush off their feelings because those nightmare events never 'really' happened? Or do we reach out and comfort that person? How loving would it be to say, 'Get over it. It was only a dream, for crying out loud.'

I have moments of what I call 'seeing through the eyes of God'. I call this
seeing through the eyes of God because there is just no way my ordinary
human mind (ego mind?) could see in this way. It's completely beyond that
part of the mind, makes no sense whatsoever to that part. In those
moments, I can see all human suffering as somehow 'ok' -- though that is a
completely inadequate word. On the one hand, when I'm in that space it's as if I feel all human suffering for all time ... which should be overwhelming.

Yet on the other hand, while experiencing it, or somehow 'knowing' it from
within it ... I am at the same time NOT in it. I experience something vast
and inexplicable. Words that come to mind (as usual, none of them adequate, because they are only words) are compassion, love, peace ... AWE.

I don't know if we (who are 'we'?) create our reality or not. I don't know
if our reality is real or not. I don't know if this is a school of learning
or an accidental imaginary illusion, or both. I don't know who the 'I' is
who doesn't know ... though I suspect I know who the 'I' is who does know.
  From Dean Sluyter: "Gandhi said that no matter what we do, it will be completely unimportant, but  it is vitally important that we do it. Absolutely, nothing matters: relatively, everything matters. The trick is to live both of those truths deeply, all the time. Life may be a dance that goes nowhere But it doesn't
need to go anywhere---here it is. And if we can dance impeccably, without
missing a step, yet with joyful abandon, it's a good dance."

I don't know what the 'impeccably' part means ... but the rest of that quote
really speaks to me.

Namaste, Diana

Jim Cole & Spectral Voices

"For centuries people in many parts of the world have developed harmonic singing traditions (overtone singing, overtoning, toning, harmonic chant, subfundamental chant, multiphonic singing, khoomei - throat singing, vocal fry, etc), and nowhere has it reached greater refinement than in central Asia.  You may have heard the high whistling melodies, expressive warbles, and intense low croaking tones of Tuvan throat singers.  A similar folk tradition occurs among the herdsmen of Mongolia.  Certain groups of Tibetan Buddhist monks practice a deep subfundamental type of sacred harmonic chant..."

Joyce ~ TrueVision

Cluster 2


Photo by Bill Rishel

  With Apologies to Hafiz...

for no reason
    i inward turned

for no reason
    i sought the Stillness there

for no reason
    was i drawn deep within the Heart
    by silken Truth-spun strands

for no reason
    did i not resist
    the golden glow of Grace

for every reason
    did my Soul take flight
    on Contentment's open wings
    an Elevation of the Heart set Free
    from Secret's earthly chains.

Tim Gerchmez  ~  AdvaitaToZen 

It's great to be unable to watch myself happen!

If I could, there would be two of me (the watcher, and the one being
watched). Something very fishy would be going on! :-).

  Joyce  ~  NDHighlights 


Pete ~ AdvaitaToZen


Be truly attentive to that which pays attention. That points to the self
which is non-self.

A Glimpse

By the wooden shack,
bursting with pink,
flecked with green,
cascading from a pot-
the unnamed flowers.

~ Pete ~

 Viorica Weissman ~ Ramana_Maharshi

Maharshi - Men of Great Spirituality ?

   What  are the fundamental tests for discovering men of great
   spirituality, since some are reported  to behave  like insane people ?
   The jnani's mind is known only to the jnani . One must be
   a jnani oneself in order to understand another jnani.
   However the peace of mind which permeats the saint's atmosphere
   is the only means by which the seeker understands
   the greatness of the saint. His words or actions or appearance
   are no indication of his greatness , for they are ordinarily beyond
   the comprehension of common people.
   "BE AS YOU ARE, The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi";
    edited by David Godman

Desmond Chiong & Brigitte Mohr ~ BuddhistWellnessGroup


Creek 2


Photo by Bill Rishel

The highest good is like water.
Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive.
It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao.

In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
  ~ Tao Te Ching ~

Panhala ~ Joe Riley    A BLESSING

May you awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.
May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.
May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers beckon.
May you respond to the call of your gift and find the courage to follow its path.
May the flame of anger free you from falsity.
May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and may anxiety never linger about you.
May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul.
May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.
May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.
May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

~ John O'Donohue ~ 

Ed Jason ~

Eight Verses


Buddhas - Ayutthaya, Thailand

Photo by Richard Burnett

Manuel Hernandez ~ ANetOfJewels

"Love is will, the will to share your happiness with all. Being happy,
making happy, this is the rhythm of love."

~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj ~

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