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#4336 - Thursday, August 12, 2011 - Editor: Gloria Lee
The Nonduality Highlights

That voice which is the origin of every cry and sound: that indeed is the
only voice, and the rest are only echoes.

~ Rumi

Along The Way


"Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine
yourself to be.?

~ Alan Watts

by Amrita Nadi on Daily Dharma


It is only when this switch-over from the object, the situation, to the
subject, the welcoming of it, occurs that real maturity is possible.
Maturity does not come through accumulation of learning, experiences,
systems, ideas, concepts. It comes when you cannot walk and have to
leap. All your being is struck in this leap and clarity arises.

~ Jean Klein

~ ~ ~

You can feel yourself at one with the One that exists: the whole body
becomes a mere power, a force-current; your life becomes a needle
drawn to a huge mass of a magnet and as you go deeper and deeper,
you become a mere center and then not even that, for you become a
mere consciousness, there are no thoughts or cares any longer - they
were shattered at the threshold; in an inundation; you, a mere straw,
you are swallowed alive, but it is very delightful, for you become the
very thing that swallows you; this is the union of Jeeva with Brahma,
the loss of the ego in the real Self, the destruction of falsehood, the
attainment of truth.

~ Ramana Maharshi

by Tony Cartledge to Nonduality Highlights group on Facebook


Nonduality America Blog

All great things must come to an end unfortunately and this post by
Greg Goode is no exception. In case you missed Part 1, or Part 2, we
are serializing an updated version of his book Nondualism in Western
Philosophy, which is a series of pointers to how the Western approach
can assist with one’s self-inquiry. It is less a historical survey, and more
a collection of Western views that might serve as tools for inquiry, along
with suggestions on how these tools might be used. Please enjoy the
final post from Greg. Without further ado, here is Part 3.

The Turn Towards Language

The older monist-style idealism lost its steam early in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, partly due to the rise of
science and mathematics. The popularity of science stimulated an effort
in philosophy to emulate scientific styles and methods. Importance was
given to observation, verification and language. New philosophical
movements arose, such as “logical positivism,” “philosophical analysis”
and “ordinary language philosophy.” These movements examine the
relations among sentences, as well as between sentences and states of
affairs in the world.

Philosophies that focus on language are not themselves trying to make a
nondual or monistic metaphysical claim. Rather, they merely critique
the claims made by metaphysics about how the world is really is, in and
of itself. They root out the metaphysical assumptions of other
philosophies and argue that these assumptions are simply not needed
to live life or to explain our experience.

One can attack a dualism with the weapons on hand, without leaving
anything in its place. This is just what Royce, Wittgenstein, Quine,
Sellars, and Colin Turbayne did – they gave the new focus on language
a startlingly broad application. The result was to soften, blur or eradicate
the old Cartesian and Kantian dualities that had occupied center stage
for three hundred years...

To read the rest of the article, please visit:

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