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Highlights #16

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==Gene Poole==

"one plus one equals no one"

Have I won one? Or can one win one, if one is one?

Two ones are one one reflected in the cosmic nondual mirror of Self, he said
"I am I am, and I am I am", and no one asked him what he meant, in that



Subject: Re: [NondualitySalon] On the ground between Knowing and Being

From: Kate Bodi

Why do we draw lines between what is known
and what is not? What happens when the lines
get crossed? Can there be a turning back?


Understanding is the arithmetic mean between
knowledge and being.

All the knowledge in the world comes to naught if I
can't apply it through understanding.

All the being in the world comes to naught if I have
no knowledge to what it should be applied through

The first is a man who knows but can't do and the
second is a man who can do but doesn't know what to
do. A stupid saint in others words.

kate wonders:

A stupid saint?
I like that image :) --perhaps the fool?
Would the other then be a wise sinner?

Regardless of whether understanding is/isn't applied,
aren't they both the same? Just roles/masks?
One may perceive that one is acting from either
innocence or experience and yet, the songs remain
songs. Understanding helps to reconcile to the mind,
but what is there to do? Can we be certain that
"knowing" makes a difference? --esoterically


For me there is a world or two of difference between
knowing and understanding. In the understanding the
doing happens.

I have always been a head person. I think that depending
on where one's center of gravity is i.e. body, emotions, or
head sooner or later it needs to shift and then shift again
so that all three centers work properly.

I have found that head stuff just doesn't do anything for
me anymore. It just doesn't resonate. I start to read
stuff about self and no self and I actually feel a little
nauseated. I take this as a message. My head center
has wound down. It would seem that simultaneous with
that my body woke up and me heart is coming online.

The tradition that I worked with for years I think mainly
attracts head people. The aim is to feel. To be able to
really feel. I believe I have been so locked up that I
didn't understand that. The operative word here is
understand. I knew it and believed it to be true but I
did not really understand it. My being had to catch up
with my knowledge for understanding to be born.

Once tasted the taste is never forgotten. And it may
take time to be able to actually prepare the food in
the first place and then let it cook.

Marcia, thank you so much for sharing your insights
with me. I believe that I understand what you mean
about understanding and up to a point, I can agree.
My own knowledge is, in a sense, trying to catch up
with my being, but my feeling is that this doesn't
really matter all that much.

The truth is that my song is singing me. I never
actually do anything, so what matters understanding?
Sure, it's nice when it is there, but is still all
good even when it isn't.

I dually note that my intuition leads me deeper and
deeper into unknowing and undoing. Naturally, I
wonder why? <S>


From: (Jerry M. Katz)

Sometimes it seems that something has to be pointed out or carried out,
in which case it is deemed that something has been done. But who can say
what was done? Who can say what was done that wasn't done already?

Those who Know, may engage in action. It's purpose is to bring about a
condition in which one can know that wholeness already exists. Every
action is taken to show that everything is already done.

Nondual perspective sees the futility of action unless it is by the
hands of the Master. Only the Master can see that his action is done as
a way of stopping the fidgeting so that the ultimate nature of
everything can be seen and known. But the Master hasn't created
anything, hasn't manifested anything, so what has he done? And why is
what he appears to do, a big deal? And what can anyone do?



Subject: [NondualitySalon] One year ago...

Today, June 16, marks one year ago that my wife Dolores passed away. I
want to remember Dolores with this lyric by Karla Bonoff. It is sung by
Linda Ronstadt on her Cry Like A Rainstorm, Howl Like The Wind, album.
I don't know how 'nondual' it is, it's just a human song.

Thanks to those who saw me through that period and through the two
months of numbness, the two months of heartache, and the two months of
physical breakdown. Thanks especially to Dustin LindenSmith who was (and
is) there with me 'in person', as so many of you would have been.

So close yet so far,

Though we never know when life will take us,

I know it's just a ride on the wheel.

And we never know when death will shake us,

And we wonder how it will feel.

So goodbye my friend.

I know I'll never see you again.

But the time together through all the years will take away these tears.

Its okay now,

Goodbye, my friend.

I see a lot of things that make me crazy,

And I guess I held on to you.

You could have run away and left --

well maybe,

But it wasn't time, we both knew.

So goodbye my friend,

I know I'll never see you again.

But the love you gave me through all the years will take away these

I'm okay now,

Goodbye my friend.

Life's so fragile and love's so pure,

We can't hold on, but we try.

We watch how quickly it disapppears and we never know why.

But I'm okay now,

Goodbye my friend.

Need to go now,

Goodbye, my friend.


From: "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <>

Hi Jerry. Here it is again.................................................


Taking a deeper than my usual sigh
I thought
what poem shall I write tonight
when only your face seems in sight
and all the birds have taken flight.

When emptiness invades me so
and the void
fills me head to toe
then looking at the fresh grass
makes me uneasy;
it's not hard to see
that youth and tenderness will go
like flowers blooming yesterday
and hide beneath the Christmas snow.

I console myself now and then
still inconsolable I remain
because your face always
so brightly lit
will never be seen again
by the eyes that watch
the nightly stars
to catch a glimpse
of the light of love.

The leaves are dropping
early this season it seems
and days from now on
will be less shady
but the night will still
have its moon beams
and I think you would have
made a splendid old lady.

Yes, I said it
in a round about way
what I wanted
to tell you all along
that I was in love with
the creases around your lips
and to wrinkles under your eyes
I dedicate this song.

What I cannot bring
myself to say
that since the spring
of my youth
has passed away
it comes to mind that I should
do the very best that I can
to be a nice old gentleman
and only if you could have
remained my steady
hanging on my arms
you would have
made a splendid old lady.

(c) Harsha (Harsh K. Luthar), 1998


When they ask
Where is it to be found
point to the mask
When they ask
tell me how
Do not look for it
Just Look
And See It
Here and Now
If they ask again how
Tell them to
go milk a cow.



Tim wrote:

Prior to really discovering the nondual perspective, I was homeless for a
month or two. I became comfortable with walking down dark alleys in the
most dangerous parts of Seattle at 3AM. I became comfortable with
associating with mentally unbalanced people who would love to drag you off
and shoot you at the slightest provocation, or beat you to death. I was
threatened with death several times with deadly seriousness.

When I re-acquired a permanent place to live, I discovered something
amazing... all fear was gone. A little has returned now that I am
"sheltered" again, but just a very little. Mainly the fear is that of
losing my way, of becoming enmired in superstition.

"When superstition enters, the brain is gone." ... Vivekananda


Can we be certain that
"knowing" makes a difference? --esoterically


For what it's worth:

Whether a 'wave'... knows it's Ocean* or not...
in Shakti's entropy... it is still caught.




>From: Kate Bodi

>ps. What actually happens to endlessly questioning
>malcontents around here, anyway? just wondering...
> ____________________________________

The endlessly questioning malcontent...
to this Salon... is a gift... Heaven* sent.

We offer a live 'mike'... and a tall chair,
we'll turn on a 'spot'... to back light your hair.

You have our attention... 'speak' as you will.
(Jerry has agreed... to pay your bar bill. :-)

Please carry on Kate... we like what you say,
and would like to read you... many a day.

( /\ )



Having brightened my day,

and added warmth
to even the coldest of moments,

the sun lays to rest
over the horizon.

Then comes the gloaming....

a time of reflection -
that looking back,

and appreciating
each moment of the day.

How easy
to lose track of time here....

where seconds
can seem to last for hours,

and sometimes,
an eternity is lived in a minute.

Until it happens....
without even a moment's notice,

the Sky
cracks open completely,

those awesome colors of Her splendor.

Letting go
of the events of the day,

my heart opens again.

Embracing the beauty
of that Magnificenct moment,

when night touches day,

I can see the Silence of Night
coming closer and closer yet.

How easy it is,
to slip into that Stillness....

to where nighttime
and daytime

are One.

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