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The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte - Part 75

read by James Traverse

The Nisargadatta Gita
Pradeep Apte 
 75. When the body dies the ‘I am’ goes into oblivion and only the Absolute
 remains. Stay put there, nothing happens to you the Absolute.

The ‘I am’ is the essence of the five elements and three qualities that form the body-mind.

When the body falls off, the ‘I am’ disappears and only the Absolute remains.

 As you stay put in the ‘I am’, a time will come when the ‘I am’ will disappear and
 you remain as the Absolute.

 You are not the body-mind, so you know no death but only the disappearance of ‘I am’.

   In any case the body will drop off and the ‘I am’ disappear without asking you,
   so realize ‘your’ relevance, before you irrelevantly depart.