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#1678 - Thursday, January 15, 2004 - Editor: Jerry

This issue features excerpts from Yale Landsberg's website on Neo-GNOSIS. It begins with excerpts from an article that summarizes Gnosticism.

The Gnostic World View: A Brief Summary of Gnosticism

GNOSTICISM IS THE TEACHING based on Gnosis, the knowledge of
transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means. Although
Gnosticism thus rests on personal religious experience, it is a mistake
to assume all such experience results in Gnostic recognitions. It is
nearer the truth to say that Gnosticism expresses a specific religious
experience, an experience that does not lend itself to the language of
theology or philosophy, but which is instead closely affinitized to,
and expresses itself through, the medium of myth. Indeed, one finds
that most Gnostic scriptures take the forms of myths. The term “myth”
should not here be taken to mean “stories that are not true”, but
rather, that the truths embodied in these myths are of a different
order from the dogmas of theology or the statements of philosophy.


Gnosticism embraces numerous general attitudes toward life: it
encourages non-attachment and non-conformity to the world, a “being in
the world, but not of the world”; a lack of egotism; and a respect for
the freedom and dignity of other beings. Nonetheless, it appertains to
the intuition and wisdom of every individual “Gnostic” to distill from
these principles individual guidelines for their personal application.


Many esoteric teachings have proclaimed, "As it is above, so it is
below." Our psychological nature (the microcosm) mirrors metaphysical
nature (the macrocosm), thus Gnosticism may possess both a
psychological and a religious authenticity. Gnostic psychology and
Gnostic religion need not be exclusive of one another but may
complement each other within an implicit order of wholeness. Gnostics
have always held that divinity is immanent within the human spirit,
although it is not limited to it. The convergence of Gnostic religious
teaching with psychological insight is thus quite understandable in
terms of time-honored Gnostic principles.


The Gnostic world view has always been timely, for it always responded
best to the “knowledge of the heart” that is true Gnosis. Yet today,
its timeliness is increasing, for the end of the second millennium has
seen the radical deterioration of many ideologies which evaded the
great questions and answers addressed by Gnosticism. The clarity,
frankness, and authenticity of the Gnostic answer to the questions of
the human predicament cannot fail to impress and (in time) to convince.


Yale Landsberg

Intro to how It dually works to create non-duality  

Ludwig Wittgenstein once said, "The aspects of things that are most
important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and

If you take the time to read it through, you will see that what is at is the most unique description you have so far
ever encountered about how It does Its thing so simply and so
familiarly and so dually non-dually that It tends to slip through our
minds' fingers like evaporating cognitive water -- until one is willing
to wrestle with Its Heraclitean "union of O's and 1's opposites"

Like Neo's Red Pill, the REAL Red Pill you will find is only for a
special kind of reader, one willing to wrestle with what is both
totally strange, and yet also strangely familiar, until he or she
prevails over its slipperiness and elusiveness and get to see it in all
its wholly integrated diversity.  

These are excerpts from the website of Yale Landsberg. Much has been left out and enough is presented to give the reader a taste of this gnosis. To follow the logic taking the reader from one excerpted paragraph to another, refer to the website:


Could it be that even the idea of there possibly being some kind of
"set-in-stone" or re-programmable (if you know the password) master
template of cognitive "must's", "must not's", "should's" & "should
not's" within us, which tends to govern what we do and how we do it, so
violates at least one of our most cherished religious or even
scientific beliefs, that when we are given an opportunity to experiment
with that idea, so as to wrestle with it -- and test it out -- all (but
the most liberal) thinkers turn away from that improbable although
possible possibility? Instead of objectively subjecting it to
thoughtful scrutiny?   ...  

The beginning of my (and perhaps, your) journey...  

A good many years ago, in the spirit of H.A.P. (Humor, Acceptance and
Patience), I was luckily offered what turned out to be a miraculous
opportunity. I was asked to solve this very enlightning puzzle: if "Ox"
is "going away from x", and if "1y" stands for "coming towards y", what
are "1Ox", OOx", "11y" & "O1y"? It is easy to assume that this puzzle
is nonsense -- and that those binary combinations are meaningless. On
the other hand, after much "contempleation" I have come to believe that
the easily overlooked and much under appreciated "Mira! Mira! Look!
Look!" answers to this mira-culously enlightening Puzzle, step-by-step
logically lead to the re-creation of a "natural machine language" of

God and Nature's "Natural" Operating System  


Part One's pointing to that one point of view in meme space that can
help you move away from a limited view of Change and towards a more
inner eye-opening one is reminiscent of Luis Borge's The Aleph --
Borges' "Aleph" being a fictionalized version of a legendary though
possibly not fictional point of view in pre and post-orthodox meme
space, an orthogonal to conventional wisdom perspective with these

when you properly turn away from an old point of viewing natural
processes and towards a singularly unique new point of view in your
mind's eye, and then also properly look at that point and from it at
just exactly the right angle,  

and your mind does not in revulsion revolt and thus re-veil what is
being cognitively revealed to you via what passes for a wholly
unorthodox new and more encompassing perspective,  

you can, in some at first disorienting and then sooner or later
reorienting way, simultaneously view all of the beautiful and vile
comings and goings of the comings and goings... of the universe.

  ~ ~ ~  

PART TWO ...  

The nature of any such God and/or Nature's "natural" operating system
is indeed confusing due as much as anything else to the nature of its
outside-in and inside-out dual ways of "looking" at inputs and outputs.
To make things a little easier for non-experts, this chapter begins
with a "GNOS IS" introduction to fractal self-similarity...

...   The following is a "GNOS IS" way to visualize the makings of a Koch Curve. First begin with an initial x called the "initiator" with which to initiate its construction. Then replace initiator x with some very specific replacement y called the "generator" which is used for generating the next generation. But notice that as this construction is the construction of a fractal the generator y must look in some way similar to its initiator x. E.g., a Koch Curve's initiator is a straight line of unit length, and its generator is a straight and zig-zag line, y, whose zig-zagging middle third consists of two straight line-segments,


each of which is 1/3 of length of its original straight line initiator x.

As you have already figured out, y is called the "generator" because y specifically specifies how to generate the fractal's next generation from its previous generation (implicitly starting with the initiating generation.)

And now having gone through/come through the first cycle of fractally "going away from initiator x & coming to generator y", keep repeating that process, no matter how complex the result seems to get. And simply by first changing each x-like portion of y into a new x. And lastly by replacing all of those new scaled-down x's with scaled-down new y replacements. Again and again and again..


Another example of such an iterative and recursive process is this. Should we begin with the three equal-in-size connected lines of an equilateral triangle instead of a single line, the result is this fractal version of a real-world snow-flake.

Computerized fractal constructions are the optimal way to create realistic computerized images of natural phenomena like snowflakes, clouds, surf, shorelines, islands, continents, and all other naturally occurring shapes. Indeed, naturally occurring fractals, each with their own "going away from x" and "coming to y" recursive iterations have been found while studying natural processes as seemingly diverse as traffic flows, condensed matter, earthquakes, DNA sequences, cosmology, biology, finance, turbulence, gravity, metallurgy, etc. And thus a multi-part question about a possible, legendary unity in diversity...

...Is there something going on here in our new millennium's "God is dead/God is a computer" computationally intensive studies of natural processes? Yet not quite as yet coming off? Something that God and/or Nature through the work of Benoit Mandelbrot and Ilya Prigogine and others, now seems to be loudly telling us about itself and about us whenever we are willing to see the music of its artistry and listen to its mute musings? And ours? For are we not, for as long as we still remain here, part of Nature, and perhaps even (at the risk of offending some of you) the, at risk of self-sacrificing ourselves, children and parents of children and children of parents of children... of God?


Going Away From Strife And Hopefully Towards Safety

Fragment 45 of Heraclitus' "On Nature": Opposition unites. From what
draws apart results the most beautiful harmony. All things take place
by strife.

This essay proposes that deeply contemplating the consequences of
longer and longer strings of O's and l's (where "O" simply means "going
away from", not zero; and "l" stands for "coming towards", not one)
leads to the rediscovery of a naturally occurring, infinitely recurring
master template of Nature. And that if one is willing to think
metaphorically, this master template can be seen as both God and
Nature's own naturally occurring to and fro' computer-like "machine
language" -- and as God and Nature's fuzzy and Boolean logic-like
fractally operating "natural" operating system...

"Machine language" in the sense that any computational machine at its
lowest level of processing requires instructions to it to be in the
form of a particular set of digits such as O's and l's.

"Fractal" in the sense that going away from Number 10, Downing Street
and coming towards 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue are both:

--simultaneously going away from the Prime Minister's residence, going
away from the city of London and going away from the coast of Britain,
as well as at the same time,

--simultaneously coming towards the United States, coming towards
Washington, D.C., and coming towards the White House.

And "natural" as compared to more familiar "artificial" operating
systems such as Windows, Unix, Linux, OS 360, etc., in the sense that
logarithms to the base "e" are more "natural" than logarithms to other


(A thought experiment follows which) assumes that you are by now open
to the tiny but possible possibility that a Godly Nature or a Natural
God might really be using hierarchies of program-like strings of O's
and 1's in all of its going from state x and coming to state y


I now rephrase the circumstances of our thought experiment thus. You
are once again in the process of going away from initial perilous
country x and coming towards a hopefully safer neighbor y. Only this
time you are open to an enlightening possibility. It is -- the
possibility -- that just as velocity is about change of position, and
that acceleration is about change of change of position:

so too there may be other kinds of changes, and other kinds of changes
of changes, and other kinds of changes of changes of changes and so on,
happening all of the time.

All of which tend to go un-detected until we find them by first looking
for them and then second looking at them and finally actually seeing
them and noticing their properties -- instead of turning our cognitive
eyes away from them.

Thus, the crux of Neo-GNOSIS, an always and in all ways
hidden-in-plain-sight logical pathway to rightly cross /pass over from
absolute ignorance about God and Nature's "natural" operating system to
a first glimmering of enlightenment about it.


Yesterday Heraclitus the Obscure said, "All is flux".

Today, these "resurrected" fundamental insights about God and Nature's
OS are now added: All of nature is ever fractally ebbing/going away
from, and flowing/coming towards, an infinite number of other comings
and goings... of change. And if you want to see it, there is based on
pure logic and everyday experiences a funda-mental ethos/meta-morality
inherent in Change.

And tomorrow?

Maybe this "trans-cultural", "pan-ecumenical", perhaps even one day
"scientific" observation:

To future Science, from 'Religions' Past:

All, ah, is 'Allah', Christ's 'First' and 'Last'.

From ancient Crete, when all was 'Pan',

To Humanism's 'God is Man' --

Ezra's 'El Yah' is Rome's Jove Pater,

and priests of Buddha's Almah Mater.

In 'Books of Changes', (Yh Chng and Tao)

Is Sanscrit's Yahve -- Your Sacred Cow.

Thy 'To' is coming and 'From' is going;

Thy never changing is E v e r - F l o w i n g . . .



The End of this Journey for Those Who Were Destined to Reach This Destination

By the grace of whatever you believe in, this essay has by now revealed
to you the possibility that:

all from x to y changes are "consciously" observing the same
meta-"must's" & meta-"must not's" and meta-should's & meta-"should
not's "; and in a metaphorical if not meta-physical way also,

"con-science-iously" following the exact same meta-ethics/"good"
standard of conduct attributed to the way God Works and/or the
standards and standard deviations that Nature objectively subjects Her
processes to;

and thus we "end up" with a most natural kind of always fair to its
principles of operations (however, not always kindly) kind of "natural"
operating system.

And therefore whether we seek to observe its GNOSIS answers,

and to hear them in all of their aweful might and legendary glory --

or we prefer to close our eyes, our minds and even our hearts to it

-- verily, God and Nature's "Natural" Operation System" IS.

Read the entire treatise:

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