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Saturday, May 25, 2002

NDS Grid Highlight #1084

Edited by Christiana Duranczyk

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The Forms-generator

Hai Dee and Gene Poole
on NDS

HD: Life (as we know it) is an electrical Grid system
surrounding this planet, made magnetized by Mans'

GP: The grid system... consists of statistically stable

HD: Man is plugged into Life at the base of the spine.

GP: And at the base of the skull...

HD: Mind, is an electromagnetic goo-field that conducts
the primal grid energy.

GP: The mind which is created by the grid, informs the
grid which creates the mind...

HD: He just doesn't SEE the grid,

GP: No, he sees the GUI (graphical user interface) which represents likely and
unlikely probabilities (choices).

HD: nor the wiring, nor what flows through it, because his thought
overlays it so effectively, filling all possible gaps; it covers/colors
(texture mapping) this wireframe existence along 3dimensional
planes (rational "reality").

GP: Being commands probability in the local universe; what is
considered possible, becomes possible.

Mind... itself the product of infolding, collapsing quantum waves,
exerts control over the local universe, by causing (choice)
selective collapse of quantum wave forms.

The 'non-living' universe exists exactly in proportion to sentience;
space, matter, and time (non-living) infolded, blossom as
nonspatial, timeless sentience; this sentience commands matter
and a human body is formed. This does not imply that a body is
necessary for the existence of sentience, but that sentience
makes bodies...

Sentience invisible stabilizes probabilities;

the 'non-living' universe is the feedback display of the success or
failure of sentience;

ability to read the display optimizes stability;

the human body is the 'most local' aspect of display; correct
response to changes in display play out as increased stability in
the entire universe...

HD: Red, blue, and green energycircuits connecting at 6 specific
places in the established grid. The rod-and-cone-structing

"What you see is what you get!"

GP: What you do not see, is what 'gets' you...

The universe 'peoples' like clouds 'rain'...



Greg Goode

If a teacher or anyone else bases their belief about enlightenment
upon a perceptual or psychological experience that happened to
them, then however intense it was, it can't be "it." Because they
are still being deluded by that same fictitious "self." They are
granting reality to the same separate "self" who, earlier, was the
one believed to be seeking, enjoying and suffering. And yet it is
this supposed core of separate self-hood (in "themselves" and all
"others") which enlightenment illuminates never to have existed in
the first place! The peace and freedom in this is unimaginable,
beyond all description! As peace, it is peace behind and within all
events, so close as to be identical to all that is. As freedom, it is
not that a personal entity is free of *stuff*. Rather, it is freedom
from the entity. All is open and Love....


Ganga and Jerry Katz;

JK: ** Is True Enlightenment an experience like other

G: would have to say it is a definite happening.... it cannot be
mistaken.... it is more real than what you see before you.... and yet
it is Not of this realm not a relative experience... it is Not simply
another way of seeing or a new perception or a new concept that
you gain insight to..... it is a life altering shift where you are pulled
into a Knowing of That a being of That which is Eternally the seed
of Existence.

JK: *** Is there a substance to it?

G: well now this is difficult to answer.... as i term it the Pregnant
Void.... it is Absolute and Real.... yet you cannot term it
"substance" as such.... it is nothing that may be held or handled....
although it is termed light it is beyond any seen light... light is a
first emanation.. but within Source or the Constant or Pregnant
Void or Linga or God it is beyond any mind identifications that
may be made..... we can say Eternal but it is without time.... we
can say Now but there is no past - nor future - so also there is no
now..... but trust me one that rests within That KNOWS that it is
Real.... there is no doubt.... and there is nothing else that is
comparable to it..... you can say all knowing but there is nothing to
be known.... it is like total intellect or mind but without any
knowledge... yet it is total and complete..... simply it IS......

JK:** A vibration to it?

G: no. vibration happens within the projection... within Source it is
Still...... no personality... no form.... no knowledge... Pure.......
Whole......... total Life Propensity..... Absolute Potential... while it
permeates all of existence it is never touched it never deviates
from its original Being... and i speak not of Being as an identity....
it cannot be put into words that can truly give the dual mind a real
feeling or taste of what it is..... just like you can say sugar but there
is no sweet taste in the mouth.....

JK:** What is it the Enlightened One resonates with that lets him
or her know another is Truly Enlightened?

G: . well now this i can answer..... Source or Self or the Constant
is ever the same.... it has Never changed.... therefore each that
are drawn within that Reality have only a singular experience.....
although the attempt to describe it is filtered through mind each
will be describing the Same Source.... and it is easy to tell those
that speak from mystery and awe and Knowing... versus those
that have read others explanations..... you may be able to fool
other scholars.... but the Ones that have directly been pulled within
it..... Never really leave... it becomes like superimposed on the
relative world... it is nothing that you become separate from... it is
who or rather what you are at core level.... the rest is simply
projections and reflections.... those that have had and live within
that reality know that the personal life comes and goes different
lives different shows.... but the Heart of Being remains ever Pure
and Untouched.... a Calm is entered... it never leaves.... life and
death are simply parts of an ongoing show.... they hold no trauma
or importance other than a new unfolding or chapter is going to
make an appearance.....

*JK: * What conveys the 'taste'?

G: the projection.... the perception.... the inherent stillness... no
matter what the outer play there is an inherent stillness..


We renew our physical body just as we regrow hair and nails. We
are on the move. Five years ago we didn't exist, all our atoms
having been replaced in the interval. Here today, completely gone
in five years, renewed down to the last single atom, we endure
only in the shape, form and pattern that are assured by our
genetic blueprint.

Our replacement parts come in constant flow from the earth itself.

The carbon atoms in my body were once of the earth and shall be
again, only to be exchanged for more of the same.

Biodance- the endless exchange of the elements of living
things with the earth itself - proceeds silently, giving us no hint that
it is happening. It is a dervish dance, animated and purposeful
and disciplined; and it is a dance in which every living organism

These observations simply defy any definition of a static and fixed
body. Even our genes, our claim to biologic individuality,
constantly dissolve and are renewed. Our dissolution is a silent
flow occurring outside our awareness. we are in a persistent
equilibrium with the earth.

A strictly bounded body does not exist. Our roots go deep; we are
anchored in the stars.

The biodance, the constant renewal of our body from the world
outside, stands in playful contrast to our ordinary idea of death.
We do not wait on death, for we are constantly returning to the
earth while alive. Every living moment a portion of the billions of
atoms in our body returns to the world outside. This constant
streaming is so pronounced, so necessary for life, that the very
notion of 'boundary' begins to appear as an arbitrary idea rather
than a physical reality.

Bhagavad Gita, Ch.13, Verse 29:

"He sees, who sees that all actions are performed by Nature
alone and that the Self is actionless."


Mieke Berger

Although the present Western conception regards life and
humans as perfectible, the Advaita sees the Source as the cause
of everything that happens. That means that the cause of illness
and healing does not lie in the physical realm, but in Source, the
unmanifested energy. The body has the power to regenerate
itself: it is inexpressibly miraculous that you can cut into it with a
knife or a scalpel, and the flesh will grow together again! .
According to the Advaita Vedanta, healing does not exist as an
activity in itself: after all, as everything in the manifested world
emanates from Source – from the Unmanifested – so, too, does

As with Advaita Vedanta, the core principle of Jin Shin Jyutsu is
that the cause or basis of all life depends on an all-inclusive
energy. This universal energy circulates endlessly in the universe
and in each organism.Jin, meaning the 'human' being; Shin,
meaning 'divine nature , or God'; and Jyutsu, 'art'.

This universal life energy manifests itself in different degrees of

density. Our health depends on its unobstructed flow and diffusion
within the body.

The vital energy flows through the body along certain pathways,
which bring about Bodily cohesion. An unobstructed flow of
energy nourishes and harmonizes, obstruction leads to physical,
mental and emotional disharmony; this, it should be noted, is
mostly the consequence of an emotion. But, how ever great the
disturbance, in each being there is always a subjacent harmony.

Breathing is 'the basic form in which life's energy expresses
itself,' says Mieke. "‘Exhalation is nourishment on the nonphysical
level. It is the energetic charge – the non-observable part of the
energy – that we take to ourselves when we breathe out.
Exhalation ensures the transformation of energy that takes place
in the physical body during inhalation. During exhalation, the body
is inactive – in other words, it is doing nothing, and you are in
your" state of being" . This "energy" of being has not a certain
frequency, it is always there, without "form", preparing – so to
speak – your body for the inhalation. And as soon as the
inhalation begins, the adapter is on, and a change follows on the
physical plane. The supply is the unmanifested energy that you
really are; during the inhalation, a switch is thrown, and, suddenly,
there is physical energy.Then you are in the "I AM"manifestation,
and the body- /mind can do its work.

Exhalation is the receiving phase, something impersonal, while
inhalation is the having-phase, and is very personal."

teawhiskers Live Journal
This Present
I look today to this present, and feel at peace.
It is a peace that goes beyond all understanding.
A quiet contentment with what is before me.
It is silence.
It is a knowing.
It is a resting.
Strangely, it is enough.
Once, I would have been ill-at-ease with just this nothingness.
Now, my cup runneth-over with this splendid fluid of life.
So delicious, so quinching.
My thrist is gone, and my swallow is quiet.
Each breath is easy, and flows in and out without distress.
The breath.
Where would I be without the breath?
Dead within, without.
Not merely physical, but in all aspects.
Focus, stability, promise and such.
I pick up my pleasant task and work effortlessly.
Without watching the clock.
I tire not.

Eric Ashford on Ram Dass

Again Ram Dass seems to mirror my experience of acute and
chronic physical suffering.More evidence of a divine synchronicity
as a learning matrix? I think what Dass is saying, as honestly as

he can, is that while one is in that suffering phase, saying -I Am
not the body, is just part of the way we may deal with it. The other
part, may be to enter into the pain space also. This is what I had
to do in order to support my affirmations of- I Am not the body. In
other words I had to be the body/mind space and feel its reality in
me in total awareness. Not running away from it in an attempt at
transcendence, while at the same time, affirming its lack of reality
to this conscious I. A merry dance between two states of
consciousness. Like Dass I also, in the past, have ignored the
bodies call to assist in my total awareness of this I.

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