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The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte - Part 70

read by James Traverse

The Nisargadatta Gita
Pradeep Apte 
70. The Absolute or the Parabrahman is prior to the ‘I am’, it’s the unborn state,
so how can it have the knowledge ‘I am’?

Your true, natural, Absolute or Parabrahman state is before the knowledge ‘I am’ appeared.

It is the state that ever prevails and knows no birth or death.

Whatever is known or seen only appears to have occurred on it using the knowledge ‘I am’
  as a basis for propagation, which is all an illusion.

But once the illusion is gone how can it have the knowledge ‘I am’?

It doesn’t even need this knowledge as it is the unborn state.

  You must have a firm conviction and come to the conclusion that you are unborn.