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Highlights #321

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Doesn't it take two to tango? When hurting oneself badly by
stumbling over a stone, no one will curse the stone but when
the same hurt is thought to be caused by another human, is
that a reason to get angry with him/her? The default setting
of the mind is "ignore" because without its (semi-automatic)
filtering one would get insane - how unpleasant the "extra"
perception can be is witnessed by empaths who can't turn it
off.. In order to see abuse, one has to make the assumption
that someone is an abuser first.

The continent where most abuse is taking place is Africa as it
can be called the victim of slavery and colonialism - the
continent never recovered from it. Thousands are dying from
hunger, malaria, TB and aids whereas on this list you are
seriously discussing hidden forms of verbal abuse? Wouldn't it
be time to readjust the filters of the mind?


What could possibly be the advantage of understanding, which
is a mental function after all? Would a biochemical knowledge
of the tongue, nerves and the brain "produce" the
understanding that sugar will taste sweet? Of course not. Only
tasting sugar will produce the sensation of the sweet taste.
That the taste can be worthwhile, can only be recognized by
observing someone fully enjoying it. Likewise, that
Self-realization is worthwhile, can only be recognized by
observing one, fully enjoying "lasting joy" - a matter of
recognizing "inner silence" which was never absent but always
overlooked as "the obvious".

Politely refusing the "gift" of understanding ;)



Model citizen huh? Well that's one label I never had to wear.
Whew! just lucky I guess.
I get the point though, it doesn't matter what the label is, it's
not me/you. Any identity is based in comparing, evaluating
yourself against others, against society. It's not what is.
And it does take some concentrated inquiry to really see through
the whole identity business, often brought on by a life crisis.
Because then one is confronted with the fact that one's identity
isn't true, and with a functional identity like 'model citizen'
it takes a lot to see that the identity isn't true. On the other hand,
if your identity is 'goofy fuckup' perhaps it's easier to come to a
point of nonfunctionality where its untruth is seen!



Gene Poole wrote (in part):

> ...I would point out that while we can say that what is 'mistaken
> impression' (or even delusion) is 'not what is', that we also have a
> basis in recognition of what is and what is not... and that in this
> basis which we carry, the 'what is not' is accorded at least as much
> weight as 'what is'.

andrew: Good point, even in its falsehood, it still IS. It is what is not.
A false concept exists as a false concept.

> These 'poles' of reality (what is VS what is not) exist as the
> templates for 'positive' and 'negative' evaluations, and thus act as
> guides for us in our navigation 'toward what is (or seems to be)
> 'true and real'.

a: Where are we headed? Here and now.

> Being in touch with our own indwelling criteria, that criteria by
> which we decide, feel, or know what is real or true, may be even more
> useful than 'knowing' what is real or true. I am saying that if we
> are aware of what determines our decisions, we are better off than we
> are, even after having decided 'correctly'.

a: Yes, I get it, that makes sense, that takes some digging.
The criteria are the machine tools in the identity factory.
Rather than trying to discover and discharge all our identities,
our personal truths, which are legion and we make new ones
all the time, we can become aware of the manufacturing process,
and realise that we are not the product that's rolling off
the assembly line.

> Powerful contrast equals great resolution. Both poles
> cohabit our criteria-basin; great contrast is also great tension.
> Great tension can lead to great discharge; great discharge can be
> 'either' great anger, or great bliss. Trying to dispose of one pole
> (the 'negative') is thought to eliminate anger, but if that could be
> done (which it cannot), also gone would be bliss.
> If, on the other hand, each pole collides with the other... neither
> anger nor bliss: = Nirvana.
a: Really it's simple, being open to anger, bliss or whatever shows up
and not getting attached to anything. (Simple to say it at least)
And awareness of the context; anger, even great anger, is a puny
thing when set against infinity. Bliss though seems quite large. Ample.

Gene, it's a great pleasure corresponding with you.



This is one of the most common questions of spiritual self inquiry.
There seems to be two options.

If one takes the scientific view we are a body which is not as it
appears but a constantly fluctuating area of energy and perhaps tiny
small bits of mass. When we are awake or dreaming the brain generates
consciousness. When the brain dies then consciousness ends as do we.
If someone is observing the body while in deep sleep it is still
there. It does not blink out of existence.

If one takes the consciousness view we are consciousness and all that
is, is generated from this consciousness much like a dream. A problem
I have here is deep sleep. Consciousness appears to disappear from
existence. If consciousness is who we really are this does not appear
to make sense.

Perhaps I have entered a period of self doubt. Any intelligent, non
abusive replies would be appreciated.



The experiencer never was and the Experiencer Is the Inexhaustible. When the
Seer and the Seen Merge, Unity or Wholeness Recognizes Itself. It Recognizes
ItSelf as the Eternal and Complete Principle which the ancients called One
without a second. That which Stands Alone and Free without any support what
so ever is truly the Self. It is never absent. It Is.

Once some time back, I asked Sandeep, What is it that you imagine is absent
after "enlightenment" that is present now. The "disconnect" between our
state now and the state of "Realization" exists in imagination only. That is
the strength of imagination. That is called Maya. No one denies the
limitations of words. Still words are used to indicate Reality.

It is God pointing to It Self.

Where else to point?

Love to all


Anyone who has been in the spiritual/religious field for any length of time
will notice that it is no different than any other field. There is politics,
intrigue, competition for attention among teachers, gurus, etc. Everyone
claims to have the superior way. Even in the area of exploring the nature of
the Kundalini Shakti (call it the Holy Ghost or Divine Spirit), the
competition is heated and intense.

Over the last 25 years, I have seen many teachers and gurus ridicule each other
and different paths, and their
disciples of course take their cue from their gurus. Sometimes the criticism
might even be justified from some point of view. But this is how spiritual
business is done. This is how spiritual business always has been done.
El Collie on the K-List, mentioned examples of healers who could not heal
themselves. This is not uncommon. That is just life.

There is a long history of teachers and gurus hiding their own shortcomings
and problems, sometimes serious, and acting as guides. Certainly, people can
still benefit from
their teaching although some may be misled and harmed as well. This is why it is
important for spiritual aspirants to take some responsibility and
familiarize themselves with at least the basic religious and Shakti
literature which comes from the genuine spiritual traditions.

Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Taoism and to some extent the
Judeo-Christian traditions have been the main sources for me. But there are
many other veins
of knowledge as well. These are there for all and can be studied and
reflected on.

The genuine aspirant cannot remain satisfied with endless
intellectual questions and answers or endless psychic experiences through
kundalini manifestations. But there are subtle questions arising from the
longing of the Soul, such as (What does it all mean? Where is True Rest?
What is the foundation of experience, any experience? Who seeks answers? Why
are answers sought? Who asks questions?). If such questions do not trap one
in the jungle of intellectual mumbo jumbo but are followed to the source,
they can hint at the Pull of the Heart.


Between heaven and hell is an instant of no-time.
To live there, before heaven or hell exist.
Then, compassion flows naturally, which is "heaven".



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What is so great about human voices?
It's a cacophany in this world.
Sound and fury, signifying nothing.


"Others" is just appearance.
And yet, having participated in the saving of
some lives from utter despair leaves me in
awe of the roles Grace sometimes has us
play with each other.


My definition of Awake is
knowing silent source/lovebeing as yourSelf
ego or no ego.
My definition of Self-Realized is
perfect surrender of all ego stuff to Self.
Until there is Self Realization I am Awakening.


Perhaps because we experience our existence as individual entities, the
possibility that Existence is only experiencing itself in a particular manner is
worth reflecting on. Existence might be called the Great Mother or the Great
Emptiness from which all things are born. From the perspective of the mind, the
experience of Self is often described as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence,
Consciousness, Bliss) in the Advaita Vedanta philosophy. A spiritual path might
be defined in terms of which attribute most appeals to the mind. Once a student
asked a teacher, "How can I really know whether I
exist or not after death?" The teacher said, "You Are Existence." The jump was
too big. The student became silent. One day, after many years, the student
Realized. The Self Is Existence. Pure Perception is the Same as the Pure
Perceiver. It is not nothingness. It is devoid of things. It is No-Thingness.
This perception is devoid of all thoughts and concepts and imagination of this
and that and therefore is free from interpretation. To say It is beyond this and
beyond that is to make a mystery of it. No need to complicate the simple beauty
of who we are.



This is the crux of the matter...this attachment to the belief. I,
myself, am attached to so many because in my mind people and things
should be a certain way and I suffer when they are not. I'm slowly
undoing this bondage of mine through Byron and ACIM. Anyway, here it

How attached are you to your belief that people should be kind? How
do you think and behave around people when they are not kind and you
believe that they should be kind? Are you judging them, trying to
change them, feeling sorry for them, feeling superior to them because
you practice kindness? Are you frustrated when your efforts to
change their behavior meet resistance? (The Course, by the way, says
that there is nothing you can do to change the world; the script has
already been written.) Are you not being unkind in your mind when
you judge people as unkind? (rhetorical questions, just for your

And who would you be if you did not hold that belief that
people should be kind when they are not? What would you be like?
More peaceful, less frustrated, less disappointed, more accepting and
loving, more kind perhaps? I think that that is how I would be if I
drop my belief that people should be kind and I clearly see that is
not the case in this world .

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