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Highlights #108

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Tim posted a Vivekananda quote
to which Jerry replied:

> "Oh, how calm would be the work
> of one who really understood
> the divinity of man! For such,
> there is nothing to do, save to
> open men's eyes. All the rest
> does itself." (8:261)
The older I get the more I realize
there is nowhere to go and nothing
to do. It's something I've known
all my life, but it's a knowledge
I wasn't always stabilized within.

Dan commented on the "perpetual
seeker" mentality:

In order to seek well, it is often
helpful to use very high-minded
and ultimate sounding words while
recognizing that these will always
be beyond your reach. It is
helpful to make sure that any
approach you take continuously
reminds you that you can only have
glimpses at best. Furthermore,
make sure that for every step
forward, your path brings you two
steps back. By ensuring yourself
of a position as perpetual seeker,
you can appreciate divine unity
while maintaining the anxiety about
separation that confirms your
separate existence as, indeed,

Tim had an interesting take on the
nature of the Salon itself:

The real paradox is that there is
no NondualitySalon list at all
here. We are not separate people
communicating with one another, but
one being communicating with itself,
exploring different aspects of
itself. Thus there is no list here,
simply an open connection with
static, and 'We who are I' *are*
that static.

Inspired by Aleks, Kristie proposed
some modest social engineering:

Hell, let's just move a bunch of
homeless people into Congress....I
mean, can they do worse....

Then we'll declare schools a supreme
evil and return children to the woods
and the rivers with time to stare at
clouds and imagine...imagine....

Then we'll demolish all the DMV's...
hell, people drive safe so they don't
DIE....not because of traffic laws....
the ones who follow the laws will
continue to do so and the ones who
don't, won't....just like now....but
think how much money we'll save on
administering traffic fines that don't
get paid, failures to appear, DUI's
that drive anyway....people with DUI's
who don't drive and therefore lose
their jobs and go on welfare, etc....
court bureaucrats, etc.

With the money we save we'll order
that every household in the country
receive a new car and a new
refrigerator every year....that should
gear up manufacturing in the inner
cities and take care of that should also stimulate the
growth of the recycling industry and
incubator industries for new products
from old materials.....planned
obsolescence to the max!!!!

We'll legalize drugs and put all the
cranksters to work - they can crank, I
don't care - building playgrounds or
inventing new drugs that alter
consciousness and are harmless....give
'em what they want....if they can
manage to get the materials they need
to make crank, produce a chemically
difficult product to create and
distribute it...they have business and
production skills that could work for
us instead of against us...if we just
didn't hate them so...

Let's see: we could pay mothers to stay
home and actually count their labor as
part of the GNP....instead of paying
welfare and considering it a net

Oh, this is fun...

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