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The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte - Part 59

read by James Traverse

The Nisargadatta Gita
Pradeep Apte
59. Erroneously you have handed over this knowledge ‘I am’
to the body and thereby reduced the limitless to the limited;
hence you are afraid of dying.

Just try to recollect the moment when you came to know that ‘you are’
  or the knowledge ‘I am’ appeared.

Initially, in that nascent stage you only knew ‘I am’ and periodically
you drifted into the state of ‘I am not’.

 This lasted for some time and then parents, people and the environment
 around you began encroaching on the purity of your ‘I am’.

  You were made to wear the uniform or garb of ‘so-and-so’ and here began
  the whole error.

 The limitless was reduced to the limited and you became an individual
 encased in a body.

You were told that you had been born and you inferred you would die one day.

You love this ‘I am’ this ‘beingness’, you do not want to lose it at any cost,
 and hence the fear of death prevails.