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#1114 - Monday, June 24, 2002 - Home: <>

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from See What Is list


Is it possible to go back ten minutes and shake hands
with yourself? And if you were to do so, would the you
of the past not be so discombobulated as to forget to
throw the switch that transported the you of the
present into the past in the first place? How would
such a sequence affect the recollections of the you of
the present? Impossible conundrums abound.

Okay, let's say for the sake of argument that you are
contemplating such an experiment in spacetime travel.
The mechanism for accomplishing this has been developed
and is ready to go. It is now eight in the evening, and
you intend to transport a timepiece that is located on
your desk ten minutes into the past at precisely nine
o'clock. You realize that if the attempt is successful,
the clock from the future will appear at 8:50, and will
duplicate the clock of the present, except perhaps for
its time. As preparation, the time- traveling clock is
repositioned on the table at 8:55, to assure that the
clock from the future does not try to occupy the same
space as the clock of the present as of 8:50.

If all goes according to plan, a second clock should
appear on your desk at 8:50. But then what? At that
point you realize that the experiment was successful.
But now you have two clocks rather than one, and the
time to transport the first clock is just ten minutes
away. Furthermore, the clock from the future now
occupies the very space you had intended to relocate
the original clock to at 8:55.

No worries. At this point, we can explore two possible
scenarios. In the first, the clock from the future is
moved out of the way to make room for the clock from
the present when it again returns from the future. When
the clock strikes nine the transport is effected, and
three clocks appear on the desk of the original 8:50
you. Obviously this can go on ad infinitum, and a whole
passel of you-instances would likely be hopelessly
trapped in a very boring dream indeed.

Now for the second scenario. Having anticipated all
this, when the clock from the future appears on your
desk at 8:50, you realize that the experiment was
successful, and that it need not be repeated. You break
out a bottle of champagne to celebrate the success of
an experiment you never actually conducted, as well as
the acquisition of a second clock. Next time out, we'll
send back tomorrow's race results at Hialeah.

What has happened? You intend to send an object into
the past at a future point in time. You make the
necessary preparations, but even before sending the
object, the ultimate success of the experiment is
reflected in its appearance.

Quantum non-locality has recently been demonstrated.
This is a primitive form of instantaneous spacetime
travel. Theoretically, quantum transmission technology
can readily accommodate anything that can be digitized.
This encompasses virtually all of contemporary media.
I suspect that such technology would be just as
capable of transmitting living organisms as current

What think ye?

~ tomas

(c) 2002 thomas murpy




In connection with South Korea's winning recently a
football game, I've seen on TV, a program on the
enthusiasm expressed at a Buddhist monastary in South

The monks were elated.. in the meditation hall, a big TV
screen was hung up..between all the Buddha statues and
colorful religious milieu.. the game was on.. the monks
were jumping up and down very happy.. A monk, who was
interviwed said that he prayed very very much for their
team to win .. another monk said that he was very happy
that his country was winning,.. so his country will
become more known to the world. ... Their president, has
declared that this was the happiest day in the history
of South Korea, during the last 500 years. (the event
also helped to bury the recent jailing of his 2 sons for
business with drugs, and restore the leader's
respectability). ... In the streets, people were
celebrating... a young man.. apparently ecstatic.. and
with his face painted with his country's flag.. was
loudly yelling : " MY Country..!... Myyyyyyy country

And I was wondering, .. whatever happened to Buddha's
teaching of non- craving, detachement,
non-identification, and no desire for personal fame..
etc. ?!

Well,.. a sign the modern times, I guess.. and its split
personality .. or perhaps, it has always been like
this... also 2.500 years ago...




a swan without mate
never is a man alone
always with his fate
running man's most cherished stuff
it's called happiness of fluff
it does come and go
'nothing' really stays the same
what moves is the show


from Shaivayoga list

J. Krishnamurti
The Book Of Life
June 24

The Central Cause of Conflict

Do not think by merely wishing for peace you will have
peace, when in your daily life of relationship you are
aggressive, acquisitive (seeking acquisitions), seeking
psychological security here or in the here-after. You
have to understand the central cause of conflict and
sorrow and then dissolve it and not merely look to the
outside for peace. But you see, most of us are indolent.
We are too lazy to take hold of ourselves and understand
ourselves, and being lazy, which is really a form of
conceit, we think others will solve this problem for us
and give us peace, or that we should destroy the
apparently few people that are causeing wars. When the
individual is in conflict within himself he must
inevitably create conflict without, and only he can
bring about peace within himself and so in the world,
for he is the world.

Gloss: Rather than try to change the world, inner
removal of rose-colored glasses is the first order of
business. Jesus once said to a group of hypocrites that
they should not be worried about removing the speck from
the eye of their neighbor to correct their vision,
because they had not yet first removed the piece of 2x4
lumber from their own eye~M


from Guru Ratings list

who gets enlightened!

You do you dumb bunny!

You are the universal conciousness/god/the big
kahuna/etc. etc. etc.

Your mind is IT
Your body is IT
Your ego is IT
You eat IT
You drink IT
You excrete IT

Why you think you something else? You goofy
in head?

Every thing could be fine and fun but no..o..o..o you
gotta have some drama.
Need a big analysis of self motivation - write a lotta of words.
Jumping around like a monkey in a tutu - saying alla time lookie here!

Think I don't know what you up to?
Hah! See all way through IT!
Yessir, you silly!

Maybe you should go sit in corner.
Think about IT awhile.
Figure out why you do dumb - maybe.

Maybe get a good look at what you doing - laugh some.
Come out of corner and then play - ok?

hohoho and hahaha - michael

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