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The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte - Part 68

read by James Traverse

The Nisargadatta Gita
Pradeep Apte 
 68. The primary concept ‘I am’ is dishonest, a cheat. It has tricked you into
 believing what is not. Focus sharply on the ‘I am’ and it’ll disappear.

The teaching says that first you must start an inquiry into the nature of this knowledge ‘I am’,
 how it appeared on you and what it lead to.

 In the process of this inquiry you land up with the conclusion that this ‘I am’ is false and has
deceived you into believing something that’s not true.

 You may theoretically agree with this conclusion but in order to actually understand it
you have to keep a sharp focus for a prolonged period on the ‘I am’.

 You have to do this repeatedly; in fact this is the ‘Sadhana’ (practice).

    What will be the outcome of all this?

 A moment will come when the ‘I am’ will disappear and you will end up in your true natural state.