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Highlights #117

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Eric wrote:


> "....and nothing quite says it."

I think we are in teaching / sharing mode, and not just for
Us, Gene, Dan, glo, Melody, greg, Kristi, etc. More like Greg's
quip about taking this out to the mainstreams, countering
the prevalent propaganda of sleep-dwelling.

And if it isn't communicable here, It ain't gonna work there.

You and I may be fascinated with the past's ways, but it is clear
We both understand without it. I don't know about you, but I
would rather causally effect those around by being what I am,
not honing my skills from the past.

It is the Bodhisattva thing, My own desire is going to affect others,
untill enlightenment of all.

I say that we shine a purer hue of god, through our willingness to
shine thusly. This is spontaneous, and free, and never requires cross
referencing anything. This is a rare balancing point, and one all
are capable of. Why post? By reflecting these moments of grace
we feel, god speaks instantly thur this far more succinctly than even
- -Gene Poole- -.

Take Kristi, having been through a lot, doubting me, until I shared
the many similarities of experience I have been through, and that
trusting the big picture, was not mere words for me.

Gave the 4 kids a star wars movie, and am retiring with my beautiful

wife to make love, despite our exhaustion. :-)

Like Dan said,

I have no quotes,

I love you,



The Nonduality CLiFF Note, an study option to go along
with the salon. Get back with me.



Kristi and Gloria Lee wrote:

Thanks for perceiving this as a sincere question... since I had not
elaborated anymore than to just ask. <snip>

CLiFF HERE: Gloria, from Harsha's Satsangh, mused about an experience
in nature, a outward common experience. Kristi, heard and Intuited
a sign or omen in Glo's noticing, and was moved to offer clarification,
based on her own specific knowledge of Nature Spirits.

~by responding from her heart, K. offered G. transmittable knowledge
to assist anyone listening. This saved G. valuable time (Kali) and once
again demonstrated the unique advantage of today's internet.

Kristi, it is a privilege to be among the few and the first to read
your poems and stories here. You ARE a writer, no doubt.

With much love and heart of gratitude for you all,


~and this above almost goes without saying...:-)+)Love dancing with


all those thoughts...
all those words...
all those talks...
all those questions...
all those analyses...
all those explanations...

about every thing?
about no thing?

oh this me?

but I certainly enjoy the jokes
like the humour
enjoy how one is fooling around with only one-self
like the keenness of words
enjoy the depth of analyzing
like the variety of experience
I enjoy how one explain One-self
but what I like most now is to scream loud in silence:

Please stop!
Be still and know one IS

Afra, one just talking to one-self
Love for ever and ever...
:-) :)


Dear fellow nondual list members,

Since nonduality is the main subject of interest on this forum
(now don't start on me about nonduality not being a subject,
I'd like to recommend you the very nicely designed advaita page from the
site of Jan Koehoorn.
He's Dutch, and I don't think he knows about the existence of the
Salon (since I haven't informed him about it yet), but if we all hit his
page today, and leave a message in his guestbook, his web counter will
finally show some movement and he's not gonna understand 'what hit him'.
Only if you're interested of course.


> Dan: Anything you say is right. Anything I understand you to say is
> Anything you say is wrong. Anyway I interpret it is right.
> No one ever came or went. The ones who were fooled into thinking
> so, where are they now? What is the need for "Original Awareness" -
> has it ever begun, or been lost, or had a name?

No Dan, you didn't say that right.
But this is my interpretation, so it is probably wrong.
And since you are going to misunderstand me anyway,
I am probably right,
and it is your fault if you misinterpret me,
because anything I say is wrong.

Oh yes I've been a fool!
When I still knew what right looked like,
I went out in search of what is right,
When I still knew what wrong looked like,
I went out to battle against the wrong,
Only to find that I will always be that fool,
And will never again know the difference.

Leaving the wrongs and rights behind me,
Nowhere to go, Nothing to be done,
Everywhere to go, Everything to get done,
In the contentment of this moment.

~There is no greater high than being this Life~

With love,



Skye - The information you shared about
Afghanistan shows that on a large scale,
a culture can
exhibit symptoms of dualistic conflict
in the same way that this can occur within
a town, family or individual. In a sense, it's
the same conflict viewed at different
"levels" of manifestation. Male vs. female,
power vs. vulnerability, thought vs. feeling,
impulse vs. patience, force vs. acceptance,
judgement vs. compassion, rigidity vs. flexibility,
belief vs. experience, authority vs. caring,
knowledge vs. innocence, etc.
The flames are all around us and within us.
Clear vision is important.

My feeling is concern,
and awareness that my concern about such a situation
isn't condemnation of a whole culture. Expressing
moral outrage or using force to impose a "solution"
hasn't "cleared this up" and I don't see that happening.
Not expressing anything, and doing nothing also hasn't
"cleared this up." So what to do? How to respond without
feeling powerless and vicariously suffering?

In looking at Afghanistan, I don't see myself as
condemning a culture, but looking at the
actions of individuals against others using
belief and culture as a context. This has always
been the case, whether it is the Inquistion, the Holocaust,
the massacres of the Kyhmer Rouge, the Hutus and the
Tutsis, etc. Of course, our Western "cultural position" isn't
necessarily "superior" as we have all kinds of
conflicts "here." So without moral outrage, I would
like to express concern and sadness. Certainly,
when anyone is hurt by stereotyping, prejudice,
violent assault - it is I who am hurt.

And it is I that does the hurting.
Why do I do this?
Because I need to destroy as much as I need to create and preserve?
Because creativity needs an opposite?
No, because I have infinity to occupy with my creations. It will never
to full......
Why do I destroy what I have created?

Do I want to live forever?
What's known is known.
Let's move on.....
Explore the unknown......

~Let's shift Globally~

With love,
- and philosophical inspirations today -

I was going to reply, but then I realised all this
theory is just not touching me! I need to get real!
Thanks everyone for sharing with me. Have a wonderful New
Years Eve 2000.

Much Love, from the Skye of no Skye who is Skye too :-)

Get real while you still can my love.......
Enjoy and fill your hart with beautiful impressions.
Leave the footprints of your adventures in the sands,
Where others just like you,
May one day find reality again.

Beautiful impressions in the sand
(entertaining footprints in the email)
To be found again
By 'others just like you'
Who are one with me


here's a poem i found and liked, lightly and seriously
aleks :)

his work was play did he play
his play way play seriously ?

his play was work he played
his work was play seriously

his work and play
were prayer lightly and
his prayer was at once ?
work and play

did he play lightly
lightly ? and seriously
at once.
he played

--robert lax

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