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Editors: Jerry Katz, Gloria Lee, Christiana Duranczyk, Michael Read, John Metzger

Highlights Issue # 1032

Friday, April 5, 2002

Today's Highlights Compiled, Edited, and Designed
by Gloria Lee

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"Interview with God"

(Be patient with loading time, worth it for the
beautiful scenery...)


It is good for me to see your cool headedness Nina. It
calms me. Visual art is right brain and does not have
any defense against scams that validate themselves with
verbal footwork.

This is probably similar to another thread on this board
about defending spiritualism from overmystification.

I grew up in a small town that was so survival based
that I never saw an original piece of artwork save a bas
relief sculpture of the man and woman who founded the
county I live in until I was 18. When I was 18 I went to
the State Fair of Texas and the Dallas Museum was there.
That is where I finally saw paintings. But I had already
decided to be an artist.

I thought I would go to college the next year and be
taught from a 600 year body of knowledge. Instead I
found some people had decided the modern era had come
and that the previous 600 year foundation was bogus and
did not pertain. In Texas these people were intent upon
making the currriculum come out of the dark ages of art
into the modern era and would allow no 'archaic' forms
of art practiced in their classes. I made the lowest
grades possible in drawing classes because I was
backwards enough to draw the figure before me instead of
trying something "new" and undefined. Well the undefined
still resists definition for me.

I can't think enlightenment and I can't communicate,
which is what art is, without definition.

So Yeah I am too close to the issue and I appreciate
gaining a little distance and keeping equalibrium.

College was where I first read Alan Watts and gained
perspective about the world I came from and the
potential for new insights. I don't find the
mystification of spiritualism as personally irritating
as art Nazis, but I understand how some might.

Art can't defend itself and is innocent. It is pure. To
me the ideal of how the Yogi acts is the ideal Artist
also. In the Western world the word artist is to me the
closest parallel to the word yogi in the East.

Bobby G.

MAZIE LANE from Yearnings list

That Frangelico Cat

Someone said that Frangelico wept
when he painted the Christ,
or the Madonna,
or anything alive.

They say he cried God's own tears
to see the Beauty,
the utter Beauty that flowed
from God's Love to his heart,
through his hands,
to God's Heart
in every tear he dropped,
he dropped upon that canvas.

He wept enough Love into that picture
to save the future futures from ever needing to come about.
Something about a pardon or a saving, or some GRACE...

Frangelico is Love living Now.
Frangelico is you and me,
and he is Caiti, and he is Michael.
And he surely is Sandeep, Robert and Richie.

Each time I ever write a single word,
a single word written while intoxicated,
drunk like a hobo on Thunderbird, or Ripple,
each word from that place,
it has every possibility of becoming,
of merging as a tear with Frangelico's,
with Frangelico's Sea of Love.

We are the fish leaping in the Sea of Love,
the Sea of Love are we, the Seeing are we.
See, we are LOVE, Love leaping like a glad sunfish,
like a glad-mad happy crazy sunfish in a Sea of Bliss.
Come Bliss me and I'll really Ultra-Bliss You! I'll Swim You!

I paint the word for Frangelico.
Frangelico has painted his tears in me.
Tears of JOY!

I cannot get a grip on all this Love,
It has a death-life Love grip on ME!
Great, good grief, God's got a Frangelico
free-basing my Soul.

She really IS a wild flower.
You really are the wildest and wilder flower.

Laughter placed anywhere seems appropriate, to me.
Gales and vales and mountains of Laughter,
Laughter descending in your ascending,
Laughter laughing, Laugh!

God great pumpkin, Charlie Brown!
I dig Laughter, and God,
and Frangelico,
and YOU!
YES to Love!



Celestial, subtle planes, visions of angels Recently
questions have come up about celestial and subtle planes
and the truth of their experiences. Although mention of
such things is made in every religious and spiritual
tradition, many people doubt such accounts because these
are not common everyday experiences in the usual

These experiences of subtle heavenly and celestial
planes are associated with Kundalini Shakti rising and
activating of certain charkas. Many people have such
experiences, although typically they come to a mature
aspirant after many years of earnest spiritual practice.
Such spiritual practices include devotional prayers,
meditation, mantra, pranayama, etc. Many people are
compelled to engage in spiritual practices by their
nature at a young age. Such experiences come to them
more easily. Beyond a certain point, however, these
things cannot be forced.Meditative techniques become
useful only when the engine of motivation (eagerness for
understanding the mystery of life) drives the practice.

The purity of the state of the conscious mind at the
time of meditation determines the superconscious realms
that one will experience. The more pure, quiet, and
serene the mind is, the higher the superconscious
experience. Serenity of the mind is obtained through
understanding and practicing Ahimsa (non-violence) which
is the cardinal principle in all yogic traditions. When
the mind of a yogi is agitated, the possibility of
experiencing lower realms is there as well.

Advaita Vedanta does not attach significance to
experience of celestial planes, visionary experiences of
angels, gods, and the Goddess. However, Jnanis commonly
have such experiences and acknowledge them freely.Since
Jnanis have no one to impress, they enjoy being devotees
as well.

Many people ask that if someone is on the Advaitic path
or Self-Realized then why should such a person sing
praises of the Goddess.Such questioners do not
understand the depth of the Advaitic state. When we even
have a neighbor come over, we show respect and offer
them tea. We do not say, “you are unreal, get out of my
house”, etc. Similarly, when divine beings, saints, or
the Goddess appears in the superconscious mind of the
Sage, they are shown due respect and devotion and love.
It is only the Self loving It Self in different forms. A
Jnani sees no point in resisting devotion and love.

Love to all



Have you ever danced in your party dress
to the rhythm of the copy machine
making copy after perfect copy?

Have you ever caught your reflection in the glass
And asked,
"Who is *she*?"

Have you ever walked through the empty streets, barefoot and angry,
while the warm night rain washed you clean?

And I wonder, what would happen if I took all those moments just
before the thought pointed you out, and strung them together in one
long string... Could I make you an everlasting candy necklace, and
would you eat bead after precious bead until You became Me?

In the place where the end meets the beginning, you and I never ate,
thought, felt, walked, asked or danced.


Keeping time This 4-day-old child is 0.00000000000084
(about a trillionth) the age of the universe.

SILENT HEART from Live Journal

2002.02.15 09.45
Words are for the Many...

The language of One... Silence...
One telling One it's One...
is... kinda...silly.
Buddha...did not come back..
for just...his car keys,
---Compassion has a special
relationship to
---The Relative....
Or..what's an Avatar for..anyway--?!

2002.02.17 11.08

...There were several more interesting movies playing ,

...All cast with intricate, exquisite characters---,

...Characters... involved in intriguingly seductive plots---

But she needed to go--"Home"...

To quietly open the window...

To let in the...

Silent Light.


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