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Highlights #66

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Gyan asked Wayne about his
present struggle with getting
enlightened and whether he was
ever gonna get it? And Wayne
correctly answered him by
telling him that he may or he
may not. And seeing how Gyan
was not taking this news very
well at all, I said to him,
Gyan, this should come as good
news to you. A relief. Oh, and
something else - on the way
home home when Gyan was
telling me how he was thinking
about "switiching" teachers, I
said Gyan, why don't you just
forget the whole business and
fall in love with me instead?
He said no". :-)


Responding to Glo, Gene Poole
held forth on the perennial
subject of ego:

Not to worry. A new ego is
spawned (generated) every time
conditions change.

When going swimming, a 'water-
testing' ego is spawned, which
is calibrated to the task of
testing water vis human
tolerance. Is it too cold,
deep,hot, fast, dirty, etc.

When dealing with animals, an
animal-testing ego is spawned.
And so forth. It is an
unstoppable process, it seems.

When dealing with humans, a
human-testing ego is spawned.
Most of us are oblivious to the
nature of the testing we do to
each-other. But it asks if 'you
are real', and eventually, 'are
you as real as me'.

Here in this email forum, we
have only words, so ego must do
a difficult job. This requires
the spawning of a very rare type
of ego, the 'meaning-ego'. This
is a filter or grammar which
imposes itself between what is
read and what is understood, to
protect the sensitivites of the
reader from the assault of the
words of other.

The 'meaning-ego' is an ever-
growing lexicon of very subtle
distinctions. Constant
participation here is good for
the meaning-ego; yet, it will go
into a latent state if it is not
required, as will any ego.

A new ego, spawned for every
situation, and then sliding into
latency when unused. This is how
I see it. So I do not agree with
those who advocate 'killing' the
ego. Rather, I advocate abiding.
An 'abiding ego' is thus spawned,
which then is taught, by intention,
to filter in such a way that both
desire and aversion-reactions do
not occur to the degree which
disturbs equalibrium. One learns to
watch the pendulum swing, rather
than riding on it. Eventually, even
the abiding-ego will recede into
latency, as Being learns to abide
without precaution. This event
marks the end of the imaginary
drama of the world-dream.

The operative concept here is
'spawned'. Spawning of ego is a
natural event, as long as there are
'preferences' or tastes, residing
in the unconsious as a result of
conditioning (experience). The ego
spawned in a particual situation
(as in the water ego) is educable,
and will appear with all of the
previously gathered data 'about'
the situation.

One may ask, "What is it that
spawns ego?" The answer is, that as
long as Being is unaware of the
larger system in which it is
embedded, that it will continue to
resort to exploration, rather than
to knowing (gnosis). Ego is
essentially a testing mechanism, which
is designed to insure survival; as
long as Being assumes mortality (death)
as a criteria for life, ego will be
spawned. If Being has communion with the
larger system, it understands its place,
and no ego need be spawned in reaction
to mere bodily existence. But let a
suprise situation occur, and sure
enough, an ego will be spawned.

It is ego which asks, but ego cannot
give an accurate answer; ego is the
tester, not the master. Being is master,
but ego works to keep Being alive. A
wise Being, loves and supports ego. By
doing so, the only answer which the ego
will need, after much practice, is love.

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