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Nonduality Highlights: Issue #4082, Sunday, November 21, 2010, Editor: Mark
Control the mind as a slave and it will be very helpful to you.
Know this trick from the outer Guru. Control the slave, love the
slave, keep it quiet. Don't trouble the mind and don't let it
trouble you. This is how to control the mind.
- Papaji,from The Truth Is, posted to DailyDharma
But why worry so much about causation? What do causes matter,
when things themselves are transient? Let come what comes and let
go what goes - why catch hold of things and enquire about their
- Nisargadatta Maharaj, posted to ANetofJewels
Empty and calm and devoid of self Is the nature of all things.
No individual being In reality exists.
There is no end or beginning,
Nor any middle course.
All is an illusion,
As in a vision or a dream.
All beings in the world
Are beyond the realm of words.
Their ultimate nature, pure and true,
Is like the infinity of space.
- Prajnaparamita, posted to Distillation
This "Awakening into Awareness," this view of Reality,
is no place at which you can arrive, no accomplishment you can
achieve, no goal you can attain. It is your Original Nature,
which you simply recognize in a profound and stunning moment of
rediscovery and Realization.
It is a subtle shift in perception, a refocusing of attention and
perception. It begins with considering the radical possibility
that the saints and sages of years gone by might actually be
right: that This -- your immediate experience and
"ordinary" awareness, exactly as they appear within the
present moment -- might actually be "It," i.e., the
elusive goal for which you have so long been seeking.
Then, as you begin to consider this possibility, and as you allow
the focus of your attention begins to shift, you begin to see and
recognize that within the center of your immediate experience,
within the deep center of your whirling thoughts, emotions, and
sensations, there is a still point -- a Clear Seeing -- a
Spacious Space which contains all THIS, a vastness within which
all of THIS appears. And, you realize that "you" --
your most fundamental sense of identity and self -- is
inextricably linked to this Spacious Awareness which is the
background, context and framework for everything you experience.
When you discover (uncover) this Awareness -- this Clear Seeing
at your Perceptual Center -- then you begin to realize that you
are That. You are now, and have been always. In fact, there is no
always -- there is only Now.
And, with this subtle shift in perception, you now realize how
limited your previous sense of identity has been. Yes, the body,
mind, and emotions exist, and you experience the profound beauty
and suffering of Life in and through them, but you -- the
essential and fundamental you -- are so much more.
Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you are limited by
thought, belief, experience and sensation -- you are, instead,
the dynamic spaciousness within which all these phenomena appear.
You are the Awareness of these phenomena, not the phenomena
themselves. The truth of this can be discovered easily and
immediately simply by observing your own experience: the
phenomena change, while your Awareness of them does not.
Ultimately, and in the face of these ever changing phenomena,
your identity remains in the Center -- seated and grounded in the
clear, vast spaciousness of this present moment Awareness, in
this Ground of Being.
When you discover this, when you discover the Fullness of this
empty space, then you also Recognize the absolute miracle of its
innate completeness. And in this completeness, in this Wholeness
which is inherent within the Infinite Present, you finally rest
and find peace.
Meanwhile, the process of discovery and unfolding continues as
the Infinite continues to manifest in and through the finite,
Here and Now, within the immediacy of the present moment. It is
the movement and flow of this Life energy which animates us,
which we experience as the visible and physical world, and
through which we read and understand these words.
- Metta Zetty
Your restless seeking will not end until you begin seriously
considering the radical possibility that THAT which you are
seeking is inseparable from THIS -- the reality of your own
immediate and intimate experience within the present moment.
Every experience in life is an invitation -- an invitation to
awaken into an Awareness of the essential nature of Reality --
and who you really are.
- Metta Zetty