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The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte - Part 62

read by James Traverse

The Nisargadatta Gita
Pradeep Apte
62. The essential thing to be convinced about is that the original concept
‘I am’ is false, only accept that which is conducive to this development.

 The knowledge ‘I am’ came quite suddenly on to you, you had never asked for it
 and it has remained as such for some time.

  Gradual worldly conditioning has established it as a firm concept which you are now
not ready to part with or disbelieve.

  But the whole key to your redemption lies in realizing that this original concept ‘I am’
 is totally false and is the culprit that has deceived you.

Do away with it and do not accept anything that does not go with your developing the
 conviction that the ‘I am’ is illusory.